Fortune Teller

Chapter 1575 Epiphany

"Spirituality is born... How can spirituality be born..."

The old man in green clothes suddenly raised his head, his eyes burning like fire, "Fellow Taoist, do you want to tell me that you are the Emperor of the Universe?"

Gu Xiuyun did not respond.

At this moment, his expression was dull, as if he had seen an unbelievable sight, and his whole body was frozen in place.

"If you don't say it? That would be acquiescence!"

The old man in blue had a cold look in his eyes, "Very good, I sincerely ask for advice, but you are using such devious tricks to play tricks on me -"

The words have not yet finished.

The female cultivator in plain robes stepped forward, and the divine power of the rules produced many illusions, including swords, guns, swords and halberds, and heavenly weapons and giant beasts, each of which exuded a formidable aura.

"Why should we play tricks on you? If you are not convinced, you can have a civil and military fight, and the little girl will accompany you to the end."

"Hmph!" The old man in green shirt's expression became colder and sterner.

With his strength, he could hardly deal with Gu Ximing, let alone Gu Yue next to him. The scene of the divine power of rules splitting the divine map of destiny was still vivid in his mind.

"I have taken note of this account. The days are long, so please wait patiently."

The figure of the old man in blue swayed and disappeared without a trace.

Trillions of miles away, Ming Cang and Han Squid looked at each other. They also removed their magical power from the Mirror Light Realm and flew towards Hongshan Ze.

"Sir, that senior said we were playing tricks on him?" Ye Xin looked confused.

The restoration of the numerology pattern was obviously the work of Master Xi Ming, so why did it turn into a mysterious trick?

"He's sick, don't worry about it."

The female cultivator in plain robes walked up to Gu Xiuyun and was about to speak when she saw the other person's face was blank, as if something incredible had happened to her.

"Brother Cherish Your Life?" Gu Yue called out tentatively.

No response.

"Did Brother Xi Ming have an epiphany? The numerology pattern that combines three perfect rules was modified and perfected by him personally. His experience must be very deep, and epiphany is also possible."

Thinking of this, Gu Yue raised her hand and sent Ye Xin back to Dingjie Mountain, sitting beside him to guard him.

Enlightenment can be encountered but cannot be sought, especially after reaching a high level. Ordinary insights will never let the mind lose control and cannot even be distracted to reply.

This happens only with deep enlightenment.

She didn't know that Gu Xiuyun was indeed in a certain state at this moment, but it was not an epiphany, but... a state of idealism.

Deep in the mind and will.

The rules of fate entanglement echo the will itself in a strange rhythm. The two are getting closer and closer, and they are more and more consistent, even excluding all other rules.

If the mind and will of a practitioner are like a desert, the Taoist rules are like a seed. The integration of the two means that the seed is planted into the soil, takes root, sprouts, and grows into a towering tree.

However, this towering tree will also cover the entire desert, expelling all rules except itself.

From then on, the difficulty of understanding the rules of Taoism will increase hundreds and thousands of times. Every step of progress will take a long time, and may even never be improved.

Time passes slowly.

The entanglement of fate and the rhythm of mind and will are getting faster and faster, and they are about to merge into one——

Suddenly, a sharp and violent thought came into the depths of his mind, which was the thought of killing the real body.

"It's not time yet, wake up!"

The harsh sound penetrated the mind, cutting off the rhythm abruptly.

"What's wrong?"

Gu Xiuyun suddenly regained consciousness.

The next moment, memories came to mind. From the moment of enlightenment to the entanglement of fate and the harmony of mind and will, every process was flowing in my heart.

Only then did he realize that he had been asleep for tens of thousands of years, half asleep and half awake.

Over the long years, the entangled rules of fate have excluded all the other eight rules, and become more and more consistent with the mind and will. If the real body of Killing hadn't discovered something was wrong and woke him up in time, the imprint of the rules would have been condensed at this moment.

"I almost... stepped into the realm of Wei Xin?? Almost, only a little bit!"

A layer of cold sweat broke out on Gu Xiuyun's forehead, and his face turned pale and pale.

Fortunately, the real body of Killing discovered the problem in time and interrupted the rhythm, allowing him to wake up from his epiphany.

