Fortune Teller

Chapter 1508 Taoist Ningcheng

The Ancient Holy Way, as a special practice system, is definitely not as simple as magical powers.

Every line contains the power of the underworld, with the power to suppress heaven's secrets, cause and effect, and resist the backlash of fate. After fusing the ten true forms, it will undergo a complete transformation.

The ancient sage's supernatural powers combined with his martial arts true body are enough to suppress the backlash caused by three times the ultimate skill, and can even withstand the impact of four times the ultimate skill.

"That being the case, a poor Taoist can't be said to bully a small one with a big one."

A flash of light flashed in Taoist Ningcheng's eyes, his divine power surged like a frenzy, and the rules of life and death permeated his whole body. "Except for a few acting elders, I have never seen anyone practice the ancient sage's magical power. I just happened to see it today. Look. Let’s see if it’s as powerful as the legend says.”


The entire arena space was exploded by the extremely rapidly expanding body. The billions of miles of body stood between heaven and earth, with the energy of life and death flowing around, like an ancient god and demon.

"The system of life and death, the Supreme of the Universe." Gu Xiuyun took a deep breath, his eyes more solemn than ever before.

In the superior Taoism, the life and death system is the only material route, and it is also the most powerful system that is best at frontal killing.

No matter how powerful the killing path is, it eventually spans the three routes of matter, soul, and mind and will.

As for the life and death system, it is completely based on matter, and nothing can be seen with a single rule. The combination of two rules or even three or four rules becomes extremely terrifying.

"Junior, take my move!"

The roar of thunder came from the giant's mouth.


The sky turned completely dark.

The entire Hundred Battle Platform was shrouded in dark clouds, and the huge fist suddenly fell down and hit Gu Xiuyun.

At this moment, all the cultivators watching the battle felt an indescribable sense of suffocation. Even the projection of the divine mirror was enough to make the world's people tremble with fear.

"Even the peak Heavenly Lord may not be able to stop the power of Supreme Ning Cheng's punch."

"Nonsense, Master Ning Cheng was already a Peak Heavenly King before he broke through. Now he has become the Supreme Lord of the Universe. His strength has skyrocketed. His fists... let alone the Peak Heavenly Lord, even Master Yuwen Zhen has to retreat in panic."

Of the five major systems, fate and cause and effect are recognized as the least good at fighting.

The virtual system is good at escaping and saving lives.

Only the killing system and the life and death system are based on killing and are extremely powerful. Among them, the killing system spans matter, soul, mind and will, and has almost no weaknesses.

The system of life and death is a purely material route. It is said that in the later stages of cultivation, the soul, mind and will will dissolve and merge into the depths of flesh and blood. The body will be immortal and the will will last forever.


At the same time as the giant fist coming to the sky.

Gu Xiuyun's whole body has been shrouded in the true form of the rhinoceros. All ten true forms exploded and merged into the rhinoceros picture. In an instant, the world trembled, as if a world-suppressing god and demon came out of the ancient wilderness era.

When fighting Yu Wenzhen, Gu Xiuyun did not use the ancient saint's magical power, but only activated the physical power of the rhino's true form.

But now, facing Supreme Ning Cheng, he no longer had any reservations.

hold head high!

The one-horned rhinoceros let out a shocking roar, and the true body of martial arts and the twisting rules of fate were unleashed. Not only that, two secret patterns quietly condensed, one from the true energy of martial arts, and the other from the rules of fate.

Before the huge fist came, the secret pattern had already crossed the void, arrived first, and penetrated into the body of Supreme Ning Cheng.

The suppression of Destiny's secret skill caused some of the power of the Sky Giant to dissipate, and his aura became somewhat confused. At the same time, the million-mile rhinoceros hit him with a single horn on his head.


The moment the two heaven-defying powers collided, the world fell into deathly silence.

Immediately afterwards, the void collapsed, and the entire Hundred Battle Platform became fragmented. If it were not shrouded by the formation restrictions, the aftermath alone could destroy trillions of miles of land.

"This is the power that surpasses the peak heavenly king!"

In the mind space, the cultivators watching the battle couldn't help but marvel, "Although Uncle Yu Wenzhen's methods are weird, they are silent and there are no traces at all. How can they be as violent and shocking as the life and death system?"

