Fortune Teller

Chapter 1562 Minghan Continent

A few days later.

Ye Xin woke up from the breakthrough, the blood in his body was surging, his breath was flowing erratically, and he was emitting astonishing fluctuations comparable to those of the World Master.

"I actually broke through to the early stage of Demigod in one breath?"

Ye Xin clenched his fists, feeling the strength around him, and was filled with surprise.

In the early stage of demigods, he was comparable to the Seven Difficulties Realm Master, and he was considered to have quite a status in the Taiyuan Ancient Realm.

"Your bloodline is quite pure, but the divine magic reflected by it is very crude. It can only withstand the initial power of a demigod. After that, you have to rely on your own efforts to improve."

Gu Xiuyun said quietly, "Since we have made a breakthrough, let's set off quickly!"

"Yes, sir."

Ye Xin knelt down.

Above the clouds, three figures stood in the sky, flying towards the center of the continent.

"Ye Xin, since you are a descendant of gods and demons in this continent, you must be quite familiar with this place. Tell me, what kind of powerful gods and demons are there?" Gu Xiuyun said softly.

Whether it is him or the female cultivator in plain robes, the information in their hands is very old.

The message in the hands of the female cultivator in plain robes originated from a year ago. A year was too long for the blood descendants of gods and demons, and it was enough to change many things.

As for Gu Xiuyun, the information in his hand is even older, extending to more than ten years ago.

"There are one hundred and seventy-three... no, one hundred and seventy-two ethnic groups in Minghan Continent," Ye Xin replied respectfully, "The Yelan tribe ranks one hundred and thirty-ninth. Except for the clan leader, the rest are not gods or demons. body."

"Actually, except for the top twenty bloodline groups, the rest of the groups only have one god-demonic clan leader. Their strength is almost the same, and the highest level does not exceed the realm of divine power."

"Oh?" Gu Xiuyun's eyes flashed with surprise.

There are actually more than 170 bloodline ethnic groups on this continent, and each ethnic group has gods and demons in charge. Counting the large ethnic groups in front, isn't there two hundred Qiankun realms?

You know, this is just a continent.

In the entire Taiyuan Ancient World, there are a total of 108 landmasses like the Minghan Continent. By analogy, Qiankun Supreme has more than 20,000 people. Plus those powerful forces living in the void and various secret realms, Qiankun The number of supreme beings is... unimaginable.

"The lives in the ancient world follow a special route similar to the bloodline system and the ancient holy way. The difficulty of cultivation is much lower than that of the immortal way. There are naturally more gods and demons in the Qiankun realm." Gu Yue explained in a voice transmission.

The information in her hand is much more detailed than that of Gu Xiuyun, and the records about the mainland are also more comprehensive.

"Even so, the numbers are too scary."

Gu Xiuyun repeatedly exclaimed, "Although there are many gods and demons in Lei Yuanze, it is the original nest of the gods and demons in Zhenjie. It is not surprising that there are more gods and demons. How can there be so many gods and demons in a Minghan continent?"

"The ancient world is far from comparable to the ordinary world of heaven and earth. The involvement behind it is far beyond our imagination, and it naturally possesses incredible power." said the female cultivator in plain robes.


Gu Xiuyun raised his eyebrows. It seemed that the other party knew some secrets of the ancient world.

Ye Xin knew nothing about the conversation between the two and was still immersed in the story, "As you move toward the middle of Minghan Continent, the power of gods and demons becomes stronger, and the difficulty of cultivation becomes much lower. Therefore, the top twenty groups of gods and demons are all here. Central Region.”

"The most powerful among them are the two major clans of gods. They live around Dingjie Mountain. There are nearly a dozen gods and demons in the clan. It is said that the clan leaders of the two clans have reached the late stage of the divine realm."

"Later stage of divine magic?"

A strange color flashed in Gu Xiuyun's eyes.

The division of gods and demons in the ancient world of Taiyuan is quite simple: divine power, divine law, and divine king. The realm of divine power is comparable to the supreme emperor of acting, the realm of divine law is comparable to the elder of acting, and the realm of divine king is comparable to the emperor of the universe.

Of course, it's just a normal division.

The cultivation methods of gods and demons in the ancient world are very crude, and their methods are relatively simple. Apart from the magical powers of blood and the powerful physical body, there are almost no other methods.

