Fortune Teller

Chapter 1766 The Stage of Life and Death

On the stone platform.

Two figures stood facing each other, surrounded by a group of Lin clan gods and demons with ferocious eyes.

Among them are many who are at the peak of the divine power realm, such as Lin You, Lin Changfang, Lin Sizhe and others, as well as rising stars such as Jiaolong Linkong.

"Brother, with the strength of Six Claws, can you deal with Ye Lan? She is also a powerful person who is proficient in the Tao of Destiny. If she fails, we will not be able to explain to the elders."

"Don't worry, although Yelan's understanding of destiny is not low, she has not yet pushed any rules to the state of mind. Her mind and will have not yet become one, and she does not pose much of a threat to the peak of the divine power state. And before leaving, I still I asked for a reassuring charm from the clan’s treasure house.”

Lin Wei said proudly.

"Calming charm?"

The gods and demons of the Lin tribe around them all looked surprised.

That was a talisman personally refined by the leader of the Lin clan. Although it was not very powerful, it was more than enough to withstand the will secret arts of those below the Supreme Being.

The price of the centering charm in the Lin tribe's treasury is as high as 13,000 great merits. Only people like Lin Yu, who are valued by the tribe, can ask for one. Others would be kicked out as soon as they opened their mouths.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

As the drum beat stopped.

The strange beasts, gods and demons opposite the woman in green finally raised their heads, "Ye Lan, I really didn't expect that you dared to challenge me. Do you know what my name, Lin Liuzhao, is in the clan?"

"It's a big name, is it useful?"

Ye Xin said quietly.


The eyes of the alien beasts, gods and demons flickered, "My secret skill of the six-clawed evil sword has a great reputation even in the entire Lichao Continent. How can you, a foreign guest who has just broken through to the middle stage of the divine power realm, be able to compare with it? Don't think that If you are proficient in the rules of destiny, you will be able to be arrogant. Let me tell you, your little magic is nothing in my eyes."


An astonishing power of gods and demons burst out from the body of the alien beast, and instantly condensed into six sharp claws. Each claw was like a sharp sword, emitting a cold light.

"Do you see it!"

"My god's six-clawed evil sword has already reached the fourth level. The peak level of ordinary divine power can't even survive a single move in front of me. What can you, a little guardian guest, do?" The alien beasts, gods and demons laughed wildly.

The surrounding Lin clan disciples also looked expectant.

"The Secret Technique of the Six-Clawed Evil Sword is also one of the most powerful magical secret techniques in our clan. Only eight people in the Divine Power Realm have practiced this secret technique, and the Six-Clawed Evil Sword is the one with the highest level. With this technique alone, his The strength is no less than that of the major pond masters of the Si Crocodile Clan."

Lin's eyes flashed with satisfaction.

Although he was arrogant and arrogant, he was not without brains. He would certainly not go into battle personally to deal with something like Ye Lan, so he ordered someone to set up a trap to create a gap between Lin Liuzhao and Ye Lan Keqing.

As a result, Lin Liuzhao will definitely cause trouble for Yelan Keqing.

If Ye Lan dares not accept the challenge, she will have a reputation of being as timid as a mouse. She will inevitably be laughed at in the future, and it will even spread to Master Fu Guan.

If Ye Lan dares to challenge, with the strength of Lin's six claws, even if it cannot kill her, it can still make her bloodline disappear and her divine power collapse. She is not the leader of the Lin clan. Once her bloodline collapses, she will definitely not have enough spiritual resources. If Jane goes to recover, she will have to live with her tail between her legs for hundreds of millions of years.

"A mere foreigner, even if he is valued by Lord Fu Guan, he will not take action for her. What's more, the patriarch of our tribe has entered the late stage of the divine realm and will definitely be a half-step divine king in the future. Lord Fu Guan takes the patriarch's face into consideration I won’t care too much about it.”

Lin Wei whispered in his heart.

Now that things have happened, he no longer dares to dream of gaining Lord Fu Guan's favor, but who is Ye Lan and dares to take away his opportunity? This debt cannot be ignored!

