Fortune Teller

Chapter 245 The Infinite Ceremony

Gu Xiuyun tried to sense the seeds and borrow the spiritual power from them, but there was no response.

The black seed is embedded deep in Tianguan, like a stubborn stone. It neither expands nor absorbs spiritual power. It seems to be an ordinary stone.

"what is this……"

Gu Xiuyun's mood fell from the top of the clouds to the bottom. After half a month of absorbing spiritual power, it turned into a black seed. Who could bear it?

call out!

In the Tianguan, a ray of spiritual power condensed into the light-refining sword energy and struck at the black seed, but the seed did not move at all.

He once again condensed a small mountain. This is the true form of Taiyue, possessing unparalleled power and extremely strong defense.

The mountain crashed towards the black seeds.


The mountain was penetrated instantly and then collapsed, but the black seed was still in place, neither moving nor fighting back, it seemed like an ordinary stone.

The world of monsters and beasts, deep in the East China Sea.

A silver temple shines with endless brilliance.

There were dozens of Douxiao Realm experts sitting in the temple, and a man with a golden crown on his head and a face as white as jade, sitting high at the end of the hall.

"I have understood the power of the rules and will soon leave the Demon Spirit Secret Realm and go to the realm of the heavens."

The man with the golden crown looked at everyone, as if sensing the man's gaze, the elders in the hall lowered their heads, not daring to look at him.

The great existence of the half-step true artistic conception, just the sight of it is enough to make the world suffocate.

"This Wuliang Ceremony is the last one I will preside over. Let those disciples come in!"

Soon, four disciples wearing silver robes walked into the hall, including three women and one man, with joy in their eyes.

They were able to walk out of Changlitian and enter the secret realm of demon spirits. They were the most elite geniuses of the Wuhen Sect. After repeated training and fighting, they were able to decide on the last four.

The four of them will gather countless divine seeds and return to the sect in peerless appearance. By then, the entire Wuhen Sect will surrender.

"Sect Master, in the past hundred years, there have been a total of 430,000 disciples practicing the Infinite Art. According to the destiny of heaven and earth, only four Infinite Seeds can be condensed." An elder from Douxiao Realm bowed and said.

"Well," the man with the golden crown nodded slightly, "it's almost the same as in previous years. Four immeasurable seeds are already the limit of this demon spirit secret realm. Any more, and the origin of heaven and earth will be damaged!"

Having said this, he glanced down, with a faint smile on his lips, "Ning Hua's lineage is still the same as in previous years, with yin and yang declining, and three of the four disciples are actually women!"

The Douxiao realm elders in the hall lowered their heads again and did not dare to answer.

Master Ning Hua is a powerful master of the True Intention Realm of the Wuhen Sect, and his subordinates have their own lineage. The golden-crowned man can step into the True Intention Realm at any time, but they don't dare to be afraid of Master Ning Hua.

"Disciples have met Master Youquan." The four disciples bowed and knelt down.

"Since you can walk into the palace, you are considered a peerless genius, and you are also qualified to control the immeasurable seeds." A bright light suddenly appeared in the eyes of the golden-crowned man, "Sit down and swallow the spiritual power around you with all your strength."

As soon as he finished speaking, the four disciples of the sixth level of Kaimai sat down cross-legged involuntarily. The words of the man with the golden crown were like the rules of heaven and earth, making them unable to resist.

In an instant, endless spiritual power surged and condensed in the silver hall.

These spiritual powers are extremely pure, no less than those who have practiced hard day and night in the Douxiao Realm. The spiritual powers that have been refined for a long time can be absorbed directly without refining.

Rolling spiritual power poured into the bodies of the four disciples, and almost everyone swallowed it at the same speed. As sixth-level heavenly experts, their efficiency in operating spiritual power was nearly twice as fast as that of Gu Xiuyun. In just seven days, the heavens were closed. The deep space cracks stretch to the extreme.

Seeing this scene, the Douxiao Realm elders around him showed envy.

The immeasurable seeds are of great significance to practitioners, but they can only be condensed in the Kaimai realm. After entering the Douxiao realm, Tianguan transforms and the immeasurable seeds can no longer be integrated.

So these Douxiao Realm elders could only watch with envy in their hearts.

Another moment passed.

One of the women opened her eyes, her eyes full of joy, "Thanks to Master Youquan for the gift, my disciple has condensed countless seeds."

"No need to thank me, this is what Ninghua's lineage deserves. When you return to Changli Tianhou, you must practice seriously and never bury this treasure."

"Disciple, please remember this."

After a while, the other two women also condensed immeasurable seeds.

In Ning Hua's lineage, yin has always been strong and yang has been weak, but the cultivation of the three women is even better, and they can absorb spiritual power faster.

But the last young man has not seen any movement.

"What's going on?" The golden-crowned man frowned slightly.

At this moment, the young man's face suddenly turned red, and violent spiritual power surged out of his body.

The golden man's expression suddenly changed, and he quickly waved his right hand. In an instant, the heaven and earth stopped. Then, he waved his right hand again, and the endless spiritual power was extracted from the young man's body and dissipated in the hall.


The young man fainted in the palace, his face was ashen, his natal gate had cracked, and he didn't know how long it would take to recover from his injuries.

It is far less easy for practitioners in the Open Pulse Realm to repair a damaged Tianguan than in the Douxiao Realm.

What's more, it's still the destiny of heaven.

"Sect Master, what happened?" The Douxiao Realm elder in the hall looked confused.

At that moment, not only did the world stand still, but they also lost consciousness and did not see the spiritual energy being extracted from the young man's body at all.

"Damn it, one of the Infinite Seeds is missing," the man with golden light said with a cold face, "The destiny of heaven and earth will never go wrong. There are only three of the four Infinite Seeds left. They must have been stolen."

"Who did it?" The Douxiao Realm elders looked angry.

The immeasurable seed is one of the most precious treasures of the Wuhen Sect. It is difficult to condense and must consume the origin of heaven and earth to take shape.

If one is missing, it will make them feel distressed.

"Hmph, who else could it be?" The golden-crowned man's eyes were full of murderous intent, "In the world of demon spirits, only those three sects can condense such huge spiritual power."

"These bastards, when the four sects jointly occupied the Demon Spirit Secret Realm, our sect asked for nothing but to use the power of the origin of this world to gather countless seeds. How dare they secretly cause trouble!"

The Douxiao Realm elders all had angry expressions on their faces, and only a few of them looked thoughtful.

"Sect Master, although the three major sects covet our sect's immeasurable seeds, they dare not make it so obvious. The immeasurable seeds are blended with the destiny and have a very special aura. If they do this, if they are found out in the future, wouldn't they lose the respect of the venerable Face?" an elder asked.

"It can condense immeasurable seeds and must be infused with pure spiritual power. If it weren't for the three major sects, just one person would have to collect tens of thousands of high-grade elixirs to do it. Is this possible?" another person said.

As for relying on breathing and practicing, it is even more impossible to spend hundreds of years just to fill the cracks in space with spiritual power?

"No matter what, first check the disciples in the sect to see if anyone has condensed immeasurable seeds," the golden-crowned man said with a gloomy face, "In addition, in my name, I will send a post to the other three major sects to explain this matter. Any disciples with immeasurable seeds who appear in the sect will be killed without mercy!"

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