Fortune Teller

Chapter 1585 Wind Valley

In the void.

The old man in green shirt walks through the air, each step is hundreds of millions of miles away.

"Senior Brother Ding, is it true? Is the face of the sect not as important as his own face? He actually made me lose the opportunity to kill this person for a few promises."

Qing Que clenched his fists, furious.

Every time he thought of the scene above the Minghan Continent, the anger in his heart was as blazing as a flame. In front of countless bloodline groups, the opponent was humiliated again and again. Even ordinary gods and demons would go crazy, let alone the Supreme Actor?

"The last year has just passed, and this person will stay in the Taiyuan Ancient World for tens of billions of years. There will be plenty of opportunities to deal with him," the old man in green shirt took a deep breath, "Wait for Senior Brother Yang to come out of seclusion, and then settle the score with him."

At this moment, a mighty divine power suddenly came down, sealing the old man's body heavily.


Qing Que quickly looked at Sanxun Nian.

I saw Taoist Ding Dian walking slowly from a distance, "Junior brother, let's not talk about caring about your life. You have brought great shame to the Supreme Sect. Follow me back to the sect to apologize!"

"Senior brother, this matter all started out of concern for life. As long as we kill him, everything will be settled," Qing Que said with a worried look on his face, "You and I are from the same sect, are we going to have a dispute over an outsider?"

"Is he an outsider? He is a disciple of the Xi Palace and a disciple of Master Yi Ming Palace." Ding Dian's face was as gloomy as ice. "I asked Gu Ximing's origin before, why didn't you tell me?? Forget it, I am too lazy to talk to you. You argue, come with me!"

A bolt of thunder struck down in the sky.

The old man in green shirt was pierced by the lightning spear, and most of his divine power was immediately dissipated.

A few days later, the mysterious space.

Ding Dian walked into the Holy Temple alone...

A few days later, an uncle came out of seclusion and accidentally heard about the numerology chart. He was furious and ordered Taoist Qingque to ban the sect and not allow him to leave for ten years. At the same time, he was cut off from the heavenly secrets. Cause and effect, you can’t even communicate with the outside world.

As for Gu Ximing, his uncle has already sent a message to the Xi Palace, asking Master Yi Ming to punish him on his behalf, and no one from the Supreme Sect is allowed to interfere.

How dare disciples of the Taishang Sect dare to violate the orders of their great uncle?

Those were the true emperors of the universe, and each of them was extremely powerful, far beyond what their peers of gods and demons could contend with.

"This matter is finally over."

In the quiet room of the cave, Ding Dian shook his head and sighed, "Once the news spreads about Lord Xihuang's secret disciple and is discovered by the source beast forces... the consequences will be unimaginable."

As the top figure among the three generations of disciples, he knows very well how difficult it is for the Infinite Saint to cultivate a strong man who can master both lines.

As long as this kind of person grows up, he will at least be an emperor of the universe. If he is lucky, he can even become an ancient saint.

Ancient Saint!

Looking across the Hunyuan Void, there are not many who can be found. Each one of them is a pillar of the cultivation world. If they are really tricked to death by Qing Que, not to mention them, the entire Taishang Sect will be unlucky.

"You idiot, being grounded for ten years is considered light. If you weren't afraid that the news would spread and arouse suspicion, my uncle would never have allowed you to live in this world. Even I... was almost in danger of life and death."

Ding Dian took a deep breath, closed his eyes and practiced.

He has decided to meditate in the cave, cut off all contact, and will not go out for two or three years.

The bottom layer of the ancient world.

Gu Xiuyun still traveled around with Ye Xin, feeling the changes in people's hearts.

It's just that he is much more cautious than before, always covering himself with the rules of destiny to avoid the Taishang Sect's detection, while at the same time absorbing the power of gods and demons with all his strength, and integrating the third true form.

Time passes slowly.

Twenty-three million years later, Ye Xin finally understood the rules of the impermanent mind. At the same time, Gu Xiuyun also completely integrated the true forms of the gods and demons of light and darkness into his body.

The combination of the four true forms causes the power of supernatural powers to skyrocket.

"The nine rules of destiny are based on heavenly cultivation, human cultivation, and heart cultivation. But you are a god and demon. You don't need any living rules to break the shackles of heaven and earth and make your mind and will grow infinitely."

"Therefore, we must try our best to understand the nine rules. Each additional rule will increase the room for future growth."

Looking at the girl of gods and demons in front of him, Gu Xiuyun said in a deep voice, "From today on, I will unblock you, allow you to understand other rules, and allow you to improve your bloodline and become a real god and demon, but remember, don't Easily enter the state of mind.”

Ye Xin nodded solemnly.

For tens of millions of years, Gu Xiuyun has been explaining the mysteries of the rules of destiny to her. Although she has not formally understood them, she has a sufficient understanding of the nine rules. At least before entering the realm of refining the mind, there is not much hindrance.

"From today on, you can practice alone!"

Gu Xiuyun raised his head and looked into the distance, "There are still several secret realms in the Taiyuan Ancient World. Those places are too dangerous to take you there. If you encounter an enemy that is difficult to contend with, use Taoist talismans to save your life. I will rush over as soon as possible."

"Yes, sir." Ye Xin nodded again.

Before entering the ancient world of Taiyuan, Gu Xiuyun bought a lot of Taoist Talisman Spiritual Treasures, originally to deal with the descendants of gods and demons in various secret realms. But now that he has fused four true forms and his strength has increased a hundred times, those Talisman Spiritual Treasures are no longer useful.

The gods and demons in the later stage of divine magic can be dealt with by relying on the rhinoceros magical power alone.

As for the Half-Step Divine Lord and the Divine Demon Emperor, ordinary Taoist talismans are of no use at all. It is better to leave them to Ye Xin to defend herself.

