Fortune Teller

Chapter 264: Gift from Grandfather Quan Ming

Even Gu Hanfeng couldn't kill seven fifth-level practitioners in such a short period of time.

After all, cultivators have extremely strong vitality and have their own means to save their lives. If they see a bad opportunity, they will turn around and run away. If you want to kill a powerful person from the fifth level, you need to seize the opportunity and rely on some luck.

"We thought it was the help you invited back, but now it seems that is not the case." The elder of the Gu clan was a little disappointed.

A man who was no less powerful than the sixth level of Kaimai was a great help to the Gu family and the Yu family. With the help of this person, plus Gu Hanfeng and Yu Qianhu, the hope of resisting the Pei family was much greater.

"No, if that senior really just happened to meet him, how could he go around and kill almost all the powerful men of the Pei family?" Gu Qingzheng said solemnly, "If he does this, he will undoubtedly form a deadly feud with the Pei family. As long as they are discovered in the future, it will be a life-and-death situation for both parties.”

"That's true."

The elder of the Gu clan looked thoughtful.

If he was just dealing with Ku Lian alone, although Pei would be angry, he would not be crazy. After all, it was Ku Lian who provoked him first.

But this person walked around the city of Youning and killed almost all the strong men of the Pei family. Only the three Kuhe people who were confronting Yu Qianhu were left. This hatred was too big!

The seven fifth-level cultivators, even the Pei family, would still be in pain for a long time. If it were an ordinary wealthy family, if so many strong men died, even the Douxiao realm would come to visit!

While everyone was discussing, Mrs. Yu was looking around.

"It's strange, Yun'er was still here just now, but why did she disappear in the blink of an eye?"

"Mom, the third brother has never been able to sit still. Now he might be running into some yard and flirting with some girl!!" Gu Xiushu looked indifferent.

The strong men of the Pei family were all killed and injured, and the only remaining three people, Kuhe and others, also escaped from Youning City. There is no danger in the city at this moment. Gu Xiuyun is also a practitioner of the Kai Pulse Realm. What can happen?

"This kid, his family is facing a crisis, but he doesn't worry at all." Mrs. Yu babbled.

"Don't worry about it. The third brother has been traveling for two years without any trouble, let alone in Youning City. In my opinion, he will suddenly appear in half an hour at most, and he will also be with someone. Little girls together.”

While the two were talking, the formation protecting the main veins emitted a spiritual light.

Immediately afterwards, several figures appeared from the formation barrier.

One of them was Gu Xiuyun. Next to him stood a woman with a graceful figure, long hair, and tenderness like water hidden between her brows.

"Mother, what I said is right," Gu Xiushu pointed at the edge of the training ground, "This kid, in less than a moment, deceived another girl from the same family."

"Sister Shu, the girl next to me is not a little girl from another family," Gu Xiuyun laughed from a distance, "Fellow Taoist Nihua has profound cultivation. He has been practicing for more than a hundred years. He has a strong family background and is far superior to me. "

Everyone in the Gu clan on the training ground turned to look.

"Gu Xiuyun, why are you running around if you don't stay in the training ground?" Gu Qingzheng's face darkened, "Who are these people around you? The family is in crisis now, and I'm afraid we don't have time to entertain guests."

Although the Gu clan elder did not speak, dissatisfaction flashed in his eyes.

"Uncles and seniors, if you don't entertain these guests, I'm afraid I'll be sorry for their kindness," Gu Xiuyun said with a smile, "Fellow Daoist Hanhua, please take out that thing and show it to all the seniors."

Priest Hanhua put his hand into the spirit bag, and when he took it out, there was a scroll in his hand, "This is a gift from my grandfather, Taoist Quanming, to you."


Everyone looked suspicious.

At this moment, Priest Hanhua clapped his hand, and spiritual power poured into the scroll. An invisible spiritual curtain spread out, covering a thousand feet in radius.

"This is..." Gu Qingzheng's face was full of shock, "The formation diagram of Pei's trapped mansion??"

"Yes, this is the picture. I will never forget its aura in my life." Gu Qingyuan said continuously.

"That's right."

"It must be this picture."

The other Sifang clan members also spoke one after another.

The formation diagram that shrouded their heads and the death-like aura had frightened the Sifang clan members for a long time, and they would never forget this aura.

"Pei's Spiritual Treasure Formation Diagram!"

Gu Hanfeng's eyes lit up, and he rushed to Priest Hanhua in an instant, "Who are you, and how come you have this formation diagram in your hands?"

"Reporting to my predecessor, this picture was given by my grandfather, Taoist Quan Ming, and he ordered me to pass it on to the Gu family to resist the Pei family's subsequent attacks." Priest Hanhua bowed, "My grandfather said that he has some connections with the Gu family, so he cannot He will not save his life, but he has a special status, so it is not appropriate to show his face. "

"Could it be that your grandfather is the mysterious strong man who helped us earlier?" asked another old member of the Gu clan.

"Not bad." Priest Hanhua nodded.

Upon hearing these words, the Gu clan's eyes lit up, and most of the haze in their hearts dissipated in an instant.

"Great Elder, this guest is holding a formation chart. He must be a descendant of a mysterious and powerful person. With that person's strength, there is no way that anyone can take the formation chart away." The Gu clan elder shouted.

"I understand."

Gu Hanfeng nodded slightly, and a smile appeared on his stiff face, "You are guests from afar, so you must be a little tired. You might as well go and rest for a while. I will immediately order someone to prepare a banquet to entertain you."

Priest Hanhua glanced at Gu Xiuyun and saw that he remained calm, so he could only nod his head and said, "Thank you very much, senior!"

Soon, a group of slaves and maids led Priest Hanhua and others into the other courtyard to rest.

As for Gu Xiuyun, he was pulled into the meeting hall by the Gu clan and interrogated carefully.

"what happened?"

"How did you get together with those people??"

"What are they from?"

One by one, the uncle clan elders asked.

Although Gu Hanfeng and several elders of the fifth-level heaven clan did not speak, their eyes were full of curiosity. What they cared about was not the origin of Hanhua and others, but the mysterious strong man.

To be able to kill seven fifth-level practitioners in just half an hour, the horror of the method was simply unbelievable, especially when they knew that the man didn't even use Zhen Gang Sword Qi, the shock in their hearts was even greater. .

"Uncles and seniors asked so many questions at once, how should I answer??" Gu Xiuyun looked at everyone helplessly.

"Tell me first, what happened to that mysterious strong man?" Gu Hanfeng said.

"Reporting to the Great Elder, I have never seen that mysterious powerful man, but I know that he exists." Gu Xiuyun bowed and said, "Fellow Daoist Hanhua, Fellow Daoist Nihua and others are from the same clan. They are traveling this time. They follow the rules of the family and practice everywhere, and Taoist Quan Ming has been secretly protecting them to avoid accidents. "

"What family would actually send a powerful person from the Sixth Heaven to protect them secretly?" The elder of the Gu clan looked surprised.

"I don't know either," Gu Xiuyun shook his head slightly, "I met them in a ruins, and later we traveled together. This time I returned to Youning City, thanks to the care of fellow Taoist Hanhua and others."

"So, you don't know the origins of those people." Gu Hanfeng frowned slightly, then relaxed.

The mysterious and powerful man doesn't even show his face, which shows that he is quite secretive.

Gu Xiuyun is just a junior, how could he know too much?

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