Fortune Teller

Chapter 2077 Spiritual Material Vision

On the edge of the chaotic river, within the covering formation.

The cyan figure sat cross-legged, holding a palm-sized jadeite platform in his palm.

There are two hundred spots of light shining in the jade platform, which are the mountain spirits refined by Gu Xiuyun. The two hundred mountain spirits mean that Gu Xiuyun's Taoist heart has entered a higher level, and his enlightened Taoist heart There are as many as nine hundred and ninety-nine methods.

After a long time.

Another mountain range lit up with dim light.

"The thousandth method is finally understood."

Gu Xiuyun opened his eyes, his face showing excitement.

Unknowingly, he has been cultivating in Wanliuxuan for hundreds of millions of years, which is three million years long when converted to the flow rate of normal space. During this period, his level of Dao Heart has advanced by leaps and bounds, and he has broken through ten levels in a row. After several levels, until today, I finally understood the thousandth Taoist Heart Technique.

One thousand Taoist secrets is an incredible number.

Even the Supreme Sage of Jasper would never have thought that Gu Xiuyun's Dao Xin progress would be so amazing. After all, the entire second volume of Dao Xin Techniques only contains more than 7,000 kinds of techniques. Comprehension of a thousand means that one has mastered the first one. The changes in the Taoist heart in one-seventh of the second volume.

His current state of mind is almost comparable to that of the Supreme Saint Taiyuan before he became a saint.

You must know that the Supreme Saint of Taiyuan is a genuine emperor at the peak of the Nine Ultimates, and he also controls the entire ancient world of Taiyuan. His life level has already entered the Saint level. His transformations have made the Holy Spirit of Taiyuan extremely powerful. situation.

However, Gu Xiuyun reached a height comparable to that of the Supreme Saint of Taiyuan just by relying on the Tao Heart Technique.

One can imagine how terrifying this technique is.

"Sir, have you finished your practice?" Lord Wutiao was curled up on one side. When he saw Gu Xiuyun open his eyes, he quickly stood up.


Gu Xiuyun nodded slightly, "My secret skills have reached a bottleneck. It will be difficult to improve in a short period of time. Wu Ti, please clean up. Let's go to the inner layer of Wan Liuxuan to see if there are any opportunities."

"Inner layer——"

Lord Wutiao's eyes widened, and then he became excited.

Wan Liuxuan can only be regarded as a medium-level secret realm in the Heaven of Saint Transformation, but you must know that this is the ranking of the Heaven of Saint Transformation. Every void here is filled with huge chaotic airflow, and there are many precious spiritual materials condensed there. Countless.

In the years Gu Xiuyun has been practicing alone, Lord Wu Tiao has discovered more than a dozen top-notch spiritual materials through formations.

Just taking out any of those spiritual materials is enough to drive the practitioners of Hunyuan Void crazy.

It is precisely because of this that the genius of transforming into a saint has gathered a large number of emperors of the universe, and even the peak emperors have stayed here all year round and are unwilling to leave.

"Master, let's go there first."

Lord Wu Ti pointed excitedly to the lower left, "There is a piece of lapis lazuli there. I have been observing it for a long time, but no one has come to collect it."

"Oh, lapis lazuli?"

Gu Xiuyun narrowed his eyes and looked down the chaotic river.

Among the spiritual materials in the world, lapis lazuli and white jade are also extremely precious, especially used to refine the golden divine body. If the Qiankun emperors in the Three Absolute Realms and above take the route of the golden divine body, they will most likely use this material. So the value is extremely high.

A piece of green gold and white jade can be exchanged for four or five heaven-level merits, but few people will take it out, and most of them will exchange it for something.

"My current cultivation level is still in a desperate state, and my martial arts body is in the early stage of an emperor, so the requirements for spiritual materials are not high. When my cultivation level reaches a further level, my martial arts body will need more spiritual materials. It's not a bad thing to collect some first. "

Gu Xiuyun whispered secretly.

For martial arts practitioners, the physical level is often lower than the level of cultivation.