"Life, death and killing have always been the most powerful Taoist methods. They are unmatched at the same level. I finally saw it today!"

"But even so, Supreme Ning Cheng still failed to break through the rhino's defense. The ancient saint's magical power is really as powerful as the legend."

Everyone was talking with their faces becoming more and more shocked.

A cultivator in the transcendent realm actually competes head-on with the core disciples of the Qiankun realm, and he is still the best at the life and death system of material fighting.

If you don't see it with your own eyes, who would dare to believe it?

"The magical power of the ancient saint." Zhuhai Supreme took a breath, with envy flashing in his eyes.

Practitioners of inferior Taoism will never be able to cultivate the magical powers of ancient saints throughout their lives.

This avenue has too high demands on the mind and will.

Even Gu Xiuyun had to rely on the twisting rules of fate to disperse his pain in order to complete the tenth fusion. One can imagine how demanding the mind and will were.

Inside the Hundred Battle Platform.

The giant giant waved his fist again, and the punch was like the power of heaven, directly crushing the space in front of him, leaving a clear black hole of vacuum.

Nothing can tear heaven and earth apart like this.

At this level, what other moves are needed? Every move and every move has the power to destroy the world. Those who are not at the same level will be wiped out with just one palm fall.

"Junior, take another punch from me." The rumble of thunder echoed through the void.

"I can punch you ten times."

The rhinoceros figure crashed towards the Sky Giant. At the same time, two secret patterns crossed the void, shaking away most of the mind and will of Supreme Ning Cheng.

Practitioners of the life and death system rely far less on the mind and will than other systems, but it is indispensable after all. If the will collapses, the strength will be weakened a lot.


The two heaven-defying powers collided, and the Baizhantai space collapsed again, and even the surrounding formation restrictions had cracks.

Supreme Ning Cheng and Gu Xiuyun ignored it and continued to fight forward.

With every collision, the heaven and earth are trembling, and the majestic power is endless, seeming to destroy everything in the world.

"Ning Cheng Zhizun's offensive was too fierce," Luo Shen shook his head. "The combination of the two major rules of life and death has endless power, forcing Gu Ximing to devote all his energy to fight against it. Even the secret skill of destiny is difficult to use. Under this situation, they I’m afraid the two will fight for a long time.”

"Yu Wenzhen lost so miserably, how could Ning Cheng make the same mistake again?" Zhu Hai said, "It took three to five months to fight before we could justifiably retreat."

"Don't they want to fight for hundreds of years?" Hua Jing asked curiously.

"A hundred years?" Luo Shen shook his head and chuckled, "Do you know how much oppression the mind and will have on maintaining the peak state?? Not to mention cherishing life, while using the secret skill of destiny, while using the ancient sage's magical power, and borrowing the power of twisting destiny, The mind and will are always tense.”

"Ning Cheng is even worse. He has to suppress his opponents and push the rules of life and death to the extreme at all times, and he also has to withstand the never-ending impact of the secret knowledge of destiny. If you try it, half a stick of incense will not be able to bear it."

Hua Jing blinked.

She has never experienced the experience of being bombarded again and again by the secret technique of destiny. With her level of cultivation, she is not qualified to compete with the practitioners of destiny. With one move of the secret technique, her mind has been annihilated.

A clean death.

"Even though they are fighting happily, only I know how it feels," Luo Shen said, "Especially Ning Cheng, who is constantly being impacted by the unique skills of fate, it is like being cut to pieces by a thousand swords, which is more painful than staying in ghost purgatory. "

"No wonder the two of them didn't even say anything!" Taoist Qian Ming said with a look of surprise on his face.

Who has not tasted the taste of ghost purgatory? It's extremely difficult to even move in there, let alone maintain peak combat power and fight like crazy.

"With Ning Cheng's strength, any core disciple of the destiny and cause and effect system can easily suppress it. Unfortunately, when encountering the ancient sage's magical power, he still focuses on defense to save his life. If he cannot break the true form of the rhinoceros, he can only be defeated. Destiny destroys you again and again."

Zhuhai said, a smile suddenly appeared in the corner of his eyes, "If it weren't for the sake of face, he would have given up at most ten moves."

Everyone looked at each other.

