Fortune Teller

Chapter 171 The only chance

"This is the worst possible outcome."

High Priest Tu Mang looked at everyone and sighed repeatedly.

The priests of Xuanguangtai also showed heavy expressions.

The Phantom Killing Formation is so terrifying. Everyone is lucky to have escaped from the formation. Now they have to go there again?

And this time, they are not looking for a way out, they are looking for the body of the big demon. All illusions must be broken. Once they do it, it will inevitably cause a killing riot. Can they succeed?

"By the way, why aren't fellow Daoist Xi Ming here?" High Priest Tu Mang looked around and asked.

If you want to break through the fantasy killing formation, Gu Xiuyun is indispensable.

"Perhaps we can visit the ruins in the Holy Land." Priest Hanhua replied.

"Then let's go find fellow Taoist Xi Ming first," High Priest Tu Mang said solemnly, "No one can break this formation except him."

"High Priest, the Phantom Killing Formation is too dangerous. Fellow Daoist Taoist Xi Ming has already said before that this formation is a divine formation and cannot be broken except by the Douxiao Realm," the three priests said anxiously, "In fact, even without the Tianxing Platform Letter Talisman, We can also enter the four major branches."

"What?" Tu Mang and Quan Ming's eyes suddenly lit up, "Etu, please tell me clearly, what's going on?"

The three priests quickly recounted the situation of the Forbidden Tower.

"It turns out that there is a Forbidden Formation Tower in the Divine Religion, but why do you have to test the Formation Dao?" High Priest Tu Mang looked up to the sky and sighed.

As a high priest, he is so arrogant that he has never asked for help from anyone else in his life.

But after entering the main forum, he was frustrated again and again. Now his only hope has to be placed in the hands of outsiders.

High Priest Tu Mang had mixed feelings in his heart and his mouth was full of bitterness.

"High Priest, I understand how you feel. According to the classics left by our ancestors, formations are an indispensable part of the path to practice. In the past, when the divine religion was in its heyday, great emphasis was placed on the practice of formations, but we and other descendants have abandoned it. It is naturally difficult to move forward within the main altar," Priest Quan Ming consoled him.

"That's all, let's go find Taoist Fellow Ximing first. When we open the Formation Hall in the future, we must select a group of highly talented disciples and let them concentrate on practicing the Formation."

High Priest Tu Mang said solemnly.

After a while, they walked around the holy land and searched almost all the outer areas except the inner palace which was inaccessible, but they did not see Gu Xiuyun.

"Could it be that Fellow Taoist Xi Ming has entered the Forbidden Tower?" Priest Hanhua looked at the tower not far away.

"If this is really the case, it will be troublesome!" Everyone's expressions suddenly changed.

Now the only hope of entering the Secret Hall is to pass the first ten floors and choose the secret reward.

But what if Gu Xiuyun chooses to exchange for elixir or other treasures?

You know, according to the puppet beast, when he broke through the forbidden platform, he was shrouded in fog and could not hear the messages from outsiders. Once Gu Xiuyun broke through the first ten floors, the puppet beast would ask him to choose a reward.

High Priest Tu Mang once said that Gu Xiuyun was allowed to observe and read all the secret techniques in the divine sect, so the possibility of him choosing to exchange for the secret techniques was extremely slim.

"Let's go quickly. Fellow Daoist Xi Ming is good at formations. He may have already reached the tenth level."

Everyone rushed to the Forbidden Tower.

As soon as they reached the entrance, the head of a strange beast poked out, "No living being has appeared in tens of thousands of years, and now there are more than a dozen here. Are you all breaking into the Forbidden Tower?"

"Senior, did a young Taoist enter the tower to break into the formation earlier?" Priest Hanhua asked repeatedly.

"Yes, he is very accomplished in formations. He is now on the eighth level. It seems that it is not difficult to get through the first ten levels." The puppet beast said shaking his head.

"Eighth floor? Fortunately." Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Senior, please tell the Taoist priest and ask him to leave the Forbidden Tower temporarily. We will discuss something later." High Priest Tu Mang said.

"No," the alien beast shook his head, "While breaking into the Forbidden Tower, outsiders are not allowed to disturb each other. This is the rule of the divine religion. I cannot meet your request."

"We really have something important to discuss with Taoist Taoist Xi Ming, and I would like to ask senior to be accommodating." Priest Quan Ming bowed and knelt down.

The phantom killing array is a dead end. Once you enter, there is not even half a chance of survival.

But there is no danger in the Forbidden Tower. This is their only chance.

"How can you juniors break the rules set by the divine religion?" The puppet beast's eyes were cold, "Even the priests of Yaoritai would not dare to break the rules of the divine religion, let alone you?"

"High Priest, what should we do now?"

Everyone looked at High Priest Tu Mang.

"Wait, I hope fellow Taoist Xi Ming can make the right choice, otherwise, we can only go to the fantasy killing array!"

In the Forbidden Tower, Gu Xiuyun stood on the eighth floor, looking around.

Starting from the fourth level of formation ban, all the formations that appear are high-grade formations, and they are not ordinary formations. Each has its own special features.

For example, the large formation in front of us is called the Aurora Formation.

Walking into the formation, the sun and moon eclipse, and the aurora fills the earth. Those auroras can not only disorient the eyes, but also confuse the mind and invade the soul.

To break this formation, you must find the center of the formation and destroy it.

"What a weird aurora. If you look at it for a long time, you will probably go blind." Gu Xiuyun smiled lightly.

Those aurora not only affect the eyes, but also the mind. If you stay in the formation for a long time, even the soul will be damaged.

Such a strange formation is rare in the world.

"It's a pity that it is a dead formation after all. Without anyone in charge, how much power can it exert?"

Gu Xiuyun closed his eyes, closed his six senses, and fell into an ethereal state.

At the same time, the turtle's black armor rose into the sky and danced wantonly. No matter how weird the aurora array was, it could not stop the heavenly secret deduction.

Soon, Gu Xiuyun found the center deep in the formation and swung his sword finger to destroy it.

"You just broke through?"

The puppet beast looked at Gu Xiuyun on the stairs, secretly speechless.

He had seen many formation masters, but he had never seen one like the person in front of him, who could break through a large formation with just a few bamboo sticks.

"What secret method has this junior practiced?" The puppet beast immersed itself in thinking, but its knowledge was limited and it couldn't figure it out.

The ninth level of formation ban.

Another high-grade maze.

Gu Xiuyun did not hesitate, and directly used the turtle's black armor to find a path and pass through.

"Calculating the time, the other routes should have been explored. I have to rush through the first ten floors and join them."

Gu Xiuyun was very curious about the top ten rewards mentioned by the puppet beast.

Now that he has the Sun and Moon Evolution True Diagram in his hands, he does not need to spend time observing the formations at each level. He can only take a rubbing of the formation diagram and slowly comprehend and study it.

The speed of breaking the formation is naturally much faster.

tread! tread!

Footsteps sounded, and the cyan figure walked into the tenth floor.

"Junior, if you can break through this level, you will be qualified to understand the high-grade formation. You must know that it is a method that is difficult for first-class formation masters to master." The puppet beast popped its head.

"Thank you for your advice, senior." Gu Xiuyun bowed and walked into the depths of the forbidden platform.

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