For example, the Emperor of the Second Ultimate Realm can reach the pinnacle of the Second Ultimate Realm with his regular divine body, and can even temporarily deduce a physical body comparable to the Emperor of the Third Ultimate Realm like the Emperor Guanhai.

As for warriors at the same level, their physical bodies are at best in a desperate situation.

This is also the reason why practitioners are reluctant to follow the martial arts route.

In addition, there is another flaw in the martial arts route - spiritual materials.

For martial arts practitioners, the true energy of the physical body contains ten major material rules. Therefore, every time you break through a level, you must collect spiritual materials from ten directions in order to make the physical body stronger while maintaining balance. However, those spiritual materials can not be collected just by collecting them. Arrive?

Even a person with strong destiny like Gu Xiuyun would have to spend a lot of energy.

"Wutiao, besides lapis lazuli, there should be other spiritual materials appearing here. Where are they?" Gu Xiuyun asked.

The cover of the chaotic air flow severely weakened his deduction ability, making it extremely difficult to find him, so it was better to ask Wu Ti directly.

"There is an ice crystal bead above the river on the right."

"There's a black meander at the bottom of the wave on the left."

"There is a piece of Zhuomu sand in the dark tide below."


Lord Wutiao immediately pointed out the various spiritual materials that had appeared in the surrounding area, including thirteen in total.

"So many?" Gu Xiuyun looked surprised.

Although Wanliuxuan is a medium-level secret realm, there shouldn't be more than a dozen spiritual materials appearing in just a few million years, right?

And each one is a top-notch spiritual material at the emperor level.

According to this speed, wouldn't there be millions of spiritual materials appearing in the entire Wanliuxuan?

"It seems a little strange," Lord Wu Ti rubbed his head, "These spiritual materials have only appeared in the past tens of thousands of years. There has been no movement before. Is Wanliuxuan going to collapse?"


Gu Xiuyun rolled his eyes at it.

How stable is the Wanliuxuan? The outer layer alone can maintain a hundred times the time flow rate, and the inner and core layers can reach a thousand or even ten thousand times. How can it collapse? Even the peak emperor cannot let this secret realm collapse. .

Unless...the Infinite Saint takes action himself.

"So many spiritual materials suddenly appeared. Something happened to Wan Liuxuan." Gu Xiuyun frowned, "But what's even more strange is how come no one collected these spiritual materials. The Skull Nightmare Clan and Mu Tanshan Are all the emperors dead?"

"have no idea."

Lord Wu Ti shook his head, "During these years of cultivation, my subordinates have been observing the surrounding scene. It seems that no emperor has ever visited us. The earliest one was hundreds of millions of years ago."


Gu Xiuyun's brows furrowed even more.

Hundreds of millions of years is the time flow rate of a chaotic river, and it is only three million years in normal space.

According to the observation of Lord Wu Ti, these spiritual materials have appeared in the past tens of thousands of years. In other words, based on the flow rate of normal space, the spiritual materials have only appeared for a few hundred years. In just a few hundred years, they have appeared. Thirteen kinds of emperor-level top spiritual materials were produced, including treasures like lapis lazuli and white jade, which is simply incredible.

"has a problem."

"There must be a big problem with Wan Liuxuan."

"These rare treasures should be treasures hidden deep in the river. Due to the influence of some kind of change, they escaped from the control of the chaotic river and appeared in the abyss and void."

"In addition, the fact that no Emperor Qiankun has come to collect the treasures for such a long time shows that they have been caught up in something unexpected."

Gu Xiuyun thought for a moment, his heart tightening slightly.

He thought of a certain legend hidden in Wan Liuxuan. It was a legend recorded in the last few pages of the Xi Imperial Palace books. It was also the most mysterious realm in the area around Sangye Continent.

If that was really the reason, Wan Liuxuan's change would not be surprising.

At this moment, Gu Xiuyun suddenly lowered his head, turned his palm, and a small green ancient bottle appeared in front of him.

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