There were roars in the Hundred Battle Platform, the void collapsed again and again, and the scene of destruction of heaven and earth was everywhere. The surrounding practitioners were filled with excitement and exclaimed that it was wonderful.

But never thought that this would be like this in the eyes of Luo Shen and Zhu Hai?

Amidst the roar, time passed slowly.

The two sides fought for three months, and the Qingtian Giant finally stopped his offensive and said loudly, "For being able to survive in my hands for so long, you are qualified to become a core disciple. You have passed this level!"

Whoosh! !

The giant giant flew out of the Hundred Battle Platform.

"Thank you, Master Ning." Gu Xiuyun bowed and saluted.

In the mind space, the practitioners watching the battle looked at each other with some confusion.

"Is this the end? Only three months?"

"Sir Ning Cheng, with his status, he can't really fight with a junior for a hundred years. It won't sound good if the news spreads. Three months is enough."

"It's been three months of suffering. It's really not easy." An acting master commented lightly.


The practitioners who heard this were a little confused. Are they talking about Ning Cheng? Or do you care about your life?

Deep inside the Xi Palace.

Ning Cheng flew down and before he could return to the cave, a white-robed scholar stood in front of him.

"You are so shameless. You have obviously been suffering for three months, but you are still openly pretending to be a winner." Yu Wenzhen's eyes were full of anger.

"Is not it?"

Ning Cheng looked proud, "In the eyes of the world, I have always been in charge of the offensive and have the upper hand. He can last for three months, so what if I spare his life?"


Yuwen's face turned red with anger.

At their level, apart from great opportunities and top treasures, the most important thing they care about is face. They are both the envoys of the universe, but one loses miserably, and the other actually pretends to be a winner.

Comparing the two, if word spreads in the future, won’t Yu Wenzhen become a joke?

"Brother Yu, don't worry," Ning Cheng smiled proudly, "This is only level 90, there is another one behind us!!"

"Lu Ya? He is more cunning than you. He must have thought of a countermeasure." Yu Wenzhen curled his lips slightly.

"You are wrong," Ning Cheng laughed, "Lu Ya's clone is practicing in the ancient world, and the clone stationed in the Xihuang Realm is also in retreat. He must not know the situation at Baizhantai. As long as we go and fool around with a few words - —”

Yu Wenzhen's eyes suddenly lit up.

In terms of strength, Lu Ya is better than both of them, and he is already in the early stage of acting in the true realm.

From the early stage of Qiankun Realm to the early stage of Yanzhen Realm, it is a qualitative transformation for ordinary practitioners, but for core disciples who understand the two perfect rules, the improvement is not that big.

In the early stages of acting in the true realm, gather the magical power of rules.

What is the power of rules?

Its essence is also divine power, but it does not belong to any kind of power in the world. It is evolved from the rules of the Supreme Lord of the Universe and belongs to itself alone.

For example, a practitioner of swordsmanship, after becoming the supreme master of the universe, can integrate the physical rules with the swordsmanship and evolve the divine power of the sword, which is naturally much more powerful than any other energy in the world.

The Supreme Path of the Fierce Sun can evolve into the divine power of the Fierce Sun.

The Supreme River Dao can evolve the divine power of rivers...

When you reach the peak of acting, you can even condense a regular divine body. At that time, you will be an existence at the level of the Supreme Bamboo Sea.

Ordinary practitioners mostly focus on the bloodline system and micro formations, and by condensing the divine power of rules, their strength will definitely make a qualitative leap.

However, Yu Wenzhen, Ning Cheng, and Lu Ya are all core disciples with extremely strong minds and wills. They are naturally the strongest warriors in their cultivation. The Qi of the seventh level of martial arts is not much inferior to the regular divine power in the early stage of Yanzhen. The improvement in strength is very big. It’s limited.

"Lu Ya is a practitioner of destiny. He is definitely not afraid of his unique skills. As long as we fool a few words and let him face off against Gu Ximing, he will definitely lose worse than us. He may even lose his clone."

Ning Cheng chuckled in a low voice, "By then, won't your face be lost? My image will also be taller."

"Well, that makes sense." Yu Wenzhen nodded.

A dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist. If there is someone more embarrassing, then he is no longer a joke.

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