Thoughts flashed.

The fluctuations of divine power on the stone platform gradually became more intense.

The alien beasts, gods and demons did not rush to take action, but slowly mobilized their divine power to form numerous shackles, covering the top of the stone platform. As a peak powerhouse in the realm of divine power, he had an absolute advantage, and with the centering talisman to protect his mind - —

Lin Liuzhao felt confident in this battle.

Therefore, he wanted to completely seal off the entire platform of life and death, leaving Ye Lan with no way to go to heaven or earth, and could only slowly wait for death on the platform.

"Lin Liuzhao."

Looking at the strange beasts, gods and demons in front of her, the woman in green still looked calm.

The strength of Lin's Six Claws is almost as good as that of Yanzhen Peak Supreme, who practices inferior Taoism. If he is an ordinary middle-level divine power realm, he may not even be able to block the sword light of the Six Claws Evil Sword, let alone one move.

But she...may not be.


The alien beasts, gods and demons finally took action, and in an instant, six sharp claws burst out with dazzling brilliance. Each ray of brilliance was a sharp sword, with the terrifying power of tearing apart the early stage of the divine power realm.

when! when! when!

In just an instant, dozens of rays of light struck the stone platform, making a sharp impact.

"The sword light is very powerful."

Elder Linshan hid in the depths of the void and praised repeatedly, "It seems that Liuzhao has not slacked off over the years. The evil sword secret technique has been 90% integrated with his magical power. There is only one step left to truly perfect it."

"The perfect magical power and secret skills are no less than a full-strength strike in the early stage of the Divine Law Realm. By then, he will also be ranked among the top twenty in the clan."

Elder Linmu said.

The Lin clan has great wealth and has naturally cultivated many descendants of gods and demons. In addition to the seven elders, there are also many powerful people who have reached the peak of divine power and perfectly integrated magical powers and secret skills, such as Lin You, Lin Changfang, and Lin Sizhe. This is the kind of person he is.

The three of them need to understand the rules of destiny, so they stay in the tribe all year round. However, the descendants of those tribesmen who have fully mastered magical powers and secret skills have left the tribe and gone to other continents to practice.

Because it is a huge hurdle to go from the peak of the divine power realm to the divine law realm.

Most of the children of the Lin clan cannot condense silk into cocoons in the most perfect way like Ye Xin. Their bloodline is flawed, so they must go through fighting again and again, constantly plundering the bloodline origins of other gods and demons, and making up for themselves. defects to achieve the most perfect state.

Even the leader of the Lin clan could not help with this process and could only rely on himself.

Therefore, there are not many people at the peak of the divine power realm who remain in the Lin clan, and there are even fewer people as strong as Lin Wei.

when! when! when!

The sound of intensive collisions resounded throughout Lanhai City, and countless formations loomed, suppressing the power of the alien beasts, gods and demons within the scope of the stone platform, but even so, the gods and demons watching the battle could still feel the extremely ferocious power. breath.

"Ye Lan, since you are not afraid of this god, what are you hiding from!"

The alien beasts, gods and demons sneered repeatedly, "Is it because the secret technique of will has no effect, so I am afraid? Haha, I will tell you, I have already used a centering charm. As long as the charm does not dissipate, any secret technique of will will be effective against me. Invalid, what can you do to me as a destiny practitioner who has not even reached the state of mind?"


The divine power above the stone platform fluctuated more and more violently.

The alien beasts, gods and demons are like fierce beasts, constantly waving their six sharp claws. Wherever the claws touch, even the void trembles slightly.

Obviously, the secret skill of the Six-clawed Evil Sword is extremely powerful and has begun to affect the stability of the space. If you take another step forward, you can tear the void apart, which is the level of the divine realm.

"The secret skill of the Six-clawed Evil Sword is indeed as powerful as the rumors say."

Ye Xin's body swayed, constantly dodging the slashes of the sword.

Fortunately, she is a practitioner of destiny. In a flash of thought, she can calculate the possible direction of the claws and sword light and avoid it in advance. Otherwise, she would not be able to hold on even for ten breaths.


"Let me see how long you can hide. The power of gods and demons in my body is enough for me to fight for three to five days. Moreover, I also have pills to restore my power. Are you worthy of fighting with me?"

"So what if you are proficient in the law of destiny? After all, you are a descendant of a small tribe worth mentioning, and you don't even have magical powers or secret skills. How can you fight with this god?"

The alien beasts, gods and demons laughed wildly.

At the same time, the sharp claw sword light became more dense, each one was like a dazzling rainbow light. If Lin Liuclaw's strength was not limited, he could only erupt thirty-six sword energy at a time. At this moment, he would definitely have covered the entire stone platform with claws. mango.

In that case, even if Ye Lan had the means to reach the sky, he would not be able to escape.

"Yelan's bloodline is a little weak after all."

Elder Linshan shook his head and said, "Although he is in the middle stage of the divine power realm, his lack of talent cannot be compensated for by any means, and he does not have suitable magical powers or secret skills."

"Bloodline is only secondary. The gap between the middle and late stages of the divine power realm alone is enough to make her despair." Lin Mu said.

The middle stage of the divine power realm is equivalent to the early stage of acting.

The late stage of the divine power realm is equivalent to the peak of acting.

And those who master the secret realm of supernatural power in the late stage of the divine power realm are even more powerful among the strong, and their strength is no less than that of figures such as Hongzhuxian and Li Hunna.

Such a huge gap cannot be bridged.

"I think Yelan's own Taoist realm is the biggest problem." Lin clan leader suddenly walked out of the void, "According to my observation, she has mastered at least four rules of fate, but they are all at a very low level. There is no If a person has reached the Law Sui Realm and has two or more Law Sui Realm rules, she can forcibly break the centering talisman and severely damage the mind of the Six Claws Junior."

"Clan leader."

The elders bowed and saluted, and said, "Patriarch, you are already a genius in practicing the Way of Destiny, and you have only understood two rules of perfection. How can she reach that level after only practicing for so long?"

"Don't underestimate Yelan."

The leader of the Lin clan shook his head slightly, "Don't forget how terrifying the adult behind her is. To be valued by that adult, Ye Lan's talent in destiny must be much higher than mine. There are things I can't do. , she may not be able to do it.”

"If she had not been distracted by many rules, but concentrated on one, she might have become a Destiny Supreme by now."

"Of course, this matter may also be intentional by that adult. After all, after entering the Dharma Sui Realm, it is possible to have an epiphany and breakthrough. Once you enter the mind, it will be much more difficult to understand other rules."

"The patriarch's words make sense." All the elders nodded.

Indeed, there is only a thin film between the Dharma Sui Realm and the Only Mind Realm, which can be broken through at any time. Moreover, most people break through the realm barriers unconsciously, and by the time they discover it, it is already too late.

As he spoke, the roar on the life and death stage became more intense.

The alien beasts, gods and demons are worthy of being at the pinnacle of the divine power realm. They also possess magical powers and secret skills. Every move they make has astonishing power, forcing Ye Xin to avoid them constantly.

"My dear guest, you dare to go against me. Are you worthy?"

"I can make you lose half of your life with an evil sword and claw light, but you, even if you try your best, you can't even think of hurting me at all."

While the alien beasts, gods and demons were attacking, they were still laughing wantonly.

What about destiny practitioners? So what if you win the favor of Master Fu Guan? After all, he was just an ordinary visitor in the middle stage of the divine power realm, and he didn't even have magical powers or secret skills. If he hadn't been able to dodge quickly, he could easily crush him to death.

when! when! when!

The sharp claws and sword light are continuous.

Ye Xin could do nothing except try his best to dodge, which made the alien beasts, gods and demons even more disdainful.

"It seems that we overestimated Ye Lan."

"After all, he is just an unknown person from a small clan. Even if he has some talent, it is not worth mentioning."

