Fortune Teller

Chapter 1588 The end of the three methods

"over there!"

Seeing clearly the direction of the origin of the gods and demons, the furry beast showed hesitation.

That place is not far from where he is. Although various forces have already imposed heavy bans and a large number of gods and demons have formed battle formations, as long as it is fast enough, it can still get a share of the pie.

"grown ups!"

The golden flying tiger looked anxious.

Whether it is to snatch the origin of gods and demons, or to sweep everywhere, it only takes half a day. After half a day, the origins of gods and demons will be completely refined, and everything will return to peace.

"Go to the east first. That silver wolf has attacked and killed it many times. I have long disliked it." The furry beast showed a ruthless look on its face.

The moment the origin of gods and demons appeared, the Silver Wolf Lord rushed out.

Without the Half-step Divine Lord in charge, what are the early and late stages of divine magic?


The golden flying tiger roared upwards in excitement, and the gods and demons under his command also roared.

At the same time, the fluffy beast glanced at the shadow of the rhinoceros deep in the territory, and pondered for a few breaths, but did not take action. From the opponent's magical power, it can be inferred that its realm will never be lower than the third level of acting. This level is outside the realm. Life is almost half-step to God.

Some of the more terrifying cultivators can even rival gods, demons, and emperors.

"First occupy the territory of the silver wolf and the poisonous mink, and then drive out the mortal life."

The furry beast flew east.

Soon, the sound of fighting resounded throughout the world.

The entire Wind Valley fell into extreme chaos, with all forces attacking and fighting each other. One by one, the gods crossed the void and rushed towards the origin of the world.

Those magic-level gods and demons had orders, so they had no choice but to block them. However, the Half-Step God Lord was so powerful that he severely injured ordinary gods and demons in just a few breaths.

At the same time, the half-step god king closest to the origin has arrived.


The wind roared.

The origin of the ancestor of gods and demons is like a bright and scorching sun, surrounded by countless chains of fate. Just a little of it escapes, making the descendants of gods and demons tremble.

"After waiting for so many years, it's finally my turn!"

Half-step God Lord's eyes flashed with light, he opened his bloody mouth and swallowed the whole blazing sun directly into his belly.


Countless chains of destiny pierced its body and forced the scorching sun out, but in just an instant, the scorching sun dimmed a lot. A large amount of origin had been integrated into the body of the half-step god, making its bloodline more powerful and one step closer to the emperor level.

"As expected of the origin of gods and demons, it really has the power to change the world." Banbu Shenjun did not care about the scars on his body. "Unfortunately, every origin space has been suppressed and sealed by the Supreme Saint of Taiyuan, and the descendants of gods and demons are prohibited from intruding. On the contrary, those There is no obstacle to life outside the realm.”

As it spoke, it opened its bloody mouth again.

"Tuhao, stop!"

The surrounding half-step god lords roared urgently, each one pushing their escape magic powers to the extreme, but how could the Tuhao lord pay attention to them?

The mountain-like mouth swallowed the scorching sun again...

Compared to the chaotic scene around him, the place where Gu Xiuyun was located seemed particularly quiet.

This place is neither far nor close to the origin of the world, and it is outside the core area. Coupled with the methods he showed previously, few gods and demons dare to provoke him easily.

"The ripples of fate are the traces of creatures walking through the world, and they are also countless tiny touches."

"The shadow of fate is one's own influence on the world, which is endless and magnificent."

"The field of destiny is the overlapping destiny of living beings, with endless changes."

"In the past, I have been exploring the most marginal, tiniest, and most secret traces of fate, but I have ignored the source of all changes."

Countless thoughts flashed through my mind.

The collision of the four divine maps of destiny with the origin of gods and demons revealed all the changes, and he suddenly discovered that all the mysterious changes originated from one point, which he had always ignored.

The sky of destiny guides him to find that point.

Xihuang Daotai allowed him to accumulate countless insights on that point.

At this moment, the three forces gathered together, and all the fragments of perception merged in the spiritual light, moving towards the end of the Taoism.

The external cultivation of the three methods is actually not much more difficult than the internal cultivation.

It's the same rule. One only takes a short million years, but the other takes hundreds of millions or even billions or tens of billions of years. Why?

Because it's inappropriate.

When he understood the twist of fate, Gu Xiuyun had countless flashes of inspiration in his heart, and he could quickly improve even without relying on the sky of fate. But when it came to meditating on the three methods of external cultivation, he could only rely on the guidance of his ancestors, and his heart felt like a dead desert without any life.

If it weren't for the Heavenly Vault of Destiny, the Taoist Platform of Emperor Xi and the Charm of Destiny, it would be difficult for him to make any progress even if he founded a sect and practiced it for hundreds of millions of years.

Because in this aspect, he is too stupid, so stupid that he can only rely on cramming to learn.

Gu Xiuyun is still like this. You can imagine how difficult it is for those emperors of the universe to advance even one step higher due to their limited talents and the influence of the rules of only the state of mind.

At this moment, he found his direction.

Countless spiritual lights surged in my heart, combining the fragments of past insights in various ways, moving towards the extreme of the spiritual path.

"The three methods of internal cultivation are essentially one body, and the three methods of external cultivation are also one body and complement each other."

Every moment, he is improving.

How fast the thoughts of the Supreme Qiankun move... Time is almost meaningless. Every moment, countless auras and thoughts are displayed.

Just for a moment.

He has crossed the realm barrier and entered the late stage of Intention Refining, and he broke through the three rules at the same time. However, this is not the ultimate. There is still a gap between the late stage of Intention Refining and the peak.

The fragments of insights in my heart are still gathering together, heading towards the end of the road.

From the Dharma Suiting Realm to the Dharma Suiting Realm, it can easily take hundreds, thousands, or ten thousand years, but from the Refining Intention Realm to the Dharma Suiting Realm, just a few breaths are enough.

Because the only state of mind is a combination of rules and mental will, they need to blend with each other, and they need to exclude other rules. This process is bound to be long.

Just the improvement of perception and the gathering of thoughts in the mind are enough.

In the vast and vast canyon, there were sounds of fighting. Every god and demon was fighting and fighting. Among them, the place where the original world was born was the most brutal.

The origin of the ancestor of gods and demons appears in Tu Hao's territory, and the greatest benefits have been taken away by it, but the remaining origin is enough to make other half-step gods crazy.

Who wouldn’t go crazy after waiting for more than a billion years just for a chance?

In addition, there are many gods and demons taking the opportunity to seize territory and expand their territory.

Such as furry animals.

I saw long hair flying all over its body, and each hair was like a chain across the sky and earth. It could easily break through the formation restrictions and seriously injure the surrounding gods and demons.

"A group of ants that haven't even reached the late stage of divine magic dare to stop me," the furry beast showed disdain, "Even if the silver wolf takes action personally, he will shun the power of life and death from me, let alone you?"

"Get away!"

call out!

Countless hairs penetrated the void, blasting the battle array of gods and demons away. A few who were unlucky had no time to escape, and were directly cut into pieces and perished completely.

"Your Majesty, your power is endless. These ants dare to block your steps, and you are simply seeking death." The golden flying tiger quickly flattered.

Several other gods and demons in the later stage of the divine magic also spoke one after another.

At this moment, nearly half of the territory under the Silver Wolf Lord has been lost, but the furry beasts are not ready to continue attacking. The territory is only secondary, and one's own cultivation is the key. There is no need to completely confront the Silver Wolf Lord for some territory.

Moreover, having too much territory can easily arouse the covetousness of other forces, so just enough is enough.

"Flying Tiger, Gracilaria, you two stay here, and the rest follow me to the north to capture half of the poisonous marten's territory." The furry beast said loudly.


A large number of gods and demons flew to the north.

Not long after, the poisonous mink's territory was full of casualties, and a large area of ​​the territory was controlled by the furry beast. After doing all this, it turned to look at the rhinoceros shadow, with a cold light flashing in its eyes.

"A mere mortal dares to act recklessly on this god's territory and has stayed here for hundreds of millions of years. If I don't kill you and expel you, wouldn't this god become the laughing stock of all forces?"

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