Fortune Teller

Chapter 1719 The Secret Art of Creation

Lei Yuanze edge.

Several figures stood in the sky, headed by a humanoid king wearing a purple-gold crown robe. Two half-step god kings stood beside them, looking extremely respectful.

Ahead, a dark streak hung across the sky and earth.

The spot is empty, without any rules or fluctuations, not even the rules of the ancient world exist.

"Is this the trace left behind after the fighting between beings outside the world?" The purple-robed king looked serious.

"Report to your lord."

One of the Half-Step Gods replied respectfully, "The man left Lei Yuanze after killing the black python. But the strange thing is that the black marks in the void did not disappear for a long time, and he could not sense any fluctuations in the laws of heaven and earth. , I have been practicing for countless years and have never seen such a scene, so I invite the emperor to come and check it out."

"Sir, what kind of dharma is this?"

"It's not Taoism, it's fate!"

There was a faint flash of lightning deep in the pupils of the purple-robed king, "The secret art of creation in the world of cultivation was actually practiced by beings outside the world, and was brought into the ancient world of Taiyuan. It's interesting, it's really interesting. It seems that the ancient world is about to become lively. "

"The secret of creation?" The two half-step gods looked at each other with confusion on their faces.

As the top experts second only to the Gods and Demon Emperors, they know a lot about the world of cultivation and have even personally come into contact with several outsiders.

As far as they know, the highest secret art in the spiritual world is the Holy Secret Art. What is the secret art of creation?

Is it more powerful than the most holy secret skill?

"The creator is the one who takes over the creation of heaven and earth," the purple-robed king smiled slightly, "Do you know how many emperors there are in the Taishang Sect?"

The two half-step gods looked at each other and shook their heads.

The Taishang Sect's strength is so strong that the three generations of disciples exposed to the public have all reached at least the realm of acting, including many of them at the second level and third level.

As for the Qiankun Emperors, their number is unbelievable.

It is said that one of its sects can compete with the entire Taiyuan Ancient World.

"The Supreme Sect has three first-generation disciples, all of whom are Emperors of the Universe. There are forty-nine second-generation disciples, eight of whom are at the Emperor level."

"That is to say, there are eleven emperors in Taishang Sect."


The two half-step gods couldn't help but take a breath.

Eleven emperors? ? So scary?

There are only a few emperor-level gods and demons in the entire Taiyuan Ancient World, and most of them are gods and demon emperors who were promoted through the source of their ancestors. Their realm is far inferior to that of the real emperors of the universe.

As for Taishang Sect, just by himself, he has reached half of the number of living beings in the ancient world, which is simply shocking.

"Don't sigh in a hurry," the purple-robed king said leisurely, "The emperor realm is so difficult. Only by integrating more than four rules can it be possible to understand the will of the heart of heaven. In the entire Taiyuan ancient world, there are only six true emperors of the universe. Each one They are all extremely talented people who have gone through long years of practice before finally becoming the Emperor of the Universe."

"The Taishang Sect rarely accepts disciples, and most of them are mortals. How could eleven emperors appear out of thin air? Don't you think it's strange?"

"My lord, what you mean is -" the eyes of the two divine monarchs suddenly lit up, "some emperors are not the true emperors of the universe? They also use some method to break the restrictions of heaven and earth and enter the emperor level in advance??"

The number of eleven Emperors of the Universe is too scary!

How difficult is the path of cultivation? From the realm of acting to the realm of the emperor, it is even more difficult to reach the sky in one step. The hardships are enough to make countless supreme beings despair.

The Supreme Sect has easily created eleven emperors of the universe, and few people would dare to believe it.


The purple-robed king nodded slightly, "We, the descendants of gods and demons, can use the life source of our ancestors to break the limitations of heaven and earth. Mortal beings naturally have their own methods, and the secret of creation is the key."

"Sir, does the secret art of creation have an effect on us?" One of the gods couldn't help but ask.


After the words fell, the breathing of the two divine monarchs suddenly became much faster.

at the same time.

Gu Xiuyun's clone has returned to the Bluestone Mountains.

Killing the Blackmang Demon Lord was just an easy matter for him. Even though the opponent had already reached the third level of acting and had terrifying strength that was not weaker than the Lord, he still didn't take it seriously.

All means are as vulnerable as bricks and tiles in front of the fifth level of space secrets.

Moreover, this place is completely isolated from the Hunyuan Void, and no news can spread. He does not have to worry about his strength being exposed to the source beast forces.

"Hei Mang is dead. From now on, you can sharpen your mind and will with peace of mind and understand the law of destiny!"

Gu Xiuyun looked at the endless mountains and couldn't help but take a breath.

For eons, he practiced asceticism almost every day on the edge of the mountains.

Those beetles and beasts came up at sunrise and left at sunset, biting his flesh and soul over and over again. At the same time, his mind and will continued to strengthen. Before he knew it, he was already more than four times stronger than when he first entered the mountains.

But there is still a long way to go before he is the Qiankun Emperor.

After all, Gu Xiuyun's training years were a little short. Not to mention the acting elders of the major forces, Luo Shen, Hongzhuxian and others, their training years were measured in Tao years. The endless fighting and fighting had already made them tired. His will became extremely strong.

As for Gu Xiuyun, he has been practicing for only a billion years, less than half a Taoist year. If he wants to improve his willpower, he can only rely on painful training over and over again.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The moment he stepped onto the edge of the mountain range, countless beetles and alien beasts swarmed in, surrounding Gu Xiuyun.

Immediately afterwards, the crunching sound continued...

Outside the Bluestone Mountains.

The emperor behind Lei Yuanze did not deliberately block the news, so the black marks were discovered by more and more gods and demons, and even spread to the ears of other emperors.

Not long after, the gods and demon emperors arrived.

With the emperor's vision, he could naturally see that the black marks were unusual. They were not scars left by gods and demons.

"Zilei, is this the emperor's handiwork??"

"You have seen it with your own eyes, but you still can't guess it? Which emperor of the universe can't even control his own power. Besides, I will tell you one more thing. The person who performs this technique... is a life from outside the world."

"Life outside the realm!?!"

"Zilei, please don't play tricks on us," another voice suddenly sounded, "How could an outsider life with such means appear in the Taiyuan Ancient World? Could it be that a certain emperor visited the Taishang Sect?"


In the deepest part of Lei Yuanze, the purple-robed king said leisurely, "As far as I know, the life outside the world was sent in by the Infinite Saint. When he first arrived in the ancient world, he was only in the early stage of the acting realm, and even the ordinary gods and demons were slightly inferior. "

"Early stage of acting? How is it possible?"

"This person must be the top genius in the world of cultivation. Only such a person will be given the secret technique of creation."

There were a few more voices in the void.

Obviously, more than one emperor is paying attention to this matter. The secret of creation is of far greater significance to the gods and demons than ordinary gods and demons.

Because they know very well that only beings who break the rules of heaven and earth can master such secrets.

As for those half-step gods, they will never succeed.

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