Lin Xiao and others who were fighting outside Shitai also showed contempt.

After a full breath passed, Yelan tried her best to dodge, but showed almost no signs of counterattack. It wasn't that she didn't want to counterattack, but that she didn't have the ability to counterattack.

The gap between the middle and late stages of the divine power realm is too big.

In the face of the crazy offensive and fierce claws of the alien beasts, gods and demons, Ye Xin was unable to resist at all. There were only two ways waiting for her, one was to admit defeat in front of countless children of the Lin clan, the other was to fight to the end and be wiped out in the end.

No matter which one, it can completely knock her to the bottom.

Time passes slowly.

The roar on the stage of life and death continued, accompanied by the ridicule and ridicule of the Lin clan disciples and alien beasts, gods and demons who were watching.

"Yelan, give in quickly, so you can save a dog's life."

"How dare she admit defeat? An insignificant guest from a foreign tribe managed to climb Master Fu Guan's big tree with the help of the clan leader. Once she gives in, she will discredit the clan leader and the master, and will definitely be expelled from the Lin clan. Even your life will be lost.”

"If you don't admit defeat, you will die."

"Brother from the Six Claw Clan is not a kind person. It's fine if others don't mess with him. No one who dares to mess with him will have good results. Ye Lan is so bold. He even dared to take the elixir offered by Brother Six Claw Clan. , It’s really looking for death.”

"'s a scandal after all, so let's not talk about it."

The Lin tribe members who were watching talked to each other and laughed at each other from time to time, including Xuanhu Keqing and Jiao Mou Keqing.

"With such little strength, he still dares to snatch the opportunity from the children of the Lin clan. He really doesn't know how to live or die."

"With a little bit of ability, you don't know how high the sky is. Are there many people like that?"

"After today, whether she is dead or alive, she will not be able to make any waves."

Xuan Hu and Jiao Mo sneered.

"Yelan is indeed aloof, but she is not greedy for some insignificant elixirs. This kind of frame-up is too crude." Another guest shook his head.

"The calculation is not important. What is important is whether Lin Liuzhao and the elders of the Lin clan are willing to believe it. For some things, just an excuse is enough. The truth is not important."

Xuanhu Keqing curled his lips slightly.

As he was speaking, the surrounding voices suddenly stopped.

"what happened?"

Xuan Hu quickly looked towards the life and death platform.

I saw Yelan Keqing, who was hiding in Tibet just a moment ago, now splitting his divine sword light and approaching the strange beasts, gods and demons at a very fast speed.

"How is it possible? She actually split the six-clawed evil shadow sword?"

Xuanhu Keqing's eyes widened immediately, with a look of disbelief on his face.

The alien beasts, gods and demons on the stage of life and death were even more frightened and backed away.

"Impossible. You are clearly only in the middle stage of the divine power realm. No matter how powerful your destiny is, you still can't break through my six-clawed evil sword secret skill." The alien beasts, gods and demons roared urgently, and at the same time swallowed a pill that restored divine power. .

"I'm just thinking about restoring my divine power now, it's too late!"

Ye Xin's eyes flashed with coldness.

With a wave of his hand, a blue sword with a width of a hundred feet appeared out of thin air. The sword light was filled with strong fluctuations of divine power and a bit of destiny.

Cold water thorn!

Ye Xin's innate magical power is also her only killing magical power. As Elder Linshan said, she was born in a small tribe, and her bloodline talents are far inferior to those of powerful tribes. Her awakened innate magical powers are also extremely poor. Among all the gods and demons, she is the only It can be considered inferior.

But at this moment, this magical power showed amazing power.

Just one stroke.

Then he split the sharp claws and sword light of the alien beasts, gods and demons, and his own power was only reduced by 10%.

"What an amazing magical power."

The elders of the Lin clan in the depths of the void all showed expressions of surprise.

