Fortune Teller

Chapter 1568 Hexagram-shaped mountain and sea map

Seeing the cyan figure practicing, Ye Xin did not dare to disturb him. He carefully placed the sinking water beads outside the door, then turned and left.

"This little girl is quite self-aware."

Gu Xiuyun glanced at the black water droplets outside the crack of the door and whispered.

A single drop of water can reveal Ye Xin's character. She dares to reach out for treasures such as the God Demon Crystal because they are within her ability.

But the sunken water pearl is different. The preciousness of this treasure is beyond imagination.

Ye Xin was able to return the sinking beads, which shows that she has strong self-control and a clear understanding of herself, which is something that most practitioners cannot do.

Let me ask you, if there is a golden mountain in front of you, how many people can just take a small piece of gravel at the foot of the mountain and then turn around and leave? Most people have already lost their eyes and pounced on it crazily. How can they care about the danger behind Jinshan?

"As a practitioner, it is a good thing to have ambitions and ambitions. It is more important to have perseverance, but many times, you have to know when enough is enough and recognize yourself. Many top people lost their lives just because they did not know how to advance or retreat."

"Although this little girl is a descendant of gods and demons, she may not be unable to follow the immortal system."

Gu Xiuyun stretched out his right hand, grabbed a handful of broken soil from the ground, refined it into a book, and threw it outside the courtyard.

On the mountain road, Ye Xin walked forward.

Suddenly there was a whistling sound behind her, and before she could turn her head, a gray book flew in front of her.

"This is a hexagram-shaped mountain and sea map. The formations and patterns are carved according to the pattern above, covering the entire Delimiting Mountain. There must be no mistakes." A vague voice came to my ears.

"Yes, sir."

Ye Xin quickly bowed, took the book, and looked down.

I saw hundreds of patterns burned into the book, each one a variation of a hexagram-shaped map of mountains and seas, with many small characters on the sides.

The formation diagram that Gu Xiuyun asked her to carve only occupied one page, and the layout was not too complicated. It only took three to five hundred years.

"Dingjie Mountain is as tall as the clouds, like a sharp blade holding up the sky. The most suitable formation shape...should be this."

Ye Xin quickly found a suitable formation diagram and was about to carve the lines when he suddenly frowned.

"No, this formation looks very ordinary. Even demigods may not be able to block it, let alone gods and demons. Why would you let me set up this formation?"

From her observation, the two adults acted rigorously, with deep meaning in every step, and would never do anything meaningless. The hexagram-shaped mountain and sea map can be regarded as a semi-god-level formation at best. Even if a thousand of them are arranged, they cannot stop a casual attack from the divine realm.

"If your intention is not to resist the invasion of gods and demons..."

Ye Xin's eyes lit up slightly as he thought of some possibility.

Just to lay out the formation, a formation diagram is enough. Why record so many patterns and leave notes beside them?

It can be seen that these patterns are not simple formations, but contain some kind of mystery, and that is the true intention of the Lord.

Thinking of this, Ye Xin quickly turned back to the first page of the book and read it carefully.

"Brother Ximing wants to teach her Taoism?"

On the mountainside, Gu Yue opened her eyes and looked at the top of Dingjie Mountain from a distance. "Being able to return the Sunken Water Bead as soon as she woke up shows that she has never been blinded by the treasure. This is really valuable."

"Her understanding is also good. In just a few moments, she can understand the deep meaning behind the hexagram-shaped mountain and sea map. It depends on whether she has the talent for destiny."

To practice superior Taoism, talent is the threshold.

Without talent, it will never be possible to get started, just like a student who is not good at piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, if he insists on learning these... After practicing for ten years, he will not be able to compare with the progress of others in three to five months.

Everyone has his or her own talent, which cannot be forced.

Superior Taoism is more difficult and requires more stringent talent. Even those who are descendants of gods and demons may not be able to master it.

Of course, talent is just the threshold. After entering the door, how far you can go depends on your Taoist will!

There is never a shortage of talented people in the world, but nine out of ten people give up halfway, and few people can persist to the end.

"Little girl, if you can understand the mystery of destiny behind the hexagram-shaped mountain and sea map, it will be a big opportunity."

The female cultivator in plain robes closed her eyes and continued practicing.

In the small courtyard on the top of the mountain, the green figure is also working hard.

The road is vast, and one must endure loneliness and have enough perseverance to reach higher heights. The two of them are obviously such people.

In contrast, Mrs. Yu, Gu Xiushu, Yan Suqing, Gu Xinning... none of them have such a Taoist will.

Time passes slowly.

Ye Xin started to read the first hexagram-shaped mountain and sea map, and while comprehending the mystery, he arranged the formation patterns.

"There are seven hundred and twenty-nine patterns in the book. The farther back, the simpler the formations become. However, Your Excellency chose to put the most complex formation on the first page of the book. This move must have his deep meaning. "

"If I try to be clever and directly understand the formation diagram suitable for the Dingjie Mountain, it will be self-defeating."

The girl sat cross-legged and moved her fingertips again and again.

She knew very well that her little cleverness was meaningless in front of the top gods and demons, and she was also a powerful person in the realm of divine magic who was good at destiny.

If it were the Blackmang Demon Lord of the same level, it would be possible for Gu Xiuyun to suffer some losses, but could that be possible?

The most correct approach is to start reading and understanding from the first page of the book.

Divine power circulated, and lines appeared around his body. At the same time, an inexplicable throbbing flashed through Ye Xin's mind, which was hard to explain, but extremely clear.

"This hexagram-shaped map of mountains and seas seems to be somewhat similar to the void patterns in the sky?"

She raised her head in confusion and looked at the sky.

Countless lines form a vast divine map, completely covering the entire Minghan Continent. The divine map in the void is looming, and the reality is uncertain. Even if it is a fight in the realm of divine law, it cannot damage it at all.

For countless years, countless blood descendants of gods and demons have observed the divine map above their heads, but only a few have gained insights.

At this moment, looking at the Divine Map of the Void, the throbbing in Ye Xin's mind became a little stronger.

"Maybe it does matter."

Ye Xin's eyes flashed with brilliance and he continued to study the hexagram-shaped mountain and sea map.

Whenever she felt upset, she would glance at the divine map of the void above her head until she calmed down, then continue to deduce and comprehend.

Over and over again, year after year.

Gradually, she mastered the formation changes of the first hexagram-shaped mountain and sea map, then the second, third, and fourth...

It was not until two hundred and forty paintings later that Ye Xin suddenly realized that he had gradually forgotten the formation.

To be precise, her mind was not on the formation, but on some special mystery behind the formation, which was a change similar to the space field, but even more incredible.

"I see."

"Your Majesty, from the complex to the simple, you want me to get rid of the influence of the formation and find the mysterious changes in the formation. The hexagram-shaped mountain and sea map is very common, but the mystery behind it is extraordinary."

The light in Ye Xin's eyes became brighter and brighter.

She vaguely guessed what that mystery represented... It was the superior Taoism that countless gods and demons longed for but could not reach!

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