Fortune Teller

Chapter 198: Secretly assassinating Chen Cang

Even among millions of mortals, it has already made Gu Xiuyun nervous, almost to the extreme.

"The fate of mortals has long been determined by heaven and earth, but everything in the world is subject to variables, and practitioners are the variables."

"When you step into the immortal gate and enter the immortal way, you will have an endless future. You will no longer be bound by heaven and earth. Likewise, you will no longer be protected by heaven and earth."

"No one can see clearly the life and death of a practitioner, because it is no longer in the destiny, but the great road of the world is one gram in one life, one yin and one yang. Since one is born in the world, there is a corresponding great road of heaven and earth."

Gu Xiuyun suddenly opened his eyes, the depths of his eyes were dark and dark, as if they were two black holes, wildly devouring the surrounding light.

At this moment, he saw that there were countless transparent threads hidden under the white threads, each of which came from a practitioner. Although he could not see clearly, each transparent thread was tightly intertwined with the white thread above. Difficult to separate.

"Although practitioners are separated from the fate of heaven and earth, they cannot cut off all cause and effect. Therefore, their fate can also be calculated by ordinary mortals."

Gu Xiuyun's eyes became darker and darker. At this moment, he saw a new door.

That is the threshold to enter the immortal path through heavenly arithmetic.

Of all things in the world, who can truly escape fate?

As long as you are born in the world, you cannot truly escape. For example, those reclusive immortals may be able to avoid the world and the living beings, but can they avoid the void and the five elements of heaven and earth?

If one day, Gu Xiuyun can calculate all things in the world, and calculate the changes in space, five elements, and time, who can escape his gaze?

That is the ultimate in divine calculation.

"So my way is here."

At this moment, Gu Xiuyun understood clearly in his heart.

The restrictions of the Immortal Way and the changes in the Five Elements are all chess pieces under his feet. His real Tao is the secret road of heaven, which uses heavenly secrets to calculate and understand the mysteries of the world.

After taking this step, although Gu Xiuyun's cultivation level did not increase, he could clearly see the direction of his cultivation.

In comparison, people such as High Priest Yanzhan and High Priest Zhenhuang have been practicing hard all their lives, but they have not been able to clearly see the direction of their own path. Even if they reluctantly enter the Douxiao realm, they can hardly make any progress.

But Gu Xiuyun has already forged a Taoist heart and truly entered the Immortal Sect.

"Fellow Taoist Xi Ming, you finally woke up!"

Priest Quan Ming walked over with a serious look on his face, "You have been practicing for nine days. In the past nine days, the elders of Likongmen have been killing people everywhere, and three more priests of Xuanguangtai have died. Even the altars of Shenhuo Kingdom and Jifeng Kingdom, None were spared.”

With that said, Quan Ming took out a stack of books from his spirit pouch, all of which contained information about Elder Fusong.

"Scanning three altars in a row shows that most of Elder Li Kongmen's injuries have recovered." Gu Xiuyun looked at the scroll in front of him and raised the corner of his mouth slightly, "Senior Quan Ming, don't worry, there are no sun, moon and stars in the secret world, Elder Fusong No matter how much he kills, he can't attract the power of the heavenly stars. His spiritual veins cannot be transformed, so they can only stay in the pulse-opening realm."

Elder Fusong's physical body was almost completely destroyed by the five priests. Even if he recovered from his injuries, the Spirit Vein Heaven Pass could not transform because there were no sun, moon or stars in the secret world.

As a result, Elder Fusong's cultivation was cut off by 30% out of thin air. In addition, the priests of the divine religion had just mastered the Zhen Gang Sword Qi, and the current elder Fusong was no more powerful than the three high priests.

"Having said that, this person has always been hiding in the dark and has always been a disaster." Priest Quanming sighed repeatedly.

"In the dark? I'm afraid it's not possible!"

Gu Xiuyun shook his head and smiled.

"How do you say this?"

"If this person was really hiding, he would have disappeared long ago. How could he destroy three holy altars in a row?" Gu Xiuyun pointed at a stack of books, "I wonder if seniors have noticed that five days ago, Elder Fusong destroyed the holy altar of Jifeng Kingdom. After that, all the powerful men from the three major kingdoms gathered at the Chonghua River.”

"So what?" Priest Quan Ming was a little confused.

"Senior, don't you think this is what Elder Fusong did intentionally?" A smile appeared on Gu Xiuyun's face.

The altars of the three major kingdoms are protected by the Yaoritai prohibition, and the treasures in the altars have been taken away by the high priest. Why would Elder Fusong risk his way into an altar without treasures?

Just to take revenge on the Eight-Eyed God Cult?

Gu Xiuyun didn't believe it.

A strong man who has lived for nearly a thousand years would never engage in such a senseless fight.

"After this battle, although there were occasional casualties in the secret world, the ones who died were all Jintai priests, because the Xuanguangtai priests were so frightened by this man that they did not dare to leave the Chonghua River."

Gu Xiuyun looked at the scroll in his hand and said quietly, "However, those Jintai priests can't tell whether the person who is killing people everywhere in the secret world is really Elder Fusong."

"What do you mean by fellow Daoist Xi Ming?" Priest Quan Ming thought of some possibility, and his expression suddenly changed.

"If I were Elder Fusong, I would never fight head-on with the Eight-Eyed Divine Cult." Gu Xiuyun nodded, "Nowadays, dragons and snakes are mixed along the Chonghua River. In addition to the members of the Divine Cult, there are also many secular mortals and those who have been worshiped by the Divine Cult. The surrendered sect disciples used Elder Fusong's method to sneak into this place without any effort."

"Damn it, why didn't I think of this?" Priest Quan Ming left in a hurry.

Looking at the figure disappearing in the distance, Gu Xiuyun shook his head and sighed.

Shen Huoguo and Jinhuangguo couldn't see through Elder Fusong's plan, because they didn't know that there was an escaped Master Qi from the Ruoshui Sect.

Priest Quan Ming failed to see through it, but made him sigh.

As early as when Elder Fusong recovered from his injuries and went on a killing spree, Gu Xiuyun had already thought that this person might have come into contact with Master Qi.

In addition, the entire secret world has been set up by the Eight-Eyed Divine Sect, and Elder Fusong has no chance to heal.

"It has been five days since the altar of Jifeng Kingdom was destroyed. If Elder Fusong really sneaks into the Chonghua River, I am afraid that all the disciples of the sect have already rebelled."

Gu Xiuyun's body was filled with spiritual energy, and his entire body turned into a shadow, escaping deep into the Chonghua River.

Although Gu Xiuyun has been practicing for the past nine days, with his divine power, many things cannot be hidden from his eyes.

The strong men from the three major kingdoms stationed at the Chonghua River were divided into two groups.

The priests of the sect stayed on the periphery to deal with Elder Fusong's attack at any time. As for the disciples of the sect, they hid in the deepest part because they did not dare to leak the news.

On weekdays, the priests of the divine religion asked them to refine the formation flags and teach their disciples how to practice the formation.

With Elder Fusong's methods, it was easy to find those sect disciples.

After all, they are all under the command of the Li Kong Sect, and they already have a secret method of communicating with each other.

The shadow flashed away, and a moment later, Gu Xiuyun arrived at the deepest part of the Chonghua River.

This place is covered by thick fog, and there are occasional knocking sounds inside, as if the formation flags are being refined.

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