Fortune Teller

Chapter 235: The Theory of Fierce Flame Spiritual Veins

Yan Suqing didn't know what Priest Hanhua was thinking.

In her opinion, Priest Hanhua only has the cultivation of the second level of Kaimai, which is far inferior to those of her brothers. After all, every time a level of heaven is opened, the strength is greatly improved. Practitioners who can fight across levels are too Too little!

As for Gu Xiuyun's cultivation, Yan Suqing couldn't see through it at all.

That layer of spiritual armor covered all the fluctuations in the body. Unless the difference in cultivation was huge, it would be difficult to tell Gu Xiuyun's true cultivation through the Tao Yun Spirit Armor.

The two waited for a moment, and the cyan figure fell from the star platform.

"Miss Yan, fellow Taoist Hanhua, we have obtained the command talisman, let's go!"

Lake edge.

A large formation stood majestically, with more than a dozen Jintai priests walking back and forth, and a Xuanguangtai priest sitting on the central formation platform.

This formation is quite complex. There are more than a dozen middle-grade magic formations inside it, and there are two high-grade large formations stacked on top of it, but they have not been opened.

It can be seen that this is a three-link high-grade formation, created by Gu Xiuyun.

Suddenly, three figures walked out of the lake.

The priest of Xuanguangtai looked up.

"Priest Hanhua, and fellow Taoist Xi Ming, who is that woman? But since she is traveling with them, she must not be an enemy."

For Gu Xiuyun, the priest of Xuanguangtai had great trust, even more than the recognition of the three high priests.

For tens of thousands of years, only Gu Xiuyun has been favored by the Eight-Eyed True Master and bestowed with golden patterns.

"Fellow Taoist Xi Ming, why are you here?" The priest of Xuanguangtai greeted him.

"Nihua, this is Miss Yansu Qingyan, a good friend of fellow Taoist Ximing," Priest Hanhua introduced with a smile, "We went out to the main altar this time to find a few disciples of the sect, and they are all Miss Yan's My brother from the same clan has no hostility towards the divine religion.”

"I'm afraid the three high priests will have to talk about this matter." Priest Nihua hesitated a little, looked at Gu Xiuyun, and said, "As a fellow Taoist who cherishes his life, he will never do anything detrimental to the interests of the religion. I will lead you past."

"Nihua, I'm not happy about what you said," Priest Hanhua glared, "Why, you believe in fellow Taoist Xi Ming, but don't believe in me?"

"Jifeng's lineage is not worthy of trust." Priest Nihua curled his lips.

Priest Hanhua's forehead jumped, but he endured it again.

The grievances between the Jifeng Kingdom and the Jinhuang Kingdom cannot be offset by an alliance within a few months. These Xuanguangtai priests have been fighting each other for hundreds of years, and the grievances are too deep.

"Fellow Taoist Nihua, don't worry. Before I left the main altar, I already informed the three high priests about this matter, and there is a token to prove it."

With that said, Gu Xiuyun escaped from his arms with three tokens.

Priest Nihua smiled and said, "Fellow Daoist Xi Ming, please come with me."

The four people passed through the formation and came to a dungeon.

The dungeon was set deep in the formation, and there were spiritual shackles around it. The spiritual energy in the bodies of those sect disciples had long been sucked dry by the earth, and there was no way to escape.


The cell door opened and four people walked in.

I saw disciples of the sect sitting in the cells on both sides, one per person, and they were sealed with spiritual power formations. Two Jintai priests were patrolling back and forth in the corridor.

"Lord Nihua."

"Lord Hanhua."

"Lord Cherish your life."

Seeing the four people approaching, the Jintai priest quickly bowed and saluted.

"Fellow Taoist Xi Ming is going to take some disciples from the sect out. You can follow." Priest Nihua said.


Everyone went deep into the dungeon along the corridor.

The ones on the outermost side are all disciples of the second level of Kaimai. There are young people in their twenties and thirties, as well as old men in their sixties and seventies.

