Fortune Teller

Chapter 1754 The Essence of Supernatural Powers

"Senior Nephew Fan Zhou, come and explain to them." The Black Bear Emperor said softly.

"Yes, uncle."

The robed scholar standing at the front of the crowd smiled slightly, "Supernatural powers are indeed talents contained in the blood of gods and demons. Therefore, the stronger the bloodline of gods and demons, the more powerful their magical powers are. But have you ever thought about the true source of magical powers? What?"

The real source?

The Taishang Sect disciples looked confused.

This kind of secret involves the nature of gods and demons. Not to mention that most of them are mortal creatures, even those ancient gods and demons who have practiced for a long time are not very clear about it.

"Supernatural powers are actually powers given by heaven and earth. Every god and demon is the darling of the rules of heaven and earth. They are born extraordinary and have the power to transcend secular life and administer punishments on behalf of heaven. Therefore, they have an almost infinite lifespan and endless possibilities. potential.”

"And mortal beings not only have a short lifespan, but also have a difficult path of cultivation. Their body and soul are also subject to layers of shackles. Even if you want to become the most ordinary world master, you must first understand the rules of beings before you can take that step."

With that said, Fan Zhou sighed.

The world is so unfair. A descendant of the blood of gods and demons is born to be the darling of heaven and earth.

As for ordinary mortals, even if they want to break the age limit of 100 years old, it will be difficult for them to reach the sky.

But there is no fairness in this world. Even among the mortals at the bottom of the ancient world, some were born rich, while others had to eat chaffy vegetables, or even gnaw tree bark and eat weeds to survive.

Fan Zhou took a deep breath to calm down the depression in his heart, and continued, "There are countless physical rules in the world, and we only master a few of them, such as the five elements, wind and thunder, time and space, light, and darkness... But in fact, the rules of the world "

"Just like the owner of Bingbohai."

"Its eternal light-mixing mirror can actually see into the scene hundreds of millions of years ago, and can also glimpse the original appearance of living creatures in the past. With such a method, what rules of time and space can do it? Unless it borrows the power of fate and cause and effect."

"But you also know that the rules of heaven and earth do not contain the rules of living beings. They are purely material means."

"It seems true." All the disciples nodded.

The Bingbohai Master's Eternal Light Mixing Mirror, the Golden Eyed Emperor's world-breaking golden pupils, and the Jiuyou Emperor's boundless light are all incomprehensible, and even the Qiankun Emperor cannot imitate them, but they actually exist in the world.

And the most special thing is the secret technique of creation.

The rules of the starry sky are purely material rules. They do not contain any destiny, cause and effect, killing, life and death, and there is no mystery of the middle vehicle or inferior vehicle. However, such ordinary rules can destroy the rules of heaven and earth and break the emperor. barrier.

"Supernatural powers, since they are powers given by the rules of heaven and earth, naturally have their limits."

"The limit of magical power is the peak of the divine realm."

"No matter how powerful the bloodline is or how amazing the talent is, their ultimate is the peak of the divine realm. Therefore, once those descendants of gods and demons reach the peak of the divine realm, they can no longer progress, because that is already what the ancient world can bestow. The limit.”

"But Uncle Master," a disciple said doubtfully, "aren't there still half-step divine monarchs above the divine realm? The magical powers that Lord Han Yuan and the master of Bingbohai had just displayed were far beyond the peak of the divine realm. "

"No, that's not the power given by the rules of heaven and earth," Fan Zhou shook his head. "That's the method they use to realize their own enlightenment after they have promoted the realm of Taoism to the realm of acting."

"A half-step divine king is actually still at the peak of the divine realm."

"It's just that their understanding of themselves is far better than that of their peers, and they can even change the bloodline structure to go one step further, such as absorbing the bloodlines of gods and demons from other systems and integrating them into themselves."

With that said, Fan Zhou pointed to the depths of the void.

There was a three-eyed dragon there, watching the fight between the Golden-eyed Emperor and Taoist Ximing with excitement on his face.

"You should have heard of the name of the three-eyed dragon under Emperor Hongze. This beast has three eyes, one containing the power of water, one containing the power of fire, and one containing the power of thunder. , that is to say, it actually masters the origins of the three systems.”

"Do you think ordinary gods and demons can have three origins at the same time?"

"But the God Lord can do it in half a step, and the higher the realm, the more transparent the understanding of oneself, and the more powerful the bloodline power will be. For example, the owner of Bingbohai is the best among the God Lords, and his research on bloodline , much more powerful than Han Yu."

