Fortune Teller

Chapter 2671 The ranking is wrong

Shanmen Square

As each secret technique was unleashed, Emperor Chenxuan's brows furrowed more and more tightly.

"Chenxuan, you should say something!"

"You can't tell whether any of these secret techniques are right or wrong, right?"

Qiongqi, Feilian and others were muttering from the side.

"No! Impossible!"

Ancestral Emperor Chenxuan shook his head repeatedly, "It should be the basic rules, but it contains more rule changes than in the secret pattern diagram. Could it be that as an Ancestral Emperor, I don't understand the basic rules as well as a junior?"

"I understand. These secret techniques of hers must have relied on the fusion rules, but they are very obscure. Even I couldn't tell the clues in a short time."

Emperor Chenxuan thought for a moment and finally came to a conclusion.

This is the only conclusion he can accept. He is a great ancestor, but his understanding of basic rules is not as good as that of a junior. Who else can accept it?

As for general secret techniques, to be honest, Qiongqi, Chenxuan, Fei Lian and others have never studied it.

They are all casual cultivators. How do they know the secrets of the Nine Jue Emperor? They don't know that in order to become a saint, they must first create the universal secret technique of the Nine Jue Realm. That is the ultimate difficulty that really hinders countless powerful people.

After all, there is only one killing god and demon and one virtual and real god and demon in the world, respectively in the Holy Realm of Reincarnation and the Holy Realm of Chaos. Apart from this, there is no shortcut to evolve universal secret techniques.

"Junior, you have a deep understanding of the basic rules. Unfortunately, you are wrong. These secret techniques are all wrong."

Emperor Chenxuan sighed slightly and came to a conclusion.


The powerful gods and demons in Shanmen Square all laughed and shook their heads.

"Humph, I knew it," Emperor Liuzhi said with a smile on his face, "How can Junior Ye Xin succeed in something that even this emperor cannot do? Just wait, as soon as the celebration is over, I will go and ask for the secret skills from the beings outside the world. , with my level of cultivation, the beings outside the world dare not deny me face.”

"By then, I will be the most powerful emperor in the entire Taiyuan Ancient World."

"Even the Supreme Sect can do nothing to me!"

Emperor Liubo couldn't help but get excited when he thought about the sight of himself practicing the secret art of killing.

The reason why Zi Lei, Hong Ze, Jiu Yan and others can compete with him is because they have practiced the secret skills of the void outside the world. Junior Ye Xin is probably the same. They can learn it, but Emperor Liuxiu can't learn it?

When it comes to the realm of Taoism and Dharma, it is much higher than those people.

While the Sixth Emperor was dreaming, Ye Xin had already bowed and retreated, and then, a new powerful man of gods and demons stepped forward.

Every god and demon who could come to Shanmen Square had a high level of Taoism and had their own understanding of the secret pattern. After a long time, Qiongqi and others selected sixteen strong men who had deduced the correct secret technique. Most of them are Taishang Sect disciples.

Especially Emperor Huang Duan and others, each of them has evolved more than two correct secret techniques.

Among these people, the most surprising one is Taoist Ding Dian of the Taishang Sect. This man has been hiding from the world for many years and finally came out of seclusion not long ago. Unexpectedly, he has evolved four correct secret techniques, which are more powerful than Emperor Huang Duan. Awesome.

"Senior nephew Ding Dian, you are very good."

Emperor Huang Duan praised, "I didn't expect that our Supreme Sect would have three generations of disciples like you. The first place in this celebration is yours. Decide which treasure to choose first. When the celebration is over, I will definitely let the ancestors give it to you." A spot in and out of bounds.”

"Thank you, Uncle Huang Duan."

Taoist Ding Dian's face was full of excitement.

The outer space is the Jiuzhongyuntian and Xihuang spaces, where there are countless Taoist books and a large number of practitioners.

Compared with the ancient world of Taiyuan, the outer space is the real holy land for spiritual practice. Whether it is preaching, exchanging lectures or studying scriