Fortune Teller

Chapter 1727 Ice Liquid

"Compared with the Water Dragon Cloud Snake Formation, the formations in Beicheng's warehouse are worthless. No wonder Yelan Keqing replaced them all with bloodline magic medicine."

"But how dare she take out this formation? A complete Water Dragon Cloud Snake Formation would even seduce Lord Lingkong. Isn't she afraid of causing trouble?"

The five gods and demons looked at each other with shock and confusion in their eyes.

The common man is not guilty, but he is guilty of carrying the jade.

The Water Dragon Cloud Snake Formation is so powerful that it will naturally arouse the covetousness of others. If nothing else, the Lin Clan itself is very likely to kill people and seize treasures.

Yelan Keqing exposed such a precious trump card just for a share of credit?

"A complete Water Dragon Cloud Snake Formation must be valuable, but if it's just some formation flag spiritual's nothing," Chi Lian said thoughtfully, "Yelan Keqing's cultivation level is not high. , but she was able to win the respect of Lord Linkong. Most likely, she had other means. Do you think she is a formation master? The Water Dragon Cloud Snake Formation was arranged by her herself, rather than with the help of outside formation diagrams. ”

"Array Master? Impossible."

Everyone shook their heads.

That was the Water Dragon Cloud Snake Formation, a top-level divine formation that could compete with the late stages of the Divine Power Realm. Looking at the entire Lichao Continent, there were only a few people who could deploy this formation.

What's more, someone like Yelan Keqing is in the early stage of the divine power realm?

"If it were other formations, I might agree with your guess. The Water Dragon Cloud Snake Formation... is absolutely impossible," another guard of gods and demons retorted, "Elder Linshan once said that the Water Dragon Cloud Snake Formation is the most powerful formation." One of the top formations, just mastering the operational changes of the formation requires peak divine power level cultivation, let alone setting it up completely.”

"Yes, I have heard the elders talk about this." Another divine and demon guard spoke.

The two men's words were so conclusive that Chi Lian immediately gave up his thoughts.

Elder Linshan ranks among the top three in the Lin clan in terms of formation attainments, second only to the first-generation clan leader. How could anything said by such a person be wrong?

"No matter how Keqing Yelan arranges the Water Dragon Cloud Snake Formation, we have already broken up with her. If we go back, we will be humiliating ourselves. We'd better find a place to hide!"

The five gods and demons looked at each other and dived into the desert.

At this time, Ye Xin was sitting in the core area of ​​the Water Dragon Cloud Snake Formation. The power of gods and demons surged violently around him. Countless blue-gold threads undulated along his blood vessels, exuding inexplicable pressure.

"Thousands of years of accumulation, coupled with the repeated exchange of bloodline magic medicine from the Lin clan, the power of gods and demons has finally reached its extreme. If I can go further, I can enter the middle stage of the divine power realm."

Ye Xin whispered to himself.

Although there is only a small difference between the early stage and the mid stage, the strength is completely different.

You must know that the gods and demons in the early stage of the divine power realm are comparable to the half-step supreme, while the gods and demons in the late stage of the divine power realm are comparable to the real peak actors such as Hong Zhuxian and Li Hunna. They are only two small realms, but the difference in strength reaches hundred times.

It can be seen how big the leap is in this realm!

For Ye Xin, in addition to the improvement of strength, there is another great benefit in the middle stage of the divine power realm - concealing bloodline.

In the middle stage of her divine power, her bloodline is so perfect that even if she uses her magical powers to the extreme, it will be difficult for others to detect her bloodline. This way, she will have less worries when fighting.


A strong wind surged within the formation.

A bunch of faint blue magic medicine flew high into the sky, turned into clouds when torn apart by the formation of water dragons, clouds and snakes, and then turned into blue ice liquid. Every drop of ice liquid had a strange luster and seemed to contain infinite power.

That is the blood essence of the ancestor of water-moving gods and demons, and it is also the essence of gods and demons that can only appear in major secret realms.

"The bloodline magic medicine with eight hundred merits only condenses twelve drops of the essence of gods and demons. I hope it will be enough."

Ye Xin took a deep breath and began to refine the ice liquid.

call out!

A drop of ice liquid enters the body.

In an instant, an unprecedented cold feeling ran through his body. Ye Xin felt that the pores all over his body were trembling. The bloodline of gods and demons also increased, and there were faint signs of a breakthrough.

"not enough."

Ye Xin swallowed the second drop of ice liquid without hesitation.


The cold feeling became more and more intense, and blue-gold silk threads poured out from the depths of the blood. Then, the third drop, the fourth drop... more and more blue-gold silk threads wrapped around Ye Xin's side like spider silk, as if To wrap her up in a cocoon.

And the blood of gods and demons in her body became more and more powerful!

From the early stage to the middle stage of the divine power realm, it is not only a transformation of bloodline, but also an ascent of cultivation.

The realms of the blood descendants of gods and demons in Taiyuan ancient world are very simple. After gods and demons, there are only three realms: divine power, divine law, and divine king. However, these three realms represent all levels from the half-step supreme to the emperor of the universe.

The early stage to the middle stage of the divine power realm is equivalent to half a step from supreme to the early stage of acting.

If you are a cultivator, you will have to spend at least three to five Taoist years to slowly cross over to the past, but Ye Xin only needs one transformation. You can imagine how much divine power and accumulation this transformation requires!

Five drops of ice liquid... six drops of ice liquid... seven drops of ice liquid...

Soon, all the ice liquid was integrated into his body.

Ye Xin's bloodline is like a river bursting its banks, constantly impacting every part of his body, even causing the surrounding void to freeze. The bloodline of water-moving gods and demons is so cold that even a little bit of power escaping from the bloodline is enough to kill him. Space freezes into ice crystals.

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