Fortune Teller

Chapter 1756 I don’t believe it

"This power?"

Seeing the scene of the Breaking Boundary Peak tearing apart the void, the whisker woman's eyes lit up slightly, "Old Black Bear, I'm afraid he's almost close to you with this strike."

"In terms of pure strength, he is indeed at the level of an emperor."

Black Bear nodded slightly, "It seems that our guess is correct. His secret art of creation is indeed based on compressing power, but the greater the power, the more shocking the oppression on the body. No wonder he wants to use the Breaking Peak as a weapon. "

"The secret technique of compressing power?" The Taishang Sect disciples were a little surprised when they heard the conversation between the two masters.

Shouldn’t destiny practitioners understand the secret arts of the soul? How could he practice a magic technique that compresses power?

Compared with Emperor Qiankun, Jiu Tong, Zi Lei, Hong Ze and others were far less discerning. They could only vaguely see that the Breaking Boundary Peak was extremely fast. As for the huge power contained in it, they could not guess.

"Using the Breaking Boundary Peak as a weapon, this person's power is truly astonishing."

"Huh, no matter how strong you are, you can't reach the level of the God and Demon Emperor. There are so many disciples of Taishang Sect, and several of them have entered the fourth level of acting. They have also mastered the secret of creation, but who can do it? Competing with us in terms of physical strength?”

"In the final analysis, this person is a junior acting in the Dharma Realm."

While speaking, the Broken Boundary Peak had torn through the void and came to the front of the golden-eyed lion.


This time the collision was actually much less dramatic than before.

The surrounding void was completely stagnant in an instant, as if it was not affected in any way.


"what happened?"

"What secret technique of will did the being from outside the world cast to suppress the impact of the Golden Eyed Emperor?"

"It's unlikely. Even the secret technique of will cannot be hidden from our eyes."

Several gods and demon emperors discussed.

Although they were talking, they did not speak, but transmitted sounds with their thoughts. At the level of the emperor, what could be faster than the speed of sound transmission with thoughts?

at this time.

The void around the golden-eyed lion trembled violently.

Immediately afterwards, the space turned into flowing water, and not even a single gravel or fragment could be seen. It seemed that it had disintegrated from its most essential form, and even all the gods and demons could not sense the existence of that area.

It's like being completely separated from the ancient world of Taiyuan, and there is no longer this void.

At the same time, the huge body of the Golden Eyed Emperor trembled slightly.

"How can it be??"

The eyes of the golden-eyed emperor were dull, as if he had encountered something unbelievable.

After a moment, Peng!

The huge body of the Golden Eyed Emperor disintegrated in an instant. Although it was not as complete as the surrounding void, it was also broken into thousands of pieces. The golden bones were scattered between the sky and the earth, causing bursts of thunder.

That is the cry of the ancient world!

The emperor of gods and demons, who holds the power of heaven and earth and has the power to punish heaven, was beaten to pieces at this moment. Such serious injuries naturally resonated with the rules of the ancient world.


"How can this be?"

"The body of the Golden Eyed Emperor was shattered to pieces by a being from outside the world??"

Emperor Jiu Tong, Emperor Zi Lei, Emperor Hong Ze, as well as the half-step god monarchs, gods and demons in the realm of divine magic all showed horrified expressions.

This is the God and Demon Emperor!

Moreover, he is a god and demon emperor of the Jinxing lineage. He is physically superior to his peers. No matter how powerful the life outside the world is, he can only act in the realm of magic. Even if he has monstrous abilities, he should not hurt the golden-eyed lion!

"Impossible, I don't believe it. How could you, a mere ant acting in the Dharma Realm, hurt me?"


Countless lightnings burst out from the depths of the void and merged into the broken emperor's flesh and blood. In just half a breath, all the skin, flesh and bones were glued together again, but everyone could see that the aura of the golden-eyed emperor was no longer what it used to be.

That nearly world-destroying blow had already damaged his very foundation, and it couldn't be restored by just a little power of heaven and earth.

However, there was no fear in the eyes of the golden-eyed lion. On the contrary, he became more and more crazier, "I know, you are a practitioner of destiny, and you must have borrowed the power of twisting destiny. That's it, that must be the case! You are a small performer in the realm of magic. , dare to borrow material power comparable to that of the God and Demon Emperor, and the backlash damage suffered must be more serious than this emperor!"

"Fate twists the rules?"

"I see."

The gods and demons in the distance also nodded secretly.

That's right, fate must have twisted the rules. How could a mortal creature and a practitioner of fate exert power comparable to that of a god, demon, or emperor? ?

Even for the true Emperor Qiankun, it is not easy to do this.

The gods and demons in Taiyuan Ancient World all agreed with the Golden Eyed Emperor's statement, because they did not believe that a practitioner who was not even an emperor could actually exert power comparable to the gods and demons. This was simply unreasonable.

Unless you use the twisting rules of fate to borrow a hundred or a thousand times the power from the past, but if you do this, the backlash will definitely be very serious, and you will lose half your life even if you don't die.

"The frog in the well really doesn't know how deep the sky is."

The Black Bear Emperor above the clouds shook his head and sneered, "The secret technique of creation that increases power has never appeared in the Taiyuan ancient world, so they think it doesn't exist? The methods of the Infinite Saint are beyond their imagination."

"These gods and demons have been living in the ancient world and have never communicated with outside life. Naturally, they do not know the greatness of the immeasurable saint. Even our master, although he is the saint, is still a little short of the true immeasurable. "

The woman whisking the whisk said in a low voice, "The immeasurable sage is a great being who can break all the constraints, break out of the ancient world, and truly be free in the world. He is not like those gods and demons who suppress the world. They only rely on the power given by the ancient world... Compared with the Holy Saint, it’s far behind!”

Obviously, the two emperors of the universe looked down upon the gods and demons of Zhenjie.

One is given by the ancient world. Although he is the ancestor of gods and demons, he has no power and no realm, and everything is restricted by the rules of heaven and earth.

One is the strength of oneself, which has both the supreme realm and the highest power, truly transcendent and carefree, and immortal.

Such beings are fully capable of creating all kinds of incredible methods.

PS: Why do some people think that speaking is just using voice?

Not to mention that after entering the Hunyuan Void, during the time in the Holy Realm of Reincarnation, the Venerable and the True Venerable would often talk to each other even though they were separated by hundreds of millions of miles?

It's impossible even if you think about it.

I've explained it in several places before. You can't explain it for every conversation, right?

Moreover, the dimension of this book is indeed quite high, obviously beyond the level of material rules, otherwise I would not have described the five elements, wind and thunder, and the rules of time and space at the beginning.

As I have explained before, this book is the sequel to Zang Tian Ce. Half of the last book was written when I went to take the public examination, and then it was cut. So I will write the destiny-defying fortune teller first, and when this book is finished, I will continue writing the previous one. Books, so the level of cultivation will definitely be higher.

This book is almost finished, probably only about three months, and I am calmly waiting for updates. The author is indeed a slacker.

But I will never be a eunuch, and I will write it without any royalties, so don’t worry.

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