Fortune Teller

Chapter 1581 Heaven and Earth Mine Lock

"You just care about your life?"

There was a rumble of thunder deep in the clouds, and countless dark electric lights flashed, as if the entire land had turned into hell. The terrifying aura caused all mortal beings to fall into a coma, including practitioners and monster beasts lurking everywhere.

In the entire continent, only Gu Xiuyun and Gu Yue remained awake, and even Ye Xin lost consciousness.

"Your Excellency is traveling with Qing Que. Could it be that he is a member of the Supreme Sect?" Gu Xiuyun said softly, and the power of gods and demons around him quietly dissipated.

As of today, only half of the true form of the third god and demon has been fused, but its strength has increased much more than before, and it is several times stronger than when it faced the Ming Cang god and demon.

When he first arrived at Dingjie Mountain, he merged into the true form of a magic-level god and demon.

Now that the two halves have been fused, the Rhino's magical power has naturally increased. It is now different from what it used to be. Even the lines themselves can withstand ordinary soul bombardments.

"Yes, I am Ding Dian, a fellow disciple of Taoist Qingque." Thunder rolled deep in the clouds, "Let me ask you, if Junior Brother Qingque competes with you in Taoism, based on the numerology pattern chart, will you take the entire Every picture was revised, and finally the gaps in Taoism were filled in.”

"Since you already know, why bother asking again?" Gu Xiuyun shook his head and smiled.

"In this way, what Junior Brother Qing Que said is true. You have humiliated the disciples of our sect again and again in the name of giving guidance." The thunder in the depths of the clouds became heavier and heavier. "It's okay for Qing Que to be embarrassed, but the sect's face... …can’t throw it away!”

"Gu Ximing, if you have the ability to make the numerology pattern give birth to spirituality, you must be the emperor of the universe. In this case, I would like to ask you for some advice."

As soon as he finished speaking, countless thunder rays pierced the clouds and struck downwards.

Each ray of lightning is like a pillar holding up the sky, possessing the terrifying power of annihilating everything. The mere fluctuation of its breath makes the entire land tremble.

You know, this is not an ordinary world.

Mortal life at the bottom of the ancient world is very fragile, but the earth under their feet is closely connected with the ancient world. Below the surface of a hundred feet, every piece of earth and stone is extremely tough, no less than crystal stone spiritual materials, but at this moment it is falling apart under the pressure of lightning.

"Why should the fight between you and me affect the world?"

Gu Xiuyun raised his hand, and the mighty true energy enveloped the void, sending those mortal lives together with Ye Xin into the parallel space.

Immediately afterwards, the phantom of the rhinoceros appeared in the sky. The moment it arrived, its roar was earth-shattering, and its majestic body hit the sky directly.

Peng! ! Peng! Peng!

The dense lightning strikes the surface of the rhino's body, but is blocked by the hair.

"You actually blocked it?"

Deep in the clouds, Daoren Ding had a strange look on his face, "Junior Brother Qingque, this is different from what you said. Brother's death thunder lock contains both physical and spiritual power. Even the gods and demons in the late stage of the divine magic can't resist it." , let alone a second-level actor?"

"Brother, I once asked the gods and demons who fought with him," Qing Que explained, "This person possesses an ultimate defensive magical power, and is also a practitioner of destiny. He is proficient in the secret art of will, but his killing methods are limited. As long as he can Breaking the magical defense makes it easy to kill him."

"I see."

The corners of Ding Dian's mouth curled up slightly.

Death Thunder Lock is a secret killing technique similar to a formation. It is only in its prototype at the moment and has not yet exerted its true power.

The opponent's magical power is mainly for defense and life-saving, and it is indeed possible to block the thunder.

"No matter how powerful your life-preserving magic is, it's just a matter of hanging on for a while," Daoren Ding sneered, "As the emperor of the universe, you won't use this method, right?"

"The rhino's magical power is enough to deal with you." Gu Xiuyun responded calmly.

"court death!"

A sharp light flashed in Ding Dian's eyes, "Since I have mastered the Death Thunder Lock, few people have dared to act arrogantly in front of me. How dare you, an outsider, dare to speak so brazenly! Thunder Lock, open!"

The words just fell.

The entire void trembled violently, and the clouds in the sky turned into heavy chains, completely blocking the tens of billions of miles of land. In the flash of electric light, you could vaguely see the birth and destruction of the phantom of the world.

Every lightning rod is like an illusory small world.

Countless shadow worlds merge into one, and one can imagine how powerful it is.

"I only have a life-saving magical power, but I just want to compete with a poor Taoist, and I don't overestimate my ability!"

Ding Dian flipped his palm, and the whole world seemed to be hanging upside down. Countless thunder and lightning turned into dragons and snakes, biting towards the rhinoceros figure.

This is the second form of Death Thunder Lock, and it is also Ding Daoren's famous secret skill.

Countless dragons and snakes form a thunder net of heaven and earth, trapping all life in it. No matter how many magical powers or methods they have, they will be torn to pieces.

"We haven't seen each other for many years. Senior Brother's Heaven and Earth Thunder Lock has become more and more powerful. Not to mention that this person is only at the second level of acting. Even if he reaches the third level, he is definitely no match for Senior Brother." Qing Que continued to marvel.

"Hmph, my brother's strongest skill has not been used yet. If he uses that move, how can he still have the power to resist?" Ding Dian sneered, "But this person belongs to the destiny system. It would be a pity to kill him like this. I I want to see what else he can do!"

The old man in green shirt nodded slightly.

There are not many destiny practitioners in Taiyuan Ancient World. It is rare to encounter one. Of course, you have to observe carefully, maybe you will get some unexpected gains.

"Thunder Chain? It seems that this powerful man from the Taishang Sect has completely combined the rules of living things with thunder and lightning, and created his own unique skill."

Gu Xiuyun was calm and calm.

As the true energy circulates, monstrous water gushes out from the depths of the void. The water is as bright as a rainbow, and every drop of water is like a star.

If it were before Dingjie Mountain, he would have been able to resist the suppression of the Thunder Chain, but now...the two great gods and demons of Water and Light are both good at field suppression. Combining the two, in terms of field methods, may not be weaker than Ding Taoist! !

The advantages of performing the divine and magical aspects of the second level of magic are too great.

The fusion of a true form is equivalent to ten times that of practitioners of the same level, and combined with the true energy of martial arts, even when faced with the third level of performance, it can still compete with others.


The water was surging, the tide was rolling, and countless ferocious dragons and snakes were thrown out by the waves.

The Thunder-locked Dragon Snake, which was so wild and arrogant a moment ago, seemed to be dead at this moment, with its skin and flesh torn apart by the waves of water, dripping with blood.

"How can it be??"

Taoist Qing Que's eyes widened with disbelief on his face.

"This person's domain magical power is no less than mine?" Ding Dian also looked shocked.

The Heaven and Earth Thunder Lock can be called the top secret technique in the sealing category. It is based on the three major rules of destiny distortion, destiny field, and heavenly secret evolution, and combined with the power of thunder, it is extremely powerful.

Even the top gods and demons such as Ming Cang and Han Squid were unable to resist, and they were actually suppressed by an ancient holy power!

"Is this your death thunder lock? I think it's very ordinary."

Gu Xiuyun's body was full of true energy, and the rhinoceros' shadowy eyes were staring at the sky in the distance, his eyes as indifferent as water.

Every moment, a massive amount of spiritual power surges in from the end of the void and merges into the vast water to maintain the operation of the realm.

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