"Little girl, you have to rely on yourself to practice. There is not much I can do. You are quite talented, but how far you can go depends on yourself!!"

After the words fell, the cyan figure took a step forward and fled into the distance.

"grown ups……"

The black-faced maid knelt down and kowtowed three times.

Although Gu Xiuyun never said that he would accept her as his disciple, his kindness was no less than that of any master.

The southern part of Taiyuan Ancient World.

There is a deep canyon where the wind roars all year round. Even if it is hundreds of millions of miles away, the biting cold wind can destroy the flesh and blood of gods and demons. But even so, there are still a large number of gods and demons residing here, and each one has divine power. In the later stage, even the realm of divine law.

"Wind Valley is the lair of Fengxing gods and demons. It is also one of the places where the Holy Seal is strongest. Compared to Lei Yuanze, there are a large number of descendants of gods and demons gathered here. There are even several forces fighting each other and fighting constantly."

Gu Xiuyun's eyes flickered.

Compared to other secret realms, Wind Valley is far more dangerous. The number of gods and demons alone is several times greater, as well as many half-step gods.

Because there is the origin of Fengxing gods and demons here, with luck, the Half-Step Divine Lord can break the shackles and become the new god-demonic emperor.

From the Divine Law Realm to the Divine Lord Realm, you can rely on the rules of living beings or the origin of gods and demons, just like the Blackmang Demon Lord, who absorbs massive amounts of origin power to rejuvenate his true form, and his strength will naturally increase further.

The gods and demons don't care what realm they are in. Everything is judged by fists.

Having emperor-level combat power means you are an emperor.

"Compared with the special secret realm where the God and Demon Emperor is seated, the dangers in Wind Valley are much smaller. Moreover, this place is extremely chaotic, with various forces fighting openly and secretly. As long as I show enough means, I should be able to occupy a place."

Gu Xiuyun whispered.

Not every place has a fixed source space like Lei Yuanze. The wind is invisible and formless, and the source space is also erratic and has no precise location.

Even the Supreme Saint of Taiyuan cannot completely seal this god and demon.

Therefore, under the promotion of Taishang Sect, a large number of gods and demons gathered here, madly absorbing the power of gods and demons, and weakening the power of the ancestors of gods and demons. Whenever the origin of gods and demons breaks free from the seal and escapes, they will be absorbed by the Half-Step God Lord immediately.


The green figure waved his palms, splitting the wind and waves in front of him, and walked towards the edge of the canyon. In just ten thousand miles, the sound of the surrounding wind was twice as sharp and became more and more harsh.

Soon, Gu Xiuyun approached the top of the canyon.


A thunderous roar resounded across the sky, almost drowning out the harsh sound of the wind.

I saw three descendants of gods and demons running towards me. Each one was at the level of acting. Their auras were as violent as fire, and their mountain-like bodies emitted astonishing fluctuations.

"Get out of here or...die!"

One of the gods and demons spoke sharply.

"Is Wind Valley your territory? Just leave if you ask me to leave?" Gu Xiuyun smiled slightly, "Besides, it's not you who has the final say here."

"court death!"

The three-headed gods and demons use their bloodline magical powers at the same time.

One spits out scorching flames, one is surrounded by cold waves, forming ice arrows all over the sky, and there is another whose head bursts with bright thunder, condensing thousands of feet of thunder spears.

Every god and demon has the strength to perform in the early stages of the Dharma Realm.

"The master didn't show up and asked a few minions to show up. Is he trying to find out Pindao's methods?"

Gu Xiuyun's body surged with true energy, and the rhinoceros shadow condensed into shape. Then, a mighty water erupted from his body.

Peng! !

The three-headed gods and demons fell out without resistance, and their bloodline magical powers were instantly annihilated. Their huge bodies could not withstand the pressure of the water, and their flesh and blood burst apart. They were about to die on the spot.

A strong wind surged out from the depths of the canyon and turned into an invisible barrier, protecting them within it.

Immediately afterwards, dozens of gods and demons appeared in the depths of the canyon, staring at the sky from a distance, led by a golden flying tiger.

"Mortal life, this is not the place you should come. If you leave now, I can spare your life. Otherwise..."

The golden flying tiger's voice was a little cold.

Descendants of gods and demons have always looked down upon mortal life.

Even if the other party has cultivated to the realm of acting or even higher levels, they still have a kind of arrogance in their bones. After becoming real gods and demons, this arrogance derived from bloodline is even more profound, even making them disdain to come into contact with mortal life, let alone To practice the rules of life.

So Gu Xiuyun took Ye Xin to the bottom of the ancient world, and it wasn't until she understood the rules of the impermanent mind that she unlocked the forbidden seal.

"So what?"

Gu Xiuyun responded quietly and stepped forward at the same time.

"Looking for death," a cold light flashed in the golden flying tiger's eyes, "join forces to besiege and destroy this mortal."

Dozens of gods and demons are using their magical powers at the same time, including domain magical powers like flaming mountains and rocks, sharp spears and weapons, and wind sound waves.

But every magical power was forcibly dispersed as soon as it approached the water in the sky.

"How is that possible?? He is obviously just a mortal!"

The golden flying tiger's eyes widened, and the blood in the late stage of divine magic surged like a tide, forming a golden blade.


The golden blade penetrated the water and struck towards the rhinoceros shadow.

Feihu's eyes flashed with satisfaction, "I thought it was so powerful, but it turns out it's just a realm in the late stages of a divine method. It just so happens that I'm the best at killing. If you meet me, you'll be unlucky."

The words have not yet finished.

The golden blade comes to the rhinoceros, Dang!

The extremely sharp blade was blocked by the rhino's fur. Immediately afterwards, the rhino raised its head, and the horn on its head flashed with lightning.

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