Fortune Teller

Chapter 151: Break a corner of it

"Just him?"

Uncle Qi smiled disdainfully, "The Nine-Link Formation is the ultimate form of formation. The nine middle-grade formations are superimposed, and their power is no less than the top-grade formations. Coupled with the Mountains and Rivers Qingqi Diagram, Even a poor person can't crack it, let alone this person?"

"Senior Brother Qi is right."

The middle-aged woman nodded slightly.

Even so, she always felt uneasy in her heart, as if she had underestimated the other party.

Every time a stick of incense is burned, the wind dragon will roar up and crash into the mist formation.

As the violent roar sounded, the surrounding Chitai priests felt dizzy and their blood boiled.

This was still protected by the formation, otherwise their mortal bodies would have been shattered by the explosion and their internal organs would be broken and their orifices would bleed.

"Fellow Daoist Hanhua, you see," Gu Xiuyun pointed to the Chitai priests around him, "Although the members of the divine sect can rely on the power of heaven and earth, their life-saving means are too weak. Once the four major sects know their weaknesses, it will be easy for them to It can be solved.”

Although the Chitai priests are mortals, they have also joined the divine religion and can perform the secrets of immortality. When it comes to cause and effect, they are no longer classified as mortals, so the four great sects can kill without restraint without worrying about cause and effect.

"I also understand that the secret world is affected by the power of the gods and practice is difficult. It is not easy to train a Jintai priest."

Priest Hanhua sighed.

Almost all the spiritual energy in the secret world has been swallowed up by the earth, and only the various altars remain.

Therefore, even if the inner strength of the divine religion is perfected, there is not enough external medicine to train Jintai priests.

Those Jintai priests could not find the elixir, so they could only breathe out the essence of the sun and the moon every day and slowly improve their cultivation. If this continued, at most one person among a hundred people could break through to the realm of opening pulses and become a Xuanguangtai priest.

Therefore, for a long time, the number of priests of the divine religion has been getting smaller and smaller, and now there are not even many priests of Xuanguangtai left.

"Fellow Daoist Hanhua, if Pindao's guess is correct, there should be two space passages in the secret world. One can enter the secret realm from the outside and is located in Pengze Town, and the other can go from the secret realm to the outside world."

Gu Xiuyun's eyebrows showed a smile, "The divine religion might as well send a group of priests out of the secret realm and train them secretly. In this way, they can not only increase their strength, but also detect the movements of the four major sects."

"The secret passage..." Priest Hanhua fell into deep thought.

Regarding that passage, he heard Priest Quan Ming mention it. This secret passage is hidden deep in the main altar and has not been opened for tens of thousands of years. If a group of priests who are loyal to the divine religion are sent outside the secret world, they only need a little training. , you can break through to a higher realm.

By then, the strength of the Eight-Eyed Divine Sect will have greatly increased, so why worry about the invasion of the four great sects?

Thinking of this, Priest Hanhua showed some emotion.

Gu Xiuyun smiled slightly and continued to bombard the fog formation.

His words were actually testing Priest Hanhua.

After seeing the other party's expression, Gu Xiuyun was convinced that there were indeed two spatial passages in the secret world.

The passage in Pengze Town can only be entered but not exited, while the other passage can only be exited but not entered.

"Priest Hanhua knows the existence of the second passage, but the Eight-Eyed Sect has never sent a priest to the outside world. It can be seen that the passage is within the main altar." Gu Xiuyun understood in his heart.

The main altar has been sealed for tens of thousands of years. No one can enter. Naturally, no one can go to the outside world through the space channel.


The huge wind dragon crashed into the depths of the fog and collided with the spiritual barrier.

This was already the ninety-fourth attack. The surrounding Jintai priests were already numb, and the Chitai priests were even more exhausted and almost fainted.

The bombardment lasted for two days and two nights, and everyone felt extremely exhausted, but Priest Hanhua had not yet spoken, and the priests below did not dare to slack off.


As the explosion sounded, Gu Xiuyun's eyes flashed, "There is something wrong with the sound here. It seems that there is a stagnation in the operation of the formation?"

Although there were only subtle changes, Gu Xiuyun was extremely good at divine deduction, and even a slight fluctuation caught his attention.

At the same time, inside the Nine-Link Formation, the middle-aged woman's face turned gloomy.

"No, the two formations have been colliding for a long time, and one of the formation bases has begun to crack. People must be sent to reinforce it immediately."

"Where? I will send my disciples there immediately!" Uncle Qi said repeatedly.

"Xin Mao Node in the northwest direction."

Soon, the two disciples stood up and headed to the northwest.

But at this moment, Hurricane Canglao crashed over.

Sensing the changes in the mist formation, Gu Xiuyun certainly would not miss the opportunity. As soon as the first wind dragon collapsed, the second wind dragon crashed into it.

No one noticed that behind the wind dragon, there was a cyan light pillar, which was faintly condensed into a cone shape and was extremely sharp.

"Priest Hanhua, please pass the order quickly. After ten breaths, open the twenty-four eight-eyed statues at the same time, use golden light beams, and bombard those four places respectively."

Gu Xiuyun pointed to each corner of the fog formation.


Priest Hanhua immediately shot his command arrow.

The next moment, the twenty-four eight-eyed statues cut off the spiritual power supply, and a huge golden eye opened.


As Gu Xiuyun finished speaking.

The wind dragon crashed into the depths of the fog formation, its high-pitched roar mixed with roars, cracking the spiritual barrier.

At this moment, a green cone-shaped spiritual pillar penetrated the crack and penetrated into the depths of the Nine-Link Formation.

Peng! Peng! Peng!

The cyan spiritual pillar swept across the earth, instantly destroying the formation patterns within a hundred feet, and those formation flags were destroyed by the bombardment of spiritual power.

"Damn it!"

The middle-aged woman's eyes were cracked, and she quickly activated the mountain and river clear air map to condense a large phantom of mountains and rivers to support the operation of the nine-link formation.

At the same time, the sword light swept through the nine-link formation, bombarding the cyan spiritual pillar until it was completely annihilated.

However, part of the formation base was broken, and there were already problems with the operation of the nine-chain formation.

At this moment, twenty-four golden light pillars penetrated the void at the same time and shot into the depths of the mist.


The golden light beam broke through the spiritual barrier and pointed directly at the formation.

If the nine-chain formation is intact, the middle-aged woman can rely on the nine middle-grade formations to resist and slowly melt the golden light beam. However, at this moment, a corner of the formation is broken, and the continuous formation cannot operate freely. What impact will it have on the golden beam of light? It is much smaller.

Peng! Peng! Peng!

The formations shattered, and the golden light beams shot into the ground and disappeared.

Twenty-four golden light beams bombarded four formations at the same time. Even if the middle-aged woman tried her best to resist, she could not block all the light beams and could only watch the formations shatter.

"Junior Sister Yin, what should we do now?" Uncle Qi looked panicked.

It's only been two days, is the Nine Chain Formation about to be broken?

"Hmph, destroying a few formations just to break through the Nine Chains Formation is simply wishful thinking!"

A stern look flashed in the middle-aged woman's eyes, and the Mountains and Rivers Pure Qi Diagram was activated to the extreme, forming hundreds of phantoms of mountains and rivers, covering everything in the Nine-Link Formation.

At the same time, the formation quickly resumed operation, and the fog dispersed again, but the scope was much smaller.

"Push the formation!"

Gu Xiuyun waved the purple flag, and dozens of Guiyuan Qi formations moved forward again.

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