If you really step into the mind-only state, you will be in big trouble.

"Brother Ximing, are you awake?" A sweet voice came from the side, "Since the restoration of the numerology pattern, you have been here for tens of thousands of years. What is the rule that takes so long?"

Gu Xiuyun opened his eyes and saw a female cultivator in plain robes strolling towards her. Her figure was as light as a swallow, and her eyebrows were a bit delicate.

This girl-like demeanor gave him an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

"It's not a rule," Gu Xiuyun shook his head slightly, "The spiritual changes in the numerology pattern allowed me to capture an opportunity to enter the only state of mind. If it was a rule to understand, it would be over in three to five years. How could it take tens of thousands of years? "

"Only the opportunity of mental state??"

The eyes of the female cultivator in plain robes lit up, and then she frowned, "When you enter the Weixin state, you will not be able to continue to comprehend other rules. If I had known this, I should have interrupted your epiphany."

"It doesn't matter, Pindao's other real body noticed something was wrong and woke me up in time, so I didn't break through." Gu Xiuyun smiled, "Even if I did break through, the girl has protected me for tens of thousands of years. I will remember this kindness in my heart." How can you blame the girl?"

"There is no breach."

Gu Yue breathed a sigh of relief, but felt a little disappointed.

She knew that Gu Xiuyun wanted to become an immeasurable saint, just to cultivate both channels, comprehend the middle vehicle method, and resurrect Yan Suqing.

If Yan Suqing really comes back to life, she doesn't know how to deal with herself, let go of her grudge, and stay with her life-saving brother? Or give up the feelings in your heart and be alone from now on, accompanying you on the great road?

Perhaps, only when you really face it will you know your choice.

"Speaking of which, this epiphany did have a lot of benefits for me," Gu Xiuyun did not notice the abnormality of the female cultivator in plain robes, and said with a smile, "The rule of fate entanglement has been fighting with the other eight rules for tens of thousands of years, and the rules themselves have evolved in various ways. The changes also made me discover many flaws in my practice.”

"It won't be long before we can complete all the rules of fate, the evolution of heaven's secrets, and the source of fate."

"So fast?"

Gu Yue blinked, a little surprised.

"My three rules have reached the pinnacle of mental refining, and they are only one step away from the Dharma Sui Realm. The reason why they have not been perfected is because my mind is focused on external cultivation of the three Dharma, and I have not calmly understood the mistakes and omissions in it."

Gu Xiuyun explained, "Now that the nine rules have evolved by themselves in the epiphany, it has saved me a lot of effort. By the way, there is one thing I have always forgotten to tell the girl. When I played numerology pattern chart with Qing Que, did the girl Did you find that your ability to sense destiny patterns is not as good as that little girl Ye Xin’s?”

"I found it."

Gu Yue nodded and said, "In terms of the realm of Taoism and Dharma, I am far above her, but my sense of numerology patterns is not as good as hers. It seems that this little girl is indeed very talented in destiny."

"No, the girl is wrong."

Gu Xiuyun shook his head slightly, "In terms of talent, she is not as good as you. It's just because your foundation is too weak, so she seems a little inferior in some aspects."

"Weak foundation?" Gu Yue blinked.

Gu Xiuyun smiled slightly, and as he waved his hand, a hundred different ancient characters appeared in his palm, each of which was only the size of a palm.

"Look, girl, if these words are a complete set of living rules, and if you understand them all, you can master the perfect rules, then one word represents the early stage of the Concentration Realm."

"One out of a hundred, that's about right." Gu Yue nodded in response.

One hundred ancient characters represent the complete rules of the Fa Sui Realm, one percent, which is indeed equivalent to the early stage of the Concentration Realm.

Gu Xiuyun waved his zhenqi, and all the ancient characters in front of him collapsed. Each ancient character was broken into a hundred pieces. Calculating, there were exactly ten thousand fragments.

"If you say that you understand an ancient text, you are in the early stage of the Concentration Realm. Then you only need to collect a hundred fragments to break through, but is this really the case?"

I saw him stretching out his palm and grabbing a handful casually.