"If I'm not mistaken, what Ye Lan used should be the cold water thorn, which can only be classified as low-level among the magical powers of the Taiyuan Ancient World. But the blue sword thorn she used can easily break through the six-clawed sword light? "

"Although that claw light is only part of the six-clawed evil sword, it is already extremely powerful. Ye Lan can break it easily. Her magical power... I am afraid it has reached the peak level of the divine power realm."

"It's incredible, it's incredible."

All the elders were filled with admiration.

Having said that, no one was shocked, because they knew that behind Ye Lan there was a terrifying existence comparable to the Emperor Qiankun. If they could not do this, they would be disappointed.

"Now it seems that Ye Lan was just showing weakness before. Although her magical powers are powerful, their reserves of magical power are far inferior to those of the six claws. Moreover, the blue sword contains the power of twisting fate. Every time it is used, it consumes a lot. mind."

"So she let Liu Claw underestimate the enemy first, and did not use the elixir in time to restore her divine power. However, she kept abundant divine power until the opponent had almost consumed it, and then suddenly exploded."

The Lin clan leader nodded slightly.

In the battle of life and death, strength is one aspect, and scheming is also another aspect.

Although Lin Liuzhao's cultivation level was high, he underestimated the enemy too much and thought that he would win. He was reluctant to swallow the pills, so defeat was natural.

This is the platform of life and death. He still has a chance to escape from the stone platform and save his life.

But if you go outside Lichao Continent and face other gods and demons, you will have no choice but to wait for death.

Peng! Peng! Peng!

The blue sword thorns bombarded wildly, constantly splitting the sharp claw sword light in front of Lin Liuzhao, and the divine power in Ye Xin's body also poured into the depths of the sword thorns like a tide, maintaining the power of the cold water thorns.

After all, this magical power is not as good as the Six-clawed Evil Sword, and it can only stab one sword at a time.

There was no way to separate dozens or even hundreds of sword rays, so she had to stick to the opponent tightly and not give Lin Liuzhao any chance to counterattack.

"How is it possible? How is it possible?"

In just a few breaths, the alien beasts, gods and demons were already in danger. Fortunately, he covered dozens of claws all over his body, and with the cooperation of his defensive powers, he was able to barely block it.

But even so, he still couldn't get rid of Ye Xin's offensive.

Tianji's calculations combined with the cold water thorn can always find the direction not covered by the six-clawed evil sword, and then slash across it. With the powerful power of the cold water thorn, as long as it hits, Lin's six-clawed body will collapse and his blood will collapse.

After all, his magical power is not the Dragon Transformation Seal of Jiaolong Linkong, and it is not strong in life-saving.

Peng! Peng! Peng!

Ye Xin's offensive became more and more fierce.

The divine power in his body seemed to be worthless, pouring crazily into the depths of the blue sword. At the same time, the rules of fate were running wildly, and the calculations of heaven, twists of fate, and fields of fate were all unfolding.

"Lin Liuzhao, how many more times can you block it?"

"If my calculation is correct, within a few moments at most, the divine power in your body will be completely exhausted. At that time, you will definitely die. Just admit defeat!!"

Ye Xin's voice was cold and solemn.

"Admit defeat?"

Lin Liuzhao's face turned pale and pale.

To admit defeat on the stage of life and death, in front of all the children of the Lin clan? He is a powerful person at the pinnacle of the divine power realm, and he has mastered top magical powers and secret techniques such as the Six-clawed Evil Sword. How dare he lose to a foreigner who is in the middle stage of the divine power realm?

How could this be?

"If you want me to admit defeat, just dream!!"

Lin Liuzhao said sternly, "I am the core lineage of the Lin clan, and I am highly valued by the elders. Do you dare to kill me? The elders' anger will make you shatter into pieces and disappear into ashes."

"Then give it a try."

Ye Xin stopped talking and focused all his attention on applying the rules of fate.

Repeated calculations of heavenly secrets, coupled with the constant use of the twisting power of fate, made her mentally exhausted, but only in this way could she suppress Lin Liuzhao, who was at the peak of the divine power realm.

After all, the gap between the middle and late stages of the divine power realm is indeed not small.

