Fortune Teller

Chapter 1513 Practice

"It took more than 10,000 years to cultivate a disciple of Lian Yi Jing?" After receiving the news, Gu Xiuyun secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he acted quickly enough and stopped this person.

Otherwise, we can only watch helplessly as Elder Xin Xiang leads people to the Evil Spirit Ruins to overcome the tribulation, and then destroy Gu Xiuyun's mind and will along with the universe.

As long as it does not affect the ancient divine city, Qingling Supreme will never stand up for him.

"Twenty disciples, Senior Brother Tu Mi can stop him once, twice, or three times, but he can't stop him twenty times?"

"The best way is to eliminate the root cause and stop him from thinking about it."

"The true form of Killing is already the supreme being of the universe, and he is also a warrior who has transcended the seventh level. If he can step into the realm of acting and gather the divine power of the rules, he can be sure to stop this person."

"But I really don't have the energy to evolve the physical rules now. The Tianxin Magic Pearl can only be used for a million years at most. I must take advantage of this time to understand more rules of fate."

Gu Xiuyun's mind flickered with thoughts.

The real body of Slaughter steps into the realm of heaven and earth and transforms into heaven. The last shackles of the mind and will are broken, and you can continue to go to the ghost purgatory to strengthen your mind.

In fact, he has been doing this.

The true body of Killing has always kept part of his mind in Jiuzhongyuntian, undergoing hardships every day, but at his current level, it is already very difficult to make progress.

Moreover, the improvement of will itself has little impact on strength. Only by understanding the rules of life can we make a qualitative leap.

I think back then, under the crazy torture of the Red Scale Ancestor, he condensed nearly a hundred sharp gravels. As long as an ordinary practitioner has one sharp grit, he can achieve the perfection of refining his mind.

He has nearly a hundred.

Such a big gap only allowed him to break through to the fourth level of transcendence. It can be seen that the mind and will still have to be supported by the rules of life. The consciousness itself is just a vessel and does not greatly improve the strength.

"I'm afraid it's too late for the evolution rules god. The only way is to reach the eighth level of transcendence before Xin Xiang takes action."

"By then, the true form of Killing will be even stronger."

Gu Xiuyun gathered his thoughts and continued to understand the rules of fate while copying the secret patterns over and over again.

Of the twenty-seven secret pattern diagrams, he only mastered the nine secret pattern diagrams corresponding to the evolution of heaven's secrets, the twist of fate, and the heart of destiny, and he only had a partial understanding of the other eighteen.

Only when you have mastered all the secret patterns can you try to practice the Nine Moves.

at the same time.

The true body of Killing is divided into three, one is in the secret realm of practice and understands the rules of killing, the other is practicing life-preserving magical powers in the cave space, and the other clone is sacrificing the precious Yuan Fei.

"The three major rules of killing the body, killing the mind, and killing the soul are only in the middle stage of the Concentration Realm. Although it is much more difficult to understand the rules of Taoism after the idealism, I am now in the ancient land of thousands of kalpas, and I have the Killing Mind Pill to cooperate, plus a few It’s a treasure to assist in spiritual practice, and it shouldn’t be too difficult to understand the three rules.”

Deep in the secret realm, a bloody figure danced around, constantly smashing the evil spirits that were attacking.

The ancient land of thousands of kalpas, the top cultivation treasure land of Qingxiao Palace.

To practice here for a hundred years requires a hundred marbles. Even strong men like Luo Shen and Zhu Hai are reluctant to part with it. Elder Yanfa only goes there occasionally.

However, the real body of Killing regarded this place as an ordinary place of cultivation, and directly rented it for half a million years with a wave of his hand.

Killing Thought Pill, the top magical elixir refined by the Alchemy Supreme, collects the pure breath of the Holy Statue and condenses it into the elixir, and then asks the Killing Emperor to sort out the rules and fluctuations.

A pill is no less powerful than the sermon preached by Emperor Qiankun himself, and it lasts for a hundred thousand years.

Of course, the price is also frighteningly high. It takes one million marbles to buy one, and each Killing Supreme can only buy it once in his life.

Several other treasures that assist in cultivation are also top-notch items that can only be rented, not purchased, and the prices are extraordinary.

These treasures were all piled up with money.

It also corresponds to what Gu Xiuyun said in the past: practitioners cultivate their hearts, but they rely on wealth, law, and the land. Without resources and external objects, they can't do anything with a Taoist heart.

Cave space.

The second clone is practicing life-saving magical powers.

Killing the true body is not a destiny system, and without the cooperation of the twisting rules of destiny, it is impossible to practice the magical power of the ancient saint.

In many systems, fate, reality, and cause and effect all have means to withstand the torture of will, but life and death and killing do not.

Life and death are purely material routes, and the physical body is already extremely strong, so why does it need the magical power of the ancient saint?

Killing is pure attack. Kill ten thousand enemies with one sword and save your life? unnecessary.

Therefore, the only way to kill the real body is to choose another life-saving magical power, which consumes a lot of rare and precious spiritual materials. Some of them even exceed the scope of the mixed source void. Only the depths of the ancient world can breed a magical power. It cost nearly nine hundred thousand marbles.

The difficulty of training is also extremely high.

The third clone is worshiping and refining the most precious Yuan Fei in the depths of the universe.

I saw true energy surging, blood steaming, the power of the universe filling the entire void, and endless power surrounding a black divine sword.

For killing cultivators, the strongest thing is their killing power. To practice their natal spiritual treasures, killing swords are naturally the best.

"Using the power of the entire universe as the foundation, sacrificing and refining the most precious Yuan Fei, and combining it with the three methods of true refining, it should be effective in a short time."

Looking at the black divine sword in front of him, anticipation flashed in the eyes of the killing avatar.

The most precious Yuan Fei cost him a full five million marbles, and he used the most advanced rare spiritual material - the Origin Heart Stone.

It is said that this object comes from the depths of the life core of the emperor-level source beast. It takes countless years to gestate a little, so it is extremely precious. Many elders of the acting realm also use this object to refine the Yuan Fei.

"Taoist insights, life-preserving magical powers, and life-saving treasures," Gu Xiuyun took a deep breath, "Xin Xiang, the gift I gave you from the poor Taoist is still half of it, so you have to wait carefully."

Time passes slowly, and before you know it, tens of thousands of years have passed.

The true form of the human race has been practicing in the main hall of Xihuang Palace without even taking a step out of the palace gate. Supreme Xin Xiang deduced it dozens of times and didn't bother to pry anymore.

He knew that with Gu Xiuyun's caution, he would never be given any chance.

At the same time, Luo Fang, Qian Ming, Du He and others also made great progress.

Qian Ming, Du He, and Hua Jing are already the supreme beings of the universe, and have no way forward in the path of living beings. They can only evolve rules and divine power, and also cultivate other systems.

The Xizhu they won increased their strength a lot.

But the one who has made the greatest progress is undoubtedly Luo Fang Tianjun. With the help of 1,500 Xi beads, Luo Fang Tianjun has actually practiced the second rule of life and death to the late stage of the artistic conception, and there are faint signs of becoming a core disciple.

Even if an ordinary heavenly king breaks through the realm, he is only a low-level envoy. Only by stepping into the realm of acting can he be ranked as the envoy of the universe.

As for the core disciples, even if they have not broken through, their status is comparable to that of Qiankun Zhengshi.

The treatment they received was completely different between the two. How could Luo Fang Tianjun be willing to be an ordinary Tianjun when he had this opportunity?

He spent all his wealth on the second rule of life and death and vowed to become a core disciple.

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