Fortune Teller

Chapter 1503 Selling the Treasure

At the same time, the true form of Killing came to Qizhen Palace in Qingxiao Realm.

"Chief of Wind and Thunder?"

Seeing the bloody Taoist's armor and clothing, the deacon in the hall hurriedly stepped forward to greet him, "I wonder what important business you have here?"

"I have two treasures, please give me a reward," the real body of Killing said loudly, "By the way, is there a place in the Black Grotto, Zhenfa Tower, and Thousand Valleys?"

"There are still a few vacant seats that have not been occupied by the Supreme Lord of the Universe," the deacon in the palace responded quickly, "Your Excellency, you may wish to follow me to the back hall. The replacement of treasures must be reviewed by the Palace Artifact Spirit. The villain cannot make the decision."


The two of them walked all the way to the back hall. The empty jade palace was extremely wide, and invisible power filled the void, forming illusory eyes.

"Supreme Wusheng, what do you want to sell?" asked the illusory eyes.

"Senior, please estimate the price of these two treasures."

Gu Xiuyun turned his palm over, and a dark divine sword and a slightly dilapidated armor appeared in front of him.


There was a flash of disappointment in the deacon's eyes. Treasures in the world, including rare treasures, spiritual materials, magical medicines, and Taoist talismans were all precious, but spiritual treasures were a bit useless.

Forget about disposable spiritual treasures. Although they can only be used once, they are extremely powerful and can even save your life if used properly.

It is a normal Lingbao, but it is difficult to sell it at a high price.

Every spiritual treasure is imprinted with its own rules by the refiner. Especially after the realm of the realm, the rules of living beings have long been integrated into the depths of the treasure. Everyone's perception is different, even for practitioners of the same system. It is difficult to exert its power, let alone other systems.

And the more powerful the treasure, the harder it is to dismantle it.

After including these costs, the actual price is not even as good as the corresponding spiritual materials, so few practitioners buy finished spiritual treasures, and the price is even lower.

"I thought this Wind and Thunder Lord had some extraordinary treasures, but it turned out to be two spiritual treasures," the palace deacon secretly curled his lips, "Most of the Supreme Lords of the Universe have their own spiritual treasures, so who can use other people's weapons?"

Just as this person was slandering, Xuan Huan's eyes showed a solemn look, and he stared at the dark sword and the armor several times, "I can give you a price of 18 million for these two treasures."

"Eighteen million?"

The palace deacon couldn't help but exclaimed, "Didn't your Excellency say that? Eighteen hundred marbles, or eighteen million marbles?"

"Wantless, have I ever made any mistakes?" Xuan Huan's eyes were slightly cold.


The palace deacon couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

Eighteen million is simply an astronomical figure. Even Elder Yanfa does not have that much wealth. No, Elder Yanfa may have it, but it has long been replaced by spiritual materials and opportunities to enhance the realm of Taoism, or to refine belongings. His own spiritual treasure.

Two weapons can actually be sold for a high price of 18 million. What kind of valuable treasure are they?

"Eighteen million..."

Gu Xiuyun frowned, "The price is a little low, how about 25 million?"

The Palace Deacon was shocked because he didn't know the origins of the Black Divine Sword and the Armor, but he knew that these two treasures were the personal treasures of Emperor Jiuyou.

What kind of person is Emperor Qiankun?

It is an existence that spans the world and is almost invincible under the immeasurable sage. If the sage does not come out, the emperor will be the pinnacle of the world.

Emperor Jiuyou is one of the leaders of the Ghost Realm. He has a high status and has endless wealth. The weapons that these beings have devoted all their efforts to refine can easily be sold for thirty or forty million.

The virtual and actual rules in Weapons alone are worth the price.

"Twenty-one million at most," Xuanhuan Eyes pondered for a moment, then said in a serious voice, "Although this treasure is precious and is the top weapon of the virtual system, Emperor Qiankun will not be able to use it after all. Elder Yanfa has a limited net worth and only has a few years. It may not be sold, the price is the limit. ”


Gu Xiuyun nodded slightly.

Twenty-one million is a large number for the early stage of Qiankun Realm.

Now that he has become a supreme being, he needs to evolve the material rules, refine his own natal spiritual treasure, and also need to improve his understanding through practicing in the secret realm. He is in urgent need of money in every aspect.

From the early stage of Qiankun Realm to the peak of Yanzhen Realm, it is the process of evolving material rules and condensing the divine body of rules.

Ordinary supreme beings can only fight on their own, going to the outer battlefields, Qingqiongtian and other places to fight and fight, refining the fragments of the ancient world, and comprehending the power of the lowest heavenly heart.

This process is very slow.

It has been seven or eight Taoist years since Timin Supreme broke through the realm and entered the universe before he reached the early stage of the True Realm. One can imagine how difficult it is to evolve material rules and condense the rules of the divine body.

And some special treasures and rare treasures can speed up the evolution of material rules.

In addition, after killing the real body and becoming the supreme being of the universe, the path is almost cut off. Only with the help of the treasure of cultivation can there be a glimmer of hope.

"The credit has been allocated to the identity jade token," Xuan Huan shook his eyes twice and said solemnly, "Yunshi can buy spiritual treasures and rare treasures, and can also go to secret cultivation realms. Except for a few realms, there is no limit to the number of times in other places. , as long as you have enough money, you can stay in it.”

"Thank you, senior."

Gu Xiuyun turned and left.

Xuan Huan's eyes did not disappear, but looked at the palace deacon, "You should know the rules of Qizhen Palace. If this matter is publicized-"

"Disciple will never say more than a word." The palace deacon bowed and knelt down.

Twenty-one million marbles is really huge!

Such a terrifying number is enough to make Elder Yanfa have the intention to kill and threaten him. Therefore, Qizhen Palace has an iron rule that no practitioner's wealth is allowed to be revealed to avoid disaster.

A few days later.

The true form of Slaughter walks in various branches of the Qingxiao Realm, and the huge wealth disappears like flowing water.

The Hall of Treasures...Buy spiritual materials and rare treasures.

The Palace of Utensils...refines the embryo of the natal spiritual treasure.

Hall of Merit... exchange for qualifications to practice the secret realm.

After doing all this, the wealth in the hands of the killing avatar was reduced by 70%, to 21 million cloud stones. Just refining spiritual treasures, purchasing spiritual materials, and redeeming secret realm qualifications, 15 million were used .

As you can imagine, the path to spiritual practice is also a money-burning path.

"Fortunately, when I left the Holy World of Reincarnation, I snatched two treasures from Emperor Jiuyou. Otherwise, like Qian Ming and Du He, I would have to go to the battlefield outside the territory to fight, or find a fragment of the ancient world to practice slowly."

Gu Xiuyun shook his head secretly, "Killing the real body is already the Supreme of Qiankun. The most important thing now is to promote the evolution of the Qiankun world and condense the power of rules. By then, even if you face the elders of acting, you can still compete."


The bloody figure walked towards the depths of Qingxiao Palace.

His world of heaven and earth is located deep in the palace, protected by the formation of the Infinite Holy Saint, blocking all heavenly secrets and causes.

After a while.

The killing avatar came to the edge of the formation, and in front of him was a majestic and majestic world. The void barrier was tough and solid, and a steady stream of spiritual power poured into it, making the world wider and tougher.

Plants and trees have been born in the depths of the world, and there are even traces of living things.

"After the Qiankun realm, the first step is to act true."

Looking at the magnificent world in front of him, Gu Xiuyun's eyes flashed, "About the realm of acting, Qingxiao Palace has many classics, describing thousands of divine powers and divine bodies, each of which is closely related to one's own practice."

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