Fortune Teller

Chapter 1743 Extraordinary Promotion

"But the injury to the Patriarch was not caused by the Half-Step God Lord, nor did it have anything to do with the Lord Si Crocodile," Elder Linshan continued, "The Patriarch was trying to figure out a secret, and was accidentally backlashed by the power of fate, so he had to go there. Recuperate within the clan.”

"If you don't believe me, I can swear to my ancestor that if there is even the slightest lie, my blood will collapse and my soul will fly away."

Elder Linshan looked at everyone with a serious face.

"I see……"

The two guest elders glanced at each other and nodded slightly.

That's right, if it was really the half-step god who was injured, let alone the leader of the Lin clan, even the strongest person at the peak of the divine law realm would not be able to come back alive. And the leader of the Scrocodile clan has always been known for being cautious and timid, so how could it be in vain? Confronting the leader of the Lin clan for no reason?

"Is the patriarch's injury serious?" Elder Keqing, who was sitting on the right, asked.

"Not too heavy, but not too light either."

Elder Linshan took a deep breath and said, "Speaking of which, this matter does have something to do with the Si Crocodile Clan. If they hadn't invited them with a lot of money, the clan leader would not have condescended to figure out the secret personally, let alone because of it. Injured, so don’t worry, the Si Crocodile Tribe will never join forces with the Blackwater Tribe to start a war with this tribe.”

These words are 70% false and 30% true.

With Elder Linshan's previous oath, the guests in the meeting hall did not have any doubts.

What they care about is the life and death of the leader of the Lin clan, as well as the cause and effect of the matter. Now that they know that the leader was just backlashed by the power of fate, everyone feels relieved.

It's just fate's backlash, how serious can it be?

Even if he is really seriously injured, he can recover quickly with the methods of the patriarch. After all, he is a strong man in the middle stage of the divine magic realm, and he is good at the magic of destiny, and he definitely has many life-saving treasures in his hands.

"Fate bites back? What did the patriarch do to be counterattacked by the power of fate?"

Among the crowd, Ye Xin frowned.

As a practitioner of destiny, she knows better than anyone how serious the backlash of the power of destiny is. It's not that the consequences of the backlash are serious, but the fact itself... is incredible.

Together with destiny, one can predict the past and future, and seek for the treasures of heaven and earth.

But at the same time, it will also cause the backlash of the rules of heaven and earth, so you must be extremely careful every time you use it. As the top powerhouse of the destiny system, the leader of the Lin clan cannot not know this, but why, he was still backlashed by the power of destiny. ?

He even got seriously injured for it.

"Did the clan leader not know that what he was calculating was dangerous before he made the calculation? Or, the target of the calculation was far more involved than he expected, so... that's not right." Ye Xin shook his head suddenly, "If the other party is extremely involved, , the difficulty of the secret deduction will also increase tenfold and a hundred times. If this was the case, the clan leader should have discovered it long ago, so how could he force the deduction? "

Ye Xin was filled with doubts.

The backlash of the power of fate does not just happen, it will only happen under very special circumstances, such as using twist of fate and forcibly borrowing power that does not belong to oneself.

But the leader of the Lin clan didn't understand the rules of twisting fate at all, so even if he wanted to use it, he couldn't.

As for the secret deduction, you will only encounter this kind of situation if you forcefully deduce treasures and secrets that are beyond your ability, such as trying to deduce the direction of the origin of the ancestor of Wind Valley, or deduce the whereabouts of the gods and demon emperors...

But how dare the leader of the Lin clan dare to try this kind of self-destruction?


Ye Xin suddenly thought of a possibility.

Unless the Lin clan leader's calculation is very ordinary, but there is a very powerful person behind it to protect him, that force of fate is not a backlash caused by the rules of heaven and earth, but the action of the strong person behind it.

"Could it be that...the person whom the leader of the Lin clan is calculating is me?"

Ye Xin's body trembled slightly.

The Si Crocodile Clan invites you with a lot of money!

Is there anything that would make the Scrocodile clan spend a lot of money, or ask the clan leader of a hostile clan to take action? The three pool masters who died in Beilianghe are qualified for this. After all, they were at the peak of the three divine power realms and were the core members of the Si Crocodile tribe.

