Fortune Teller

Chapter 1725 Distribution

Bei Yan was like a poisonous snake that could show its fangs at any time.

Facing this kind of enemy, one must strike first and kill them with one strike, leaving no room for error, otherwise there will be endless trouble.

Ye Xin has been walking around the mortal world for hundreds of millions of years, but he still has this bit of vision.

"You all must be a little tired after coming from afar. Please follow me to the city to rest first and discuss the specific matters of defending the city."

The crystal dragon laughed and led everyone back to the city. It seemed that he did not notice any difference in their expressions.

Of course, even if it is discovered, Crystal Flood Dragon will not care. After all, there are four people in the realm of divine magic behind the Lin clan, including a first-generation clan leader who is close to the peak of divine magic.

Relying on this, no matter what selfish motives those guests may have, they would never dare to betray the Lin clan.

A few days later.

The main hall of the North City.

Nearly a hundred gods and demons gathered together, most of them were in the early stage of the divine power realm, and only a few reached the middle stage of the divine power realm. Most of them were guests who came to support.

As for Crystal Dragon and Bei Yan, they are already the most powerful figures in the entire palace.

After the gods and demons gathered together, the crystal dragon spoke loudly:

"Everyone, the Xuanling Drum has sounded. In the next few years, a large number of creatures will cross the state border and head to Lanhai City. During this period, the formations around Lanhai Region will be temporarily closed. You should know what this means! "

After the words fell, the gods and demons in the palace all had cold expressions and solemn eyes.

In order to recruit more elites, the selection of the Lin clan must be expanded to include not only the Lanhai region, but also the surrounding major states. As a result, the divine formation guarding the state will be temporarily closed.

Because those formations blocked the steps of the outsiders.

If the formation is not closed, all the descendants of gods and demons who want to defect to the Lin tribe can only enter the Lanhai area through the four cities of Beicheng, Dongcheng, Xicheng and Nancheng. In this way, they will inevitably be attacked by the Si Crocodile tribe, the Blackwater tribe and other ethnic groups. of obstruction and pursuit.

With only four routes, it’s too easy to intercept.

Therefore, the only way to avoid the slaughter of hostile ethnic groups is to close the state formation and allow outsiders to enter the Lanhai area from all directions.

But at the same time, this also gave the Si Crocodile Tribe and the Black Water Tribe an opportunity to take advantage of.

Every time the Lin Clan is selected, those hostile ethnic groups will take the opportunity to invade the Lin Clan's territory, cause wanton chaos, and even fight all the way to Lanhai City to destroy the selection ceremony of the Zhen Clan's guards.

For the first-class ethnic group, as long as the Divine Law Realm does not take action, it will not affect the foundation of the ethnic group. At most, it will be a small fight, but if someone is beaten at the door of the house, the Lin family will lose face.

The face of the ethnic group is much more important than the lives of these low-level gods and demons.

Therefore, everyone looked a little solemn.

The crystal dragon looked around and saw that none of the gods and demons responded, so he said to himself: "According to the past situation, the Scrocodile Clan will send three or four top masters with late-stage divine power every time, and at least one of them will attack the North City Tower. In this way, we can contain the main force of this city. If we are lucky, we may be able to destroy the state formation around the ancient city of Zhenjie."

"At that time, it will not just be a simple attack and kill, but it may evolve into a large-scale attack. Therefore, I must guard the ancient city at all times to prevent the state formation from being damaged."

"As for patrolling the various nodes around the city, I can only leave it to you... Bei Yan, you lead thirty people in the early stage of divine power to be responsible for the Beilianghe area... Fu Jia, you lead ten people in the early stage of divine power to be responsible for the Black Bone Mountain Road …”

"Ye Lan, you lead five people in the early stage of divine power to take charge of the fire ant desert..."

Crystal Dragon didn't have any extra words. In a few words, he clearly divided the areas responsible for each guest and ordinary gods and demons.

Eight people in the middle stage of the divine power realm guarded the North City with it.

Other guest ministers and gods and demons in the early stages of the divine power realm were guarding the main roads of various states. Although the Lanhai area was vast, it had an end after all. Facing the overwhelming soul thoughts of a god and demon in the Qiankun realm, no matter how vast the border was, it was guarded. The strict and solid.

Of course, it's one thing to have someone guarding it, but whether it can be defended is another.

The attacks of the Si Crocodile Tribe are often concentrated in one spot. If you are not careful, the Ke Qing in the middle stage of divine power will be killed, let alone the ordinary gods and demons in the early stage of divine power.

"You can go to the warehouse to select the formation flags and crystal stones needed to guard the border," Crystal Dragon continued, "In the next few years, the Scrocodile clan may invade our clan at any time, so everyone should prepare early!"

"As commanded."

The gods and demons retreated one after another.

Among them, there were five ordinary gods and demons following Ye Xin. The five of them looked different, but they were all dressed in khaki armor and had a blue mark on their foreheads.

Wearing yellow armor and a blue mark on his forehead, this is the symbol of the Zhen clan's guard.

Obviously, the five gods and demons were all guards. Their status was much lower than that of guest ministers like Ye Lan, and their potential was also much lower. If nothing else, they were at their peak in the early stage of the divine power realm.

"We are really unlucky. There are so many gods and demons in the middle stage of the divine power realm, but we are thrown into the hands of this junior named Ye Lan," one of them muttered, "I heard that she is the only one among the guests who support Beicheng. If you are in the early stage of the divine power realm and follow her, you may not even be able to save your life this time.”

"not necessarily."

Another person retorted, "Even if Lord Linkong doesn't care about our lives, we still have to consider the threat of the Si Crocodile clan. Since you let Yelan Keqing lead the team alone, it can be seen that the strength of this god and demon Keqing is not much weaker than other Keqing."

"Hmph, no matter how powerful you are, you are still in the early stages of your divine power!"

"Chi Lian, don't forget, when you reach the divine power realm, every improvement in the realm is a qualitative leap. If ten people in the early stage of the divine power realm join forces, they may not be able to deal with one in the middle stage of the divine power realm."

The five gods and demons talked quietly, looking at Ye Xin's back not far ahead from time to time.

The fire ant desert is not the most important of the many areas on the northern edge, but it is not the most remote location either.

As a first-class ethnic group, the Si Crocodile Clan would naturally not choose a too remote location to attack the Lin Clan. Otherwise, even if they attack, it will only make people laugh.

They will definitely choose a more eye-catching area, and it is best to directly destroy the ancient city of Zhenjie.

There are four ancient cities in the Lanhai area. No matter which one is destroyed, the Lin clan's state formation will collapse. At that time, the Lin clan without defense will be the fat on the chopping board, allowing gods and demons from outside the territory to besieged and killed at will. .

Therefore, battles have always been based on ancient city towers.

The fire ant desert guarded by Ye Xin had been attacked and killed seven or eight times in countless wars, making it an area that had to be defended.

After a while.

Ye Xin led the five gods and demons to the ancient city warehouse. In front of him, countless crystal stones and spiritual materials were densely piled up, as well as many semi-finished formations, formations, flags, and various weird equipment.

"I wonder what she will pick?"

"In the early stage of the divine power realm, she can only choose some trapping talismans, ground locks and other artifacts. Do you still expect her to arrange a top-level divine array?"

"This person is a guest after all. Since he can be appreciated by Lord Lin Kong, he must have some ability."

The five gods and demons stood quietly at the edge of the warehouse, waiting for Ye Xin to select spiritual materials and artifacts.

At the same time, a warehouse guard hurriedly came over and bowed to Ye Xin, "I have met Yelan Keqing. According to Lord Lingkong's order, you can select spiritual materials and artifacts worth no more than eight hundred great merits. Wait until the selection After the ceremony, if there are no accidents, the original amount must be returned. Of course, if it is a refined formation flag, it will be converted according to the corresponding value."


Ye Xin nodded slightly.

She has been under the command of the Lin Clan for quite some time, and has gone through six selections of the Zhen Clan's guards, so she naturally knows these rules.

Compared with Dongcheng and Nancheng, the warehouses in Beicheng, which faces the Si Crocodile tribe, are obviously much larger, and the number of spiritual materials and artifacts that guests can choose from is also several times greater.

Even some rare bloodline magic medicines can be found here.

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