If she hadn't condensed silk into a cocoon in the most perfect way and evolved the ultimate bloodline in the middle stage of the divine power realm, the power of the cold water thorn would never have reached this level.

But even so, it is still far behind the Six-Clawed Evil Sword.


The divine power in the bodies of the alien beasts, gods and demons was completely exhausted, and the six-clawed evil sword disintegrated, leaving only the body of the gods and demons standing on the edge of the stone platform.

"This god will not admit defeat, nor will I live or die. Yelan, what can you do to me?" The alien beasts and demons sneered, "Do you dare to take action? As long as you dare to hurt my life, the elders will not do anything to me." I'll kill you hesitantly, don't forget, I am a direct descendant of the Lin clan, and you are just a little guest. You are a slave, and I am the master."

Ye Xin narrowed his eyes.

Sure enough, we still got to this point.

The huge body of the alien beast, god and demon is firmly attached to the surface of the stone platform. With the power of its blood, as long as the body is not broken up, there is absolutely no way to knock him out of the life and death platform.

But once he takes action, it may arouse the anger of the Lin clan elders.

When the time comes, if the elder takes action personally, she will definitely die.

As the supreme master of the destiny system, Master Fu Guan had already figured this out, so he made arrangements in advance.


Seeing the change in Ye Xin's expression, the smile on the face of the alien beasts, gods and demons became more intense, "You must remember clearly that you are a slave of the Lin clan. The elders built a life and death platform and said that you can live or die, but it does not mean that you really have it. If you are qualified to kill me, a slave is a slave, and you should never even think of——"

The words have not yet finished.

The blue sword thrust out violently.


With a proud look on his face, Lin's six claws were smashed to pieces by the sword light, his bloodline and divine power were all shattered, and even his mind and will were completely annihilated.

"I am not a servant of the Lin clan, I am a guest."

"Lin Liuzhao, I gave you a chance. If you don't want it, then die!"

Ye Xin jumped up and flew towards the side hall of his cave.

The children of the Lin clan who were watching the battle, including Xuan Hu, Jiao Mu and other guest officials, were all stunned on the spot.

"She...she...dare to kill Liuclaw?"

"This woman is really crazy, presumptuous, arrogant, and ignorant of life and death. Why haven't the elders taken action and killed her?! Kill her!"

"Liu Zhao is dead, he is actually dead," Lin Wei's face turned pale in the crowd, "How could this happen? According to my calculation, she would have seriously injured Liu Zhao at most, and then left the life and death platform first, and this was the least likely thing. Possible situation, but she actually killed Liuzhao? The elder will definitely make trouble for me and punish me."

Lin's whole heart was trembling.

The grudge between Ye Xin and Lin Liuzhao was caused by his plan. The situation was not complicated, it was just an excuse. But now that Lin Liuzhao is dead, the elders will definitely hold him accountable. As the instigator, Lin You will be in trouble. Take the blame.

Deep in the void.

The elders fell silent.

At this moment, they finally understood why Fu Guan left the elders outside Qianshan Palace and said such words.

Because Fu Guan had known for a long time that the dispute between the Lin clan children and Ye Xin would get out of hand.

There is Taoist Ximing behind Ye Xin. Regardless of whether Fu Guan shows up or not, she cannot compromise easily. In the worst case, she will take out the treasure given to her by Taoist Ximing and kill him.

In short, it is absolutely impossible to bow to someone like Lin Liuzhao.

"Lin Liuzhao, is too self-righteous. He thinks that with the support of the Lin clan, he can have nothing to worry about?" The leader of the Lin clan said softly, "Over the years, our clan has cultivated many people who are at the peak of the divine power realm, and most of them have died. Outside Lichao Continent, if Lin Liuzhao goes out, there will most likely be a pile of bones."

"We, the Lin clan, don't need such ignorant people."

"His death is just a warning to the children of the clan, so that they know that Keqing is not the servant of the Lin clan, and they are not the masters of the Lin clan, so be it!"


The Lin clan leader fled into the air.

The elders looked at each other and said no more.

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