After walking for a while, Yan Suqing stopped and called out, "Uncle Qi, are you okay?"

The middle-aged man in the cell was startled when he saw Yan Suqing and stood up quickly, "Suqing, why are you here?"

"Uncle Qi, I'm here to rescue you. We'll talk about other things later." Yan Suqing turned to look at Gu Xiuyun, "This is our uncle Yan Baizhen, who is also a disciple of our ancestor. He was framed by other forces and came with me. Arrived at the Dark Abyss of the Spirit Cave.”

The middle-aged man followed Yan Suqing's gaze and looked at Gu Xiuyun, with a trace of suspicion flashing in his eyes, "Are you the junior of the Gu family? The guy who tarnished Xiaoshi's innocence?"

Although Yan Baizhen had never been to Youning City, he had seen Gu Xiuyun's portrait. He was quite dissatisfied with the marriage between the two families, but due to the family's reputation, he could only hold back and keep silent.

How could a playboy who had tarnished his niece's innocence be worthy of the legitimate daughter of the Shangyan family?

"Uncle Qi, what are you talking about?" Yan Suqing winked quickly, "Mr. Gu is married to my little sister, and he can be considered a descendant of the Yan family. If he hadn't come to the rescue, I wouldn't be able to come to see you!"

Only then did Yan Baizhen remember that he was still in prison. He hummed and stopped talking.

"Fellow Taoist Xi Ming, it turns out that Miss Yan still has this kind of relationship with you," Priest Hanhua said with a smile in his eyes, "A woman who can make fellow Taoist fall in love must be unusual. I wonder how beautiful and beautiful that girl Xiao Yan is? "

Yan Suqing's appearance is already considered to be the most beautiful thing in a country.

When he was a guest in Youning City, I don't know how many of the Gu family's children fell in love with him, but they didn't dare to speak because of their status gap.

Gu Xiuyun did not choose Yan Suqing, but married Yan Sushi, which shows that his sister is more important than him.

"I don't know how to explain the reason," Gu Xiuyun shook his head and smiled, "But the Yan Su Shi girl is indeed extraordinary in talent. I am afraid that Priest Hanhua doesn't know that this girl possesses the Fierce Flame Spiritual Vein and is a spiritual practitioner. An excellent piece of jade.”


"Fire Flame Spiritual Vein??"

Priest Hanhua and Priest Nihua looked shocked.

"Is your Taoist friend right? The Fiery Flame Spiritual Vein is the Fierce Flame Spiritual Vein in the bloodline of ancient alien beasts??"

"Not bad." Gu Xiuyun nodded slightly.

"Has she become a member of the Four Great Sects?" Priest Nihua asked quickly.

Jinhuang Kingdom and Shenhuo Kingdom are best at fire-attribute secrets, and their understanding of the Fierce Flame Spiritual Vein far exceeds that of Jifeng Kingdom.

With the blood of ancient beasts, if you worship the Eight-Eyed Divine Sect, it is almost certain that you will enter the Douxiao Realm in the future. If you can get the full cultivation of the Divine Sect, it is not impossible to become a priest of Yaoritai.

Moreover, it also has the Fierce Flame Spiritual Vein. Practicing the fire-attribute secret method can get twice the result with half the effort, and its power is far superior to others, and fighting across the ranks is not a problem.

There have been only two or three such geniuses in the secret world for tens of thousands of years, and they all died in pain because the main altar could not be opened.

Now that the main altar has reopened and the holy pool has reappeared, the value of Yansu poetry has become particularly precious.

"She is pregnant with the blood of ancient exotic beasts. The four great sects did not kill her as a favor. How could she be accepted into the sect?" Gu Xiuyun shook his head, "I also spent a lot of effort to help her suppress the spiritual fire in her body. Now Practicing somewhere."

"Have you entered the immortal path?" Priest Nihua's face tightened slightly.

With such a talent, it would be a great loss to the Eight-Eyed God Sect if he could not practice the art of communicating with the gods.

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