Fortune Teller

Chapter 1761 Various Invitations

Lichao Continent, Lanhai area.

The leader of the Lin clan dispersed the dim light around him and looked towards the sky.

At this moment, the power of gods and demons in his body was extremely huge, and he could hear the sound of wind and thunder when he breathed, which was the aura fluctuation at the peak of the divine realm.

"The golden thread disappears. Is it the end?"

The leader of the Lin clan frowned.

No one in the entire Lichao Continent knew what was happening better than him.

After all, as a god and demon in the middle stage of the Divine Law Realm and a practitioner of destiny, he still has many close friends. Those gods and demons dare not help, but it is not a big problem to pass on some news.

"Clan leader, are the Lord Hantang and Master Bingbohai really dead?"

"The golden thread disappears, are we safe?"

"Clan leader, where did that terrifying aura come from? It feels more terrifying than the Half-Step God Lord. Nearly 90% of the clan members have had their bloodlines crushed."

One after another, the elders of the Lin clan couldn't help but speak.

Just one breath can destroy the bloodline of the descendants of world-level gods and demons. You can imagine what kind of existence that is!

And this is despite being separated by a thousand-mountain formation!

If the Lin tribe is like this, the other ethnic groups in Lichao Continent are probably almost dead as well.

"I don't know either."

The leader of the Lin clan shook his head slightly. He didn't know the specific situation. He only knew that the matter was related to the life outside the world, and that life outside the world was most likely the big shot behind Yelan Keqing.

While he was thinking about it, the communication talisman in the Lin clan leader's body suddenly lit up.


Seeing the message in the spell, the Lin clan leader looked shocked.

"Clan leader, did something happen again?"

The great elder's face suddenly became nervous, and the other elders, including the guest ministers in the clan, also had their hearts in their throats.

"It's not a bad thing," said the leader of the Lin clan. "It was Lord Zhu Yan who sent me a message through a good friend, saying that the Valley Master agreed to my request to practice in the Eight Evil Valley. I can go there at any time, and I can also bring a few clansmen with me." My disciples, including... your guest?"

Why does this sound so weird?

Where is the Eight Evil Valley? It is a secret treasure land occupied by eight half-step god kings. It contains extremely strong power of gods and demons, which is of great benefit to bloodline cultivation. In the past, even the middle stage of the divine realm was not allowed to enter.

The leader of the Lin clan begged many times but failed to get a chance.

But now, God Lord Zhu Yan not only invited him, but also allowed him to bring his clan members, including guests from other clans, there? Are you kidding me? When did the Eight Evil Valley become so generous? !

"Clan leader, this is a great opportunity!"

Linshan, Linmu, and the gods and demons in the clan couldn't help but get excited, including Linkong, a dragon in the late stage of the divine power realm.

If they could go to the Eight Evil Valley to practice, they might be able to go one step further, and even have the hope of entering the late stages of the Divine Dharma Realm.

"Before the breakthrough, the Eight Evil Valley would have been of some use to me, but now, it's just average."

The leader of the Lin clan frowned.

There is no such thing as pie in the world for no reason. Lord Zhu Yan is suddenly so polite. What exactly do you want to do? Is he asking for help, or is he malicious? But no matter which one it is, what the other party said is too weird. Do you allow the clan members to go with the guests?

What's the meaning?

At this moment, the communication talisman lit up again.


The Lin clan leader's eyes widened again.

"Clan leader, what happened again?" the clan elder asked.

"The Divine Lord Tiefeng sent me a message through a good friend, saying that the Scarlet Flower Emperor was about to hold a Hundred Flowers Banquet and invited me to attend. He also allowed me to bring several of my clan members and guests there." The head of the Lin Clan looked surprised and uncertain.

"The Hundred Flowers Banquet? Is it the legendary Hundred Flowers Banquet that only half-step gods and emperors are allowed to participate in?" The Great Elder exclaimed, "I heard that there are 107 kinds of drinks and snacks brewed from the ancient world's exotic flowers at the Hundred Flowers Banquet. Each one is of astonishing value. If you eat it in the divine power realm, your bloodline will directly climb to a higher level."

The elders of the clan flushed with excitement.

"Shenjun Tiefeng is the first general under Emperor Chihua. Since he has been summoned, this matter must be true."

"Clan leader, you have already broken through to the late stage of the Divine Law Realm, and you are good at the rules of destiny. It is only a matter of time before you become a half-step Divine Lord, so Emperor Chihua invites you."

"Yes, our clan leader is not an ordinary god or demon. He relies on the Supreme Sect and once fought head-on with Lord Han Yuan. He is definitely qualified to participate in the Hundred Flowers Banquet."

The elders in the clan said one after another.

"I'm afraid it's not as simple as you think." The leader of the Lin clan shook his head slightly.

He is still clear about the level of the Hundred Flowers Feast. One hundred and seven kinds of ancient flowers, each of which must be cultivated by the Red Flower Emperor personally, and requires a huge amount of divine and demonic power. How can such a precious treasure be used casually? take it out?

Therefore, apart from the gods and demon emperors and disciples of the Supreme Sect, the guests attending the Hundred Flowers Banquet were all famous and powerful people.

Even half-step divine kings are not qualified to participate.

The leader of the Lin clan?

He is not even a half-step divine king. He has just entered the late stage of the divine realm. If he wants to take a further step, he has not even thought about it for a few years. After all, only by merging the second original bloodline and breaking the barriers of the divine realm can one be called a half-step divine king, and that step is not something that can be overcome by leaps and bounds.

"Emperor Red Flower, why would you invite me to attend the Hundred Flowers Banquet? Even if it is an invitation, it is impossible for me to bring my clan members and guests there?"

Thinking of this, the leader of the Lin clan suddenly widened his eyes.

Could it be that the person invited by Emperor Chihua was not him at all, but the tribesmen and guests he wanted to bring.

Is it Yelan?

That must be it.

The leader of the Lin clan suddenly realized.

If it is possible for Divine Lord Zhu Yan to value his destiny deduction method, Emperor Red Flower... is simply impossible. That is a peerless divine flower that was born when the ancient world first opened. Its origins are comparable to those of the Breaking Boundary Peak, and later it became a god and demon. The emperors, even in the entire Taiyuan ancient world, are some of the most famous emperors.

Would such a being look down on him? ?

"Clan leader, when will the Hundred Flowers Banquet begin?" Elder Linshan asked with anticipation.

"It's almost time. There are still three chen years left."

The leader of the Lin clan said softly.

Three Chen years is more than three million years, which is extremely long for ordinary life, but for gods and demons, it is just a few times of seclusion.

"I heard that the Hundred Flowers Banquet only starts inviting the gods from all over the world one chensui before it is held. This time it is so long in advance, which shows that the Red Flower Emperor attaches great importance to the clan leader," the elder said excitedly, "We have to prepare well to participate. Not everyone can get a spot at the Hundred Flowers Banquet.”

"Not urgent."

The Lin clan leader glanced at him and wanted to say something, but didn't say anything.

God Lord Tiefeng sent someone a message, allowing him to bring his clansmen and guests, but he did not say how many he would bring. It was obviously for him to decide on his own, but one thing was certain, Yelan's name must be among them.

Otherwise, even if you go to the Hundred Flowers Banquet, you will probably be stopped outside.

At this time, the messenger lighted up again.


The leader of the Lin tribe looked down. Before he could see the message in the spell clearly, a familiar wave of divine power came from the sky above the mainland.

"grown ups?"

The Lin clan leader suddenly raised his head.

The Lin clan elders and guest guests in the palace also looked to the sky.

I saw a figure coming from the far sky, with clothes flying all over the body, a plain white ribbon tied on the forehead, and a seven-foot green-edged sword behind it.

"Lord Fu Guan!"

The leader of the Lin clan choked up with excitement, and even knelt down directly, "My subordinate, Fu Lin, has met your Excellency."

How many years!

Since Fu Guan returned to the Taishang Sect, he has not seen each other for countless years.

I still remember that back then, he was still a descendant of gods and demons with weak cultivation, and he had not even reached the realm of divine power. Without Fu Guan's guidance and blessing, it would be a question whether he would even survive, let alone the realm of divine power.

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