Hundreds of fragments are scattered everywhere, and it is impossible to piece together any ancient characters, because those fragments have long been disrupted, let alone a hundred pieces, even if you get three hundred, five hundred or even two thousand pieces, you may not be able to Make up an ancient text.

"I have been discussing with the girl for a long time, and I found that the girl's understanding of the rules is very pure, with almost no other fragments mixed in," Gu Xiuyun said, "If your guess is correct, you should have understood the rules of fate through the power of Tianxin."

"This method works quickly, but at the same time, the foundation is also very weak, because you only get a hundred fragments, which happen to form one ancient text."

"Ye Xin is different. She relied on her own accumulation bit by bit, reading classics and walking at the bottom of the ancient world. She also understood an ancient text, but got thousands or even thousands of fragments. This is the foundation and foundation."

"That's it." Gu Yue's face showed surprise.

Indeed, by understanding the rules of destiny through Tianxin's thoughts, she took a shortcut and also laid the foundation for disaster. She was only at the early stage of the Concentration Realm for the nine rules of destiny, and it would be difficult for her to advance further after that.

Because the accumulation is too little.

Gu Xiuyun has also encountered this situation. The true form of Killing relies on the Law of Heaven's Heart in the underground abyss and masters the three rules of Killing Soul, Killing Heart, and Killing Source in one go. It seems that its strength has improved by leaps and bounds.

But it also leads to a weak foundation.

After entering the realm of heaven and earth, even with the help of the ancient land of thousands of kalpas, the treasure of cultivation, and the magical elixir, it is difficult to go further.

"Taoist practice requires one step at a time. You can use tricks, but the foundation is also very important. Otherwise, when you reach the Qiankun realm, you will never be able to make up for it." Gu Xiuyun warned in a deep voice.

"Thank you, Brother Dao."

Gu Yue nodded slightly without looking too concerned.

For ordinary people, it is indeed one step at a time, but for the master of the secret realm, it is really not necessarily... From the perspective of the master of the secret realm, the best route chosen for her must be.

Weak foundation? ?

Then continue to practice using the Law of Heaven's Heart, pile up one word after another, and wait until you have understood all the ancient texts and entered the realm of Dharma Sui. Is there any way to say that the foundation is weak?

"Girl, you have to take this matter to heart," Gu Xiuyun continued to warn, "The Law of Heaven's Heart is an external force after all, and such opportunities are already extraordinary once or twice. There will never be any Infinite Saint who dares not do anything. , I’ve been helping you understand Taoism, right?”

"Even so, I haven't heard of any Holy Saint stepping into the Infinite Realm through this method!"

"What brother Taoist said, I will keep it in mind, little girl." Gu Yue nodded solemnly.

"That's good."

Gu Xiuyun breathed a sigh of relief, "Let's go down. In tens of thousands of years, that little girl Ye Xin must have made a big breakthrough. Not long after she broke through, she carefully felt the numerology pattern chart, and she must have gained a lot of insights."

With that said, the two flew down.

As for the divine map of destiny in the sky, it has lost its support and has disappeared without a trace.

"The numerology pattern disappeared?"

The gods and demons from all ethnic groups in Minghan Continent raised their heads and looked at the sky.

"It has been maintained for tens of thousands of years. It must be that the strong man stationed at Dingjie Mountain has been understanding the rules of destiny. Now that he has understood the changes, he has taken back the true energy."

"For tens of thousands of years, many gods and demons have come to the Minghan Continent to observe the numerology pattern from a distance, including the top gods and demons from all major forces, and even the Jiaohe River God Lord has appeared."

"Now that the Destiny Map is gone, no one will come to our place anymore!"

"It's a good thing not to come. I always feel that those top gods and demons will devour us if they are in a bad mood. Compared with the fear in the past, I feel that the strong man from Dingjie Mountain is much more merciful."

The gods and demons talked in whispers.

For millions of years, Gu Xiuyun and Gu Yue have been stationed at Dingjie Mountain and have never paid attention to them. They have indeed allowed these gods and demons to enjoy a comfortable time. If Ming Cang and Han Squid were still around, they would not be so kind. After three to five years You have to offer it once.

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