"That's it." All the disciples looked surprised.

It’s no wonder that the strength of the Half-Step Divine Lord far exceeds the peak of the divine realm. The gap in the realm of Taoism, the power of bloodline magical powers, and the more powerful origin of gods and demons make them superior to ordinary gods and demons, with a power second only to the emperor. The terrifying power.

"Uncle, I understand."

The disciple who originally asked the question said excitedly, "Although the Golden Eyed Emperor is the God and Demon Emperor, he relies on the original power of the ancestor of the Gods and Demons, rather than his own realm, so his magical power is not strong, only the peak of the divine realm?" right."

"You can't say that."

Fan Zhou shook his head slightly, "The gods and demon emperors are already the holders of the rules of heaven and earth, and they are given great authority. Therefore, their magical powers are much stronger than ordinary gods and demons. They are almost comparable to the half-step gods and demons. Coupled with that... The extremely powerful divine power is much more powerful than the Half-Step God Lord when it is truly displayed."

"But this power is not enough when faced with Taoist Xi Ming who is also at the level of an emperor!"

"In comparison, the physical body of the God and Demon Emperor is truly terrifying."

"Especially Jin Tong. It belongs to the lineage of Jin Xing. The physical body is much stronger than other systems. After becoming an emperor, it is even more tenacious. Looking at the world, almost no emperor can destroy Jin Tong's body head-on."

"Even Uncle Xiong and Uncle Chen have to annihilate his mind and will before they can break through his defense."

So scary?

The Taishang Sect disciples couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

Black Bear and Whisker Woman are both true emperors of the universe!

"Actually, even the divine and demonic emperors' bloodline magical powers are not static," Black Bear said softly, "The truly powerful divine and demonic emperors can also penetrate their own bloodline and integrate the original power of other systems. The more they integrate, , the stronger the strength, if you can integrate the three emperor-level bloodlines, you will not be inferior to the real Qiankun Emperor. "

The Taishang Sect disciple blinked his eyes.

The God-Demon Emperor can actually integrate the bloodlines of other systems and go one step further?

"Master, is there such a person in the ancient world of Taiyuan?" Fu Guan couldn't help but ask.

"Of course."

The whisker woman chuckled, "At least half of the gods and demon emperors in this world have spied on the road to bloodline fusion. Five of them have succeeded, and one has already begun to try to fuse the three bloodline origins."

"Didn't you see that, except for Jiu Tong, Zi Lei, Hong Ze, and Jin Tong, the other gods and demon emperors didn't show up at all. Compared with the secret technique of creation, bloodline fusion is the most suitable route for gods and demons."

"And those people in Jintong are the least talented among the emperors, so they can only think of some heresy in order to make a breakthrough."

"But in fact, the secret art of creation can't be understood by just practicing it. All the disciples of our sect are good at the rules of destiny, and there are also a few who have entered the third level of acting. But how many of them have done it? They? Purely It’s wishful thinking.”

So that's it... all the disciples suddenly understood.

No wonder the Taishang Sect watched helplessly as the gods and demon emperors tried to seize the secret of creation. They were sure that nothing would happen to them.

"You can't even fuse blood. With such a low level of understanding, you still want to understand the secrets of creation. It's really unreasonable." The whisker woman sneered.

Suddenly, another disciple spoke, "Master, since the gods and demon emperors can fuse the bloodlines of different systems, what about the ancestors of gods and demons? Is that also possible?"


The faces of the whisker woman and the black bear suddenly changed, "Can you ask about existences at that level?"

As they spoke, the heavenly will of the two emperors permeated the air, cutting off all the rules of heaven and earth.

"You kid, you really don't want to live anymore. How dare you ask about the secrets of the ancestors of gods and demons?" The whisker woman's eyes were slightly cold. "After you return to the sect, go to the quiet room and face the wall for a year."

"Disciple knows his sin."

The disciple was so frightened that he quickly knelt down and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead. It was obvious that he was also a little scared.

How powerful the ancestors of gods and demons are, talking about such existence behind their backs is indeed no different from seeking death!

"But I can tell you that it's impossible," the whisker woman suddenly laughed again, "The gods and demons in the world are already the strongest beings that the ancient world can bear, and they have even exceeded the bloodline level. They themselves are the limit of the ancient world. , how can it be possible to go further?”

"If you want to break the limits of the ancient world, there is only one way, the way of life!"

As she said that, the whisker girl's brows suddenly raised, "This idiot Jin Tong finally has some brains."

All the disciples looked towards the depths of the void.

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