Fortune Teller

Chapter 1550 Inner Disciple Test

At the same time, Gu Xiuyun looked around.

In addition to him, there are three figures: one wearing black armor, his face covered with black scales, and his pupils extremely cold; one looks like a tiger, but has sharp claws and an extremely sharp tail; A female nun from the human race who is filled with phantom fluctuations.

While observing others, the other three people were also sizing each other up.

Entering the ancient world of Taiyuan requires more than half of the heaven-level merit. It is not an ordinary person to be able to come up with such an opportunity.

"I have been practicing for countless years, and I know a lot about the powerful people in the practice world, but I have never met you." The descendant of Qiongqi looked around, with contempt flashing in his eyes, "It can be seen that none of you are at the third level of acting. In this case, I Take the first step.”


The void was pierced by majestic power, and the figures of Qiongqi's descendants disappeared into the distance.

"It seems that this gentleman is not willing to come with us."

Regret flashed in Blackmang Demon Lord's eyes.

After the performance, the first level passes the next level. Every step is several times or even ten times the difference. If there are top experts from the third level of performance walking together, there will be almost no danger in the Taiyuan Ancient World.

It's a pity that Qiongqi's descendants are too lazy to pay attention to them.

As his thoughts flashed, the Blackmang Demon Lord turned his head and looked to the side, "I, Heimang, am a practitioner at the second level of the Dharma Acting and the Hong Jie Region. Do you know the names of these two Taoist friends?"

Hong Jieyu... Gu Xiuyun's eyes moved slightly.

The Qingxiao Heavenly Territory and the Xihuang Heavenly Territory are both territories that belong entirely to practitioners, but apart from that, there are many scattered heavenly territories where both Origin Beast forces and practitioners reside, and the two sides are constantly fighting.

For example, Guyang Territory and Black Minghai are the small heavenly realms surrounding the Qingxiao Heavenly Territory.

The Heavenly Territory is called the Heavenly Territory because these places gather a large amount of mixed source power.

You must know that the Hunyuan void is vast and boundless, and it is impossible for every place to have abundant spiritual power. The sky is an oasis in the desert, and it is also a spring in the void. It has a massive amount of Hunyuan power and breeds a large number of strange things. Rare treasure.

"I heard that the Hongjie Territory is very chaotic, and there are beasts from all over the world. It is not easy for you to be able to practice to the second level of acting there!"

The female cultivator in plain robes spoke quietly, with a hint of sarcasm in her words.

The acting elders of Qingxiao Palace and Xi Palace are all colluding with the Origin Beast. What's more, these small heaven realms, the second level of acting, can survive safely in the Hongjie Region, and they must have a clear relationship with the Origin Beast.

"The grievances between the cultivation world and the source beast forces are enough to be dealt with by the Emperor Qiankun and the Infinite Saint. I am just a small acting supreme. Of course, it is important to save my life."

The Blackmang Demon Lord chuckled, "The Holy Lord is willing to take me to the Taiyuan Ancient World. It shows that my heart is still towards the world of cultivation. Why do you have to be so aggressive? Fellow Taoist, what do you think?"

"Pindao comes from Qingxiao Tianyu." Gu Xiuyun responded quietly.

The Blackmang Demon Lord's face froze, and he smiled awkwardly, "The Holy Saint said before he left that the Taiyuan Ancient World is full of crises, and we are outsiders, so it is easy for us to reveal our flaws. I don't think the two of them are alike. Those who are strong in the third level might as well join forces to take care of them."

As the words fell, the void fell into silence.

The female cultivator in plain robes seemed to be hesitating, and Gu Xiuyun was also thinking secretly.

For him, the less contact with these outside practitioners, the better. After all, he is not the Supreme Supreme of the Universe, and he has reached the ninth level of transcendence. Once the news is leaked, it will arouse the suspicion of the source beast forces.

Seeing the hesitation of the two people, the Blackmang Demon Lord smiled and said, "I came here to practice the ancient holy way. The two of you must be similar. This place is located on the edge of the ancient world. Not far away is Lei Yuanze. It is said that there are many Descendants of gods and demons, it will be easier to deal with them if we join forces."


Gu Xiuyun suddenly nodded.

Lei Yuanze happened to be one of the places he needed to go to the most. There were not only the powers of gods and demons there, but also a complete ripple map of destiny.

"If it's just that place... okay." The female cultivator in plain robe nodded slightly.

"In that case, let's go there early!"

The figure of the Blackmang Demon Lord flashed and turned into a pitch-black python, moving forward.

Gu Xiuyun and the female cultivator in plain robes followed closely behind.

Neither of them said their names, and the Blackmang Demon Lord was wise enough not to ask.

The ancient world of Taiyuan is full of crises. Aboriginal creatures and descendants of gods and demons can be seen everywhere. The places they are going to are the most important secret realms. An extra companion is an extra help, so why bother to get to the bottom of it?

The secret realm of the source world.

Another clone of Gu Xiuyun sat cross-legged, surprise flashing in his eyes.

"What an ancient world in Taiyuan, but with my current level of willpower, it's actually a little difficult to sense it, as if it's separated by endless void."

The practitioner's will induction comes from fate, cause and effect, and supreme rules.

The inability to sense another clone means that fate and cause and effect are almost cut off, and there are even signs of breaking the supreme rules.

For example, the Holy World of Reincarnation breaks the supreme rules.

If it were not for the secret realm of the source world as the center, the real body of the human race would not be able to sense the situation in the realm of the heavens at all. Taiyuan Ancient Realm has such a great influence on Tianji Cause and Effect, which shows that its power is close to the Holy Realm of Reincarnation.

In awe, he turned his head and looked into the depths of the gray mist. His eyes penetrated the layers of void and saw the scene in the Black Lock Mountain.

The space of Black Lock Mountain Cave Mansion.

Yan Sushi stood on the edge of the third island, with astonishing fluctuations emanating from his body.

"High Priest, that liger beast is very powerful, are you really sure about it?" The priests of the cult around him were a little worried.

If you succeed in breaking into the third island, you will be an inner disciple. If you fail, your body and soul will be destroyed.

"Soon, I will go through the tribulation of Yin and Yang. By then, the hope of passing the test will be even slimmer. It is better to give it a try now," Yan Sushi said softly, "Don't worry, even if I can't make it through, It’s also possible to save one’s life.”

Life-saving assurance?

Everyone immediately thought of the legendary life-loving Taoist—the first high priest after the revival of the religion.

With his help, it would not be difficult to save Yan Sushi's life.


The invisible barrier was torn apart.

Yan Sushi stepped onto the island, and the next moment, a strange beast that looked like a liger appeared in mid-air. Its aura was so strong that even the priests of the divine cult who were watching the battle around them trembled.

"According to what the Turtle Puppet Beast said, the difficulty of the test faced by the Master of Three Difficulties is equivalent to that of the True Master of Six Difficulties. Can the high priest pass it?"

"I don't know. In the past hundred thousand years, the high priest has almost never taken action."

"The possibility is slim," said a person in charge of the throne. "The high priest's training years are not much longer than ours. Even with that guidance, she won't be much better unless she can understand the rules of living beings."

There was a lot of discussion among the people.

At the same time, the liger also spoke.

"Junior of the Divine Cult, you want to challenge me? Do you know that the test faced by the Three Difficulties Venerable is comparable to that of the Six Difficulties True Venerable, and it is the Six Difficulties True Venerable in the outer world. Where do you get your confidence?"

"This junior wants to try his best." Yan Sushi said seriously.

"I don't know how high the sky is."

The liger's mouth flashed with disdain, and with a wave of his hand, a claw light broke through the void and struck forward.

The terrifying power suffocated the surrounding practitioners, including Lan Chonghe, Ji Wenshan and others.

This move is no less powerful than Wan Xu Chong and Zhu Yan.

"The high priest is in trouble!"

The faces of several divine throne holders with profound cultivation turned pale.

The Six Difficulties True Lords mentioned by ligers and beasts are actually beings like Wan Xu Chong and Zhu Yan? Not to mention the disciples of the divine sect, even if the true master of the spirit clan comes here, he can't stop a move.

"Uncle Yan should know how difficult the test is. How could she do it?" Lan Chonghe frowned.

When everyone is in despair.

Yan Sushi stretched out her red palm, flames billowing, and phoenix feathers faintly appeared behind her. In an instant, she seemed to transform into a flame god, and the scorching flames annihilated ninety percent of the claws.

The remaining claws fell on the body, but only left some scars, and they recovered in the blink of an eye.

"The art of time and space?" A look of surprise flashed in the eyes of the lion, tiger and beast, "No wonder you, a junior, are so confident. You can perfectly combine the art of time and space. It's a bit interesting."

In the eyes of the onlookers, Yan Sushi completely annihilated the claw light just by relying on his bloodline magical power.

But in the eyes of the ligers, the opponent increased the flow of time ten thousand times in just a split second. What seemed like a simple palm was actually the combination of hundreds of layers of secret techniques, and it was able to exert a power comparable to that of Zhu Yan and Wan Xu Chong. able.

"The art of time and space? When did the high priest switch to time and space? Doesn't she focus on the five elements and space?"

"The rules of time and the rules of space are perfectly combined to form the ultimate true immortal Taoist technique. Only Zhenzun Bai Ze has mastered such methods throughout the ages, and the high priest has also mastered it?"

"It is so difficult to understand the rules of time and space, and it is even more difficult to evolve the true immortal Taoism. The high priest has been practicing for only a hundred thousand years, and he can understand the Taoism of time and space. He must have received a lot of guidance from that gentleman. "

Envy flashed in the eyes of the divine priest.

As he spoke, the liger and tiger beasts had already transformed into three. They formed a dragon-shaped beast and a golden eagle bird respectively, and surrounded Yan Sushi.

However, facing the layers of time and space Taoism.

Its speed has been slowed down a thousand times. No matter how powerful the method is, it can't even touch the corners of the opponent's clothes. How much power can it exert?

I saw flames roaring and divine power roaring.

Yan Sushi turned her hands over and pressed forward with a series of secret techniques, blocking the ligers and strange beasts from outside.

"It seems that the high priest has passed the test and is inseparable."

Everyone looked at each other with envy mixed with a bit of excitement.

Unknowingly, Yan Sushi has reached such a state that even if Taoist Xi Ming is not in charge, they don't need to be afraid of the spiritual master.

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