As for practitioners, they often use regular divine bodies in conjunction with the magical powers of ancient saints, as well as spiritual treasures, Taoist talismans and many other means. Even if they are at the same level, they can easily suppress the opponent.

"Ye Xin, how much do you know about Dingjie Mountain?" Gu Xiuyun asked.

"Dingjie Mountain is the core area of ​​Minghan Continent and the source of the bloodline of the entire continent. I heard that it is connected to the life lair of the ancestors of gods and demons, so the power of gods and demons is very pure." Ye Xin couldn't help but ask, "Sir Are you going to Dingjie Mountain to visit some god or demon?”


The female cultivator in plain robes smiled lightly and said, "We are going to borrow some space."

Borrow a place?

Ye Xin was a little confused. The two gods and demons didn't bring any descendants of their clan, so what were they doing by borrowing the place? Are we going to establish a tribe there?

She quickly shook her head and wiped away this thought. How could the two major gods and demons allow other gods and demons to establish tribes in Dingjie Mountain?

You must know that behind the two major groups there are peak gods and demons in the late stage of the Divine Law Realm.

Afterwards, Gu Xiuyun asked a few more questions.

Before Ye Xin could finish his explanation, the three of them had already arrived near Dingjie Mountain.

The water vapor was billowing in the distance, and the biting chill penetrated deep into her heart. Ye Xin frowned secretly. She was already in the early stage of demigod, but she was unable to withstand this dark and cold power of gods and demons.

"The ancestor of the gods and demons connected to Minghan Continent is said to be a water-based god and demon, so the blood descendants of gods and demons on the land tend to be water-based,"

The female cultivator in plain robes said, "Only two gods and demons came to the world in the ancient world of Taiyuan. The other eight were suppressed by the Supreme Saint of Taiyuan. The ancestor of the gods and demons behind Minghan Continent was one of them."

"I have also seen the reputation of the Supreme Saint of Taiyuan in intelligence messages." The human real body nodded.

The ancient world of Taiyuan was named after the Holy One, so you can imagine how powerful he was. The other two world-suppressing gods and demons had no power to resist in front of him and could only barely save their lives.

At this time, there was a piercing scream in the distance, and the tribes around Dingjie Mountain discovered Gu Xiuyun and the others.

Divine power gathered in the void, and a cloud covering millions of miles covered the sky and the earth, and the paw prints of monsters faintly appeared in the depths of the cloud.

"Those who trespass on the important land of the Mingcang God Clan will die!"

A mighty and powerful voice came from the sky, and a sky-high claw suddenly pressed down and smashed towards the three of them.

"Gods and demons!"

Ye Xin's face turned pale, he could hardly control the blood in his body, and it was difficult to use his life-saving magical powers.

The power of gods and demons in the Qiankun Realm is like the power of heaven to early demigods. It is difficult to even develop the will to resist, let alone using magical powers to resist.

"You just do it without asking. This is not the way to treat guests."

The cyan figure stepped forward and waved his hand, pressing a zhenqi palm print against the void. The palm was only a hundred feet in diameter and looked quite ordinary. It was far from the turbulent power of the claws of gods and demons.

However, as soon as the two forces collided, the claws of the millions of gods and demons instantly collapsed, but the Zhenqi palm prints remained intact.

"Divine Dharma Realm?!"

There were screams of surprise from the Mingcang Divine Clan, and more than a dozen gods and demons were seen jumping up and running away into the distance.


Gu Xiuyun looked stunned.

These gods and demons... really don't care about face at all, they run away when they say it, and they are not sloppy at all.

"Sir, are you in the realm of divine law?"

Ye Xin took a breath, his face full of shock.

The Divine Dharma Realm is also the top existence in the entire Taiyuan Ancient World. Although the difficulty of life cultivation in the Ancient World is relatively low, it is only relatively speaking. In fact, every god and demon has a very high status, and they can live and kill as they please.

The realm of divine power is like this, let alone the realm of divine law.

Those are the top gods and demons second only to the emperor, and all of them have the ability to destroy heaven and earth.

Looking at the Minghan Continent, there are only twenty people who have reached the realm of divine law. Each has established a tribe and controls a large area. They never show up on weekdays. They can only be seen in secret realms such as Lei Yuanze.

"Why, doesn't it look like it?" Gu Xiuyun smiled slightly.

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