Fortune Teller

Chapter 1594 Uninvited

"Please help Senior Luo Shen..."

In the side hall of Emperor Xi's realm, the cyan figure opened his eyes and frowned slightly.

Forget about the others, they can always be hired at a certain price, but Luo Shen... no matter how he opens his mouth, it's a troublesome thing.

"If it really doesn't work, just find a Supreme Actor. Anyway, with my current strength, it won't be a problem to deal with a few Actor elders. Even if we really encounter a strong enemy, Tiandu and Jueshan will fall first."

Before he finished speaking, the puppet beast guarding the palace came in and said, "Elder Ximing, Supreme Luo Shen wants to see you!"

"Luo Shen?"

Gu Xiuyun's eyes widened and he said quickly, "Please come in quickly, forget it, I'll go out to see her directly."

The real body of the human race walked quickly outside the palace.

I saw Luo Shen's clothes fluttering, standing on the jade ground in front of the side hall, like a goddess who has escaped from the dust, and she has a stunning feeling that she is not in this world.

Incomparable beauty... Gu Xiuyun whispered in his heart.

He felt this way every time he saw Luo Shen, but he also understood in his heart that it was not Luo Shen's intention, but his own cultivation path that was causing trouble.

Just like Guo Nvjun, she cultivates the other side of the seven emotions and six desires, and is known as a slut.

But think about it carefully, which supreme being in the universe would be like a secular woman? What's more, with their arrogance, how could they easily fall in love with other men?

"My guest, Luo Shen, I have met the elder." The goddess bowed slightly.

"Senior, please don't let me down," Gu Xiuyun quickly waved out a burst of energy to stop him, "In terms of years of practice, I am far inferior to seniors. In terms of kindness, seniors gave me the secrets to help me survive the catastrophe of death. My relatives and friends have a place of support, and they also help me become a core disciple of the Xi Palace. I will remember every detail. "

"Those are just casual things, not to mention that you also paid for it," Luo Shen shook his head slightly, "I came here today to ask for some credit. I heard that guarding Hongming Mountain has many benefits, I wonder if I can get a share of it?"

"Senior?" Gu Xiuyun's eyes widened.

Luo Shen, as a veteran Supreme, must know a lot about the dangers of Hongming Mountain. Even if he lacks credit, he will not go there!

Obviously, the other party was just using this as an excuse to help him.

"Elder is unwilling? That's a big achievement, but it's a pity." The goddess sighed helplessly.

"Yes, ten thousand yes." Gu Xiuyun nodded quickly.

Who wouldn't want to be followed by a strong man who is equivalent to an acting elder?

And in this way, he can cover it up as much as possible to avoid exposing his strength prematurely and arousing suspicion from others. A strong man who can compete with the elder Yanfa after just practicing for more than one billion years is really eye-catching.

Perhaps in the eyes of Palace Master Yi Ming and Emperor Huanyu, it doesn't matter if Gu Xiuyun is not exposed. Anyway, his path is over and he will be an ordinary emperor until his death.

If you are stuck at a certain bottleneck and cannot even become an emperor, what danger is there?

But Gu Xiuyun himself knew that once he was suspected by various forces and even the Origin Beast Emperor, clues would be revealed sooner or later.

Indeed, no one would know it unless he said it himself, but he would always use Taoist secrets.

This time I used Fate Distortion, next time I used Destiny Field, and again I used Destiny Mind. Over and over again, sooner or later someone would see the problem, so don't show off if you can.

After a few Taoist years, no one will care even if he uses methods comparable to those of the acting elders.

"Senior, why?" Looking at the goddess in front of him, Gu Xiuyun still had some doubts in his heart.

Hongming Mountain is not a good place, so Luo Shen doesn't owe him anything? Why fight with all your might?

"Because I owe you a favor," the goddess smiled slightly, "In the Baizhantai incident, Guo Nvjun and I made a bet with you, and we got a lot of benefits. I thought I would repay it when I had the chance. Who has ever Think about it, you actually became an elder quietly, if you continue like this, how can I repay your kindness? "

So that's it... Gu Xiuyun suddenly realized.

That bet had little to do with him, but it wasn't completely unrelated. If it hadn't been for his sworn response, Luo Shen would never have nodded. But more importantly, Taoist Qiu Xin got secret help from Guo Nujun, which almost ruined the bet.

In the end, Gu Xiuyun took a risk and borrowed triple secret skills to severely injure his opponent and win the game.

This is why Luo Shen thanked him.

"Hongming Mountain is not stable. Before going there, elders had better make more preparations, especially the rare treasures of healing and life-saving elixirs. The more the better."

The goddess bowed and said, "I am just the elder's subordinate. I am short of money. If I am injured, I have to ask the elder for help."

"Thank you, senior, for reminding me." Gu Xiuyun nodded slightly.

If Luo Shen didn't say it, he almost forgot.

During the trip to Hongming Mountain, Tiandu, Jueshan and Gu Ximing were the guardians, and all the credit should be attributed to them. As for Luo Shen, Li Hun, and Hongzhuxian, they could only be regarded as followers, without any credit, and they would not get any. A reward from the Xi Palace.

All benefits must naturally be obtained from the elders.

After a while, Luo Shen left.

Gu Xiuyun walked towards the Hall of Merit. With his wealth, he could buy as many elixirs and treasures as he wanted, the weapons of Emperor Jiuyou, the harvest of Supreme Qingling to enrich his own pockets, and the Yunshi Xizhu paid by the Lord of Qi Temple to purchase the Sky Vault of Destiny. There is still quite a bit left.

Those wealth cannot be exchanged for precious opportunities, but it is more than enough to just buy some healing elixirs, rare treasures to restore the mind and will, and Taoist talismans.

A few days later.

In the Great Realm of Emperor Xi, three elders led the nine Supreme Immortals, riding on the flying boat Lingbao towards the end of the void.


The void was forcibly torn apart, and the flying boat entered the depths of the dead space and disappeared at the end of the layers of space.

The distance from the Xihuang Heavenly Domain to the Hongjie Domain is very long. It would take thousands of years to escape alone, and at the speed of Elder Yanfa.

The Xihuang Heavenly Domain and the Qingxiao Heavenly Domain are vast enough, but compared to the endless mixed source void, they are still too small, just a drop of water in the vast ocean.

"The Hongjie Territory is no better than the two major Heavenly Territories. There are a large number of practitioners and source beasts there. There are constant disputes between various forces. There are also several Qiankun Emperors who remain neutral, and there is even an ancient saint hiding in the dark, so we have to be careful. , it’s best not to have any conflicts with them.”

In the flying boat, Elder Tiandu looked around and reminded him loudly.

"Old Saints?" Supreme Li Hun looked surprised, "Didn't you say that there are only three Ancient Saints in the Ancient Ancestral Domain? There are also Ancient Saints in the Hongjie Domain?"

"The three ancient saints in the Ancient Ancestor Heaven Domain are all the pinnacle figures among the ancient saints, with outstanding strength, but the ancient saints in the Hong Jie Domain are far inferior to the three ancestors."

Elder Jueshan said, "As for what the difference is, I'm not sure. Anyway, the ancient sage does not belong to the cultivation world, and he is not willing to take refuge in the origin beast forces. As long as he sits in Hongjie Territory for one day, Hongjie Territory will be neutral. , no doubt.”

Everyone nodded slightly.

The intimidating power of the Ancient Saint is understandable even without explaining it. After all, it is the terrifying existence closest to the Holy Saint.

If the Infinite Holy Saint does not appear, the Ancient Saint will be the invincible strong man in the world. Even if the Holy Saint comes in person, the Ancient Saint can still resist a few moves.

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