Fortune Teller

Chapter 1669 Howling Wind City


The escaping light was like an arrow, constantly tearing apart the binding force in the void. After several years, the true form of the human race finally arrived at the edge of the Henghe River.

There is a vast void in front of me.

"The third airspace is finally here!"

Gu Xiuyun secretly breathed a sigh of relief, "Except for the source beast forces, ordinary idle source beasts will not stay in the third airspace, and emperor-level source beasts will not go here. Entering the third airspace will make things much easier."

The first airspace and the second airspace are both the sphere of influence of the cultivation world.

As for the third airspace, it is the boundary between the cultivation world and the source beasts. It is said that dozens of years ago, before the source beast forces invaded in large numbers, there were a large number of fairy cities in the third airspace, and there were even many practitioners and source beasts. Stay.

Nowadays, those fairy cities have collapsed and collapsed, but idle source beasts rarely dare to go here, and emperor-level source beasts will not easily set foot there.

For practitioners, the source beast is a life and death threat.

But for source beasts, the same is true for practitioners. Those emperor-level source beasts are also afraid of the ancient saints and holy saints in the practice world, so how can they dare to enter the third airspace?

"I heard that there are still many remaining secret realms and ruins in the third airspace. I can take a look at them along the way."

Gu Xiuyun lowered his head and looked at the astrolabe in his hand, seeming to be calculating the route.

After a while, he walked to the left.

The void is vast, and in many places there is no power of the mixed source for trillions of miles or even millions of billions of miles, and there is no trace of life. If you cannot enter the Qiankun realm, you are not even qualified to walk in the mixed source void.

The cyan figure holds a seven-foot vine and carries a mace, walking leisurely under the guidance of the astrolabe.

At the same time, the ghosts and ghosts are in the depths.

An illusory figure is silently feeling the will of Tianxin.

"According to what Emperor Jiuyou said, the ghosts and monsters in the underworld come from the hands of the Holy Saint, and the will of the heavenly heart also comes from the Holy Saint, and contains unpredictable power. Unfortunately, this will is not a destiny system, but a virtual entity system. It will help me Always limited.”

The illusory figure closed its eyes tightly, feeling the vast power of Tianxin's will.

It is a vast power like a galaxy, with endless changes. There are countless scenes when the mind flashes, and you can even deduce its changes based on your own insights.

Of course, these changes are based on virtual and actual rules.

But the avenues of heaven and earth always have something in common, and the virtual system also contains certain changes in destiny, especially the perception of the only state of mind, which has a great effect.

After a long time, the illusory figure opened its eyes, with a hint of joy on its face.

"The effect of Tianxin's will is really extraordinary. In just a few hundred thousand years, I have already understood the rules of fate and heart, and there are even signs of a breakthrough."

"Maybe I don't need to go to the door of death. I can master the second idealistic rule and step into the level of acting by relying on the ghosts and ghosts alone."

The illusory figure took a deep breath and continued to close his eyes to comprehend.

At the same time, the true form of the human race is still moving forward in the void.

The third airspace is vast and endless. At his current speed, he will not be able to cross it in tens of billions of years. He can only use space wormholes.

At this moment, he finally arrived in front of the first wormhole.

I saw air currents like ribbons floating in the void, and deep in the air currents there was an abandoned ancient city with towering walls and deathly silence undulating around it, making many passing creatures stay away.

"Howling City!"

Gu Xiuyun looked forward, "According to the ancient books of Qingxiao Palace, before the massive attack by the Origin Beast forces, this place was one of the most prosperous cities in the Hunyuan Void, and there were three Emperors of the Universe sitting in charge. But now, this place has been completely dead. Can't find any life!"

"I heard that one of the three fallen emperors practiced the destiny system. If you go in and take a look, you might be able to see some relics."

The real form of the human race stepped forward.

With his current strength, as long as he doesn't meet Emperor Qiankun, he can save his life, so how can he be afraid of danger?

What's more, it is a dead city that has been dry and silent for countless years.

After a while.

The cyan figure came to the front of the city. The towering city walls were tall and straight, and there was some kind of magical restriction hidden in them. The further they walked, the more they felt that the city walls were rising, as if there was no end.

"What a powerful restriction. After dozens of years, the entire city has been abandoned. However, these restrictions have not completely collapsed. It seems that the only way in and out is through the city gate."

He turned around and flew towards the city gate.

Compared with the majestic city wall, the city gate looks a bit dilapidated. Most of the gate tower has collapsed and is covered with countless cracks. Obviously, when the source beast forces attacked here, extremely brutal fighting took place. The gate tower is filled with traces of resentment of the dead souls. But it was already extremely weak, as if it had been extracted and refined by someone.

Gu Xiuyun stepped into the city.

There were ruins in front of him, but no corpses of any cultivators could be found, and even the corpses of the source beasts were missing.

He stretched out his palm, and the power of destiny filled the air.

Immediately afterwards, the scenes in the city reappeared one by one in front of his eyes. He did not spy on the scene of the Emperor Qiankun fighting, nor did he check the scene when the source beast forces took action, but he was observing the bustling city in the past.

Time passes.

Those practitioners and origin beasts of the past traded equally in the city. Although they were of different races, there was no tension as it is today.

Countless caves and realms are hidden deep in the palace attic, from the lowest level of mortals to the realm of Douxiao, the true realm, the venerable, the true lord... countless lives are safe and contented.

until one day.

The city collapsed, the realm collapsed, and countless creatures were annihilated.

"No matter how glorious the fairy city is, it will one day collapse and be destroyed. The world of spiritual practice... ultimately relies on fists to speak."

Gu Xiuyun shook his head slightly.

The city in front of him was vast and majestic, wider than any fairy city he had seen before, and the restrictions in the city were also extremely powerful. It was filled with emperor-level divine power everywhere, but just such a place was completely destroyed by the source beast forces.

It will no longer be the grand occasion it once was.

And the source of the disaster... is the dispute between the cultivation world and the source beast forces.

"The City of Howling Wind rose due to the strength of the cultivation world, but also collapsed due to the disputes in the cultivation world. So what if the Qiankun Emperor will eventually be wiped out? Only by becoming the Infinite Saint can the Origin Beast forces be afraid and can we truly gain a foothold. capital."

Gu Xiuyun took a deep breath and walked towards the depths of the city.

Through his observations just now, he discovered several realms related to destiny.

In front of the dilapidated palace wall.

The cyan figure stopped and stood. In front of him was half a black stone statue. The upper body of the statue had disappeared, only the waist below. It could be seen that it was a human race.

"This person should be the Emperor Qiankun back then."

"Although the upper body has disappeared without a trace, it can be seen from his Taoist boots that this person is most likely to be under the command of the Red Dust Immortal."

Gu Xiuyun lowered his head and stared at the statue's feet.

There are also several special patterns on the Taoist boots, which are very similar to the Taoist imprints of the Sky of Destiny. Unfortunately, this statue has long since collapsed, and all traces of destiny no longer exist, and there is nothing worth comprehending.

Half a day later.

The true form of the human race came to another place. The ten thousand-foot-long jade platform was laid out between the attic and the palace. It was engraved with regular patterns, but the key points had been destroyed, and most of the rest were broken. It would never be seen again. Unable to provide details.

However, there was a smile on his face.

He had seen the regular patterns on the jade platform deep in the sky of destiny... This was a unique piece of art in the world of mortals.

To be precise, it is the first of the nine unique skills of the Red Dust Immortal, but it is specious. It seems to have been modified by Emperor Qiankun. The degree of mystery is far less than before, and the difficulty of practice has also been reduced.

"The Nine-Stage Secret Skill of the Immortal of the Red Dust integrates all the rules of fate. It is so mysterious that even the Emperor Qiankun cannot fully grasp it. It must be for this reason that there are some errors in the rules here."

Gu Xiuyun waved his true energy and repaired regular patterns starting from the edge of the jade platform.

While repairing, he was also secretly comprehending.

Emperor Qiankun's Taoist foundation may not be as good as his, but his realm level is definitely far above him. Repairing these lines will also allow him to peek into the emperor's realm from the side, which may be of some benefit to himself.

One day, two days, three days... half a year passed.

The regular patterns on the jade platform are mostly completed, and they are faintly glowing. At the same time, there are waves of hybrid power coming from outside the city and constantly integrating into the depths of the jade platform.

"It seems that this jade platform is still part of the city's formation!"

Gu Xiuyun's interest increased, and when he turned his palm, the repair speed became much faster.

Two more months have passed.

The regular patterns on the jade platform were finally completely repaired, and brilliance was seen flowing. The power of hybrid sources surged like a tide, constantly pouring into the jade platform. The regular patterns on the jade platform began to move on their own, even beating with each other, as if they were evolving the secret of destiny.

"The nine styles of the world of mortals actually have this change..."

Gu Xiuyun stared at the scene in front of him, feeling inexplicably amazed.

I saw regular patterns jumping very fast, like swimming fish, but they were connected with each other, forming nine dimensions. Finally, the jade platform absorbed enough mixed source power, and countless regular patterns rushed towards the sky, forming A humanoid shadow.

The humanoid shadow seemed to have its own thoughts. It lowered its head and glanced at Gu Xiuyun, nodded slightly, and then dispersed.

Then, there was a roar!

The jade platform fell apart, and countless fragments flew into the sky following regular patterns, forming a huge space portal.

"There's actually a secret realm hidden here?" Gu Xiuyun blinked, somewhat unbelievable.

He thought those regular patterns were some kind of variation of Hongchen's secret art, but he never imagined that they were actually the entrance to a secret realm.

"Since it is banned based on Hongchen's unique skills, it must be related to the Qiankun Emperor of the Destiny System. Let's go in and take a look."

The cyan figure stepped into the space portal.

Shit! !

The moment he passed through the portal, he saw a vast world, with a radius of tens of billions of miles. The sky and the earth were vast, but there was no spiritual power left. Even the space seemed extremely fragile, as if it would collapse with just one breath.

There are tribes in the distance, inhabited by creatures that are about ten feet tall. They look somewhat similar to human beings, but have wide ears, eyes as red as fire, and two strange curved horns on their heads.

"Is this...a void?"

Gu Xiuyun frowned.

The world of tens of billions of miles sounds vast, but to ordinary mortals, with his strength, he can see the end at a glance.

This void is extremely small and does not contain any spiritual power. It does not look like a secret realm specially left by Emperor Qiankun.

At this moment, a weak fluctuation appeared at the bottom of the world.

Gu Xiuyun looked down and saw several blue ancient tower-like buildings deep underground. There were human figures stationed in each tower. The divine power in his body was almost dry, and his aura was extremely weak, almost the same as that of ordinary mortals.

Because of this, he almost ignored it.


Gu Xiuyun narrowed his eyes, moved his fingertips slightly, and a ray of spiritual power merged into the ancient blue pagoda along the void.

Nourished by this spiritual power, the practitioners in the ancient pagoda woke up one after another, and their nearly dead bodies also revived, and they looked up to the sky one by one.

"Your Majesty!"

After seeing the figure in the sky clearly, one of them suddenly knelt down, "I have been waiting here for hundreds of light eras, and finally waited for the Lord to arrive!"

"Please, Lord, have mercy on me and grant us divine power to let us live." The other practitioners also knelt down.

"I'm not the Supreme Lord you call me," Gu Xiuyun said softly, "It seems that you still don't know the situation in Howling Wind City. Howling Wind City has long since collapsed, and all the creatures in the city have perished. I never thought that there is still one person left behind." branch."

"Howling City?"

The ancient pagoda practitioner blinked his eyes, a little confused.

"You don't know Howling Wind City?" Gu Xiuyun asked with a frown.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, we have been living here since we were born and have never left. We only heard some things about the outside world from our ancestors."

"It is said that countless years ago, the Supreme Lord would come here, but I don't know when the Supreme Lord stopped appearing, and even the divine power used for practice continued to decrease, until finally, there was only a little divine power left in the world, and we entered The Zhenjie Divine Tower managed to survive.”


Gu Xiuyun looked carefully.

I saw those ancient blue pagodas emitting mysterious fluctuations, with the power to withstand the supreme rules of the mixed source void. It is precisely because of this that the practitioners in the ancient pagodas can save their lives.

After all, they have not even reached the level of World Master, and the long years will continue to wear away their mind and will until their will is completely exhausted.


Gu Xiuyun suddenly frowned, "Since countless years ago, there has been no Supreme Lord coming? Are you all the True Lords of the Six Difficulties? How could you not know about Howling Wind City?"

Howling Wind City was destroyed thirty years ago, and the time interval was not long. With the strength of the Six Difficulties True Master, he should remember it clearly.

But these people don't even know Howling Wind City?

The practitioner of the ancient pagoda shook his head blankly, "This place has not seen the Supreme Lord for countless years. I heard from the master's mouth that the sixth generation master once passed down the news, saying that this place has been waiting for the Supreme Lord to come and bestow blessings."

"I am the twenty-fifth generation disciple, and the sixth generation master was already thousands of mixed light eras ago!"

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