Ye Xin's attainments in the Tao of Destiny are enough to withstand ordinary Destiny Supremes, and only someone like the leader of the Lin clan can forcibly break through the secrets of heaven and figure out her identity.

"The time is just right. It is like this. It must be like this." In an instant, cold sweat dripped down Ye Xin's forehead. "The person the Lin clan leader calculated is at least 90% likely to be me. Lord Xi Ming left a destiny on me." Brand, if the clan leader forcibly peeks, it will definitely attract the attention of the adults, so he will be backlashed by the power of fate!"

At this moment, Ye Xin's heart felt cold.

She had been as careful as possible.

Unexpectedly, she actually attracted the attention of the leader of the Lin clan. God knows how much the leader had seen, whether he had already discovered her identity and knew that she killed Bei Yan and took away the three pool masters.

"Ye Lan!"

A voice suddenly came from deep in the palace.

Ye Xin raised his head and saw a pair of eyes looking at him scorchingly.

"I heard that during this town clan guard selection, you built a Water Dragon Cloud Snake Formation in the Fire Ant Desert?" Elder Linshan said in a deep voice.

"Reporting to the elder, this is indeed the case." Ye Xin nodded slightly.

Many people on the northern border know about the Water Dragon Cloud Snake Formation, so there is nothing to hide.

"Okay, very good," Elder Linshan suddenly showed a smile on his face, "I didn't expect that there is a god and demon guest in our clan who is good at formations. Judging from your aura, you should have broken through to the middle stage of the divine power realm and you are also a master of formations. , but he is also qualified to be the Dharma Protector."

Dharma protector guest?

Ye Xin's eyes suddenly widened. She had longed for the position of Protector and Guest Minister, and she actually got it just like that?

"Congratulations, Sister Ye Lan, from today on, you are also the Protector of the Dharma." The woman in black gauze smiled as brightly as a flower.

"It's a rare good thing to get an exceptional promotion," another guest guest said with a hint of sourness. "We all have to fight for the Lin clan for hundreds of millions of years and collect ten thousand meritorious deeds before we can apply to become Dharma Protector Guest Guest, Yelan Guest Guest. It has only been a short time since I joined the Lin clan and I have become a Dharma Protector, which saves me a lot of effort compared to us."

"Yeah, it's not easy to gather ten thousand great merits."

The gods and demons in the palace spoke one after another, with mixed emotions on their faces, including admiration, envy, jealousy and dissatisfaction.

They are also guest ministers, and the status of the Dharma Protector guest minister is much higher than that of ordinary guest ministers.

Not only can you go to the Lin Clan's Alchemy Tower, Treasure Pavilion, and Secret Dharma Hall, but you can also enjoy various offerings. In terms of status, you are no less than the direct lineage members of the Lin Clan, such as Bei Yan and Li Xianshi, who are the guardians of the Lin Clan.

Of those in the middle stage of the divine power realm, only half passed the test and became Dharma Protector Guest Ministers, while the other half are still ordinary Guest Ministers to this day.

However, Ye Xin was not happy at all at this moment.

"Exceptional promotion? Is that what the clan leader meant? The Lin clan clan leader must have discovered something. He is testing me."

Thoughts kept flashing through Ye Xin.

In the meeting hall, Elder Linshan was still speaking in a deep voice.

The exceptional promotion of Ye Xin was just a small matter for him. What really mattered was the upcoming major ethnic groups.

Blackwater Tribe, Ghost Python Tribe, Shehua Tribe...

Those hostile ethnic groups are watching covetously outside the state territory. Although the clan leader is not dead, those ethnic groups will not destroy the entire Lin tribe, but they will definitely plunder them.

The situation faced by the Lin clan is still very serious.

"Elder Fuwu, please guard the western border. The Blackwater Tribe has a deep grudge against my tribe and we will definitely not let this opportunity go easily."

"Elder Ji Wen, please guard the southern border. The Ghost Python Clan is coming fiercely, and I'm afraid they won't let it go."

"Ye Lan, you will guard the eastern border with Elder Linjun and be responsible for the operation and repair of the surrounding formations..."

"Master Carp, you and Elder Linmu will guard the northern border to prevent the Si Crocodile tribe from taking advantage of the chaos to attack. Although they have no signs of taking action, we still have to be careful..."

An order was passed down, and the voice of Elder Linshan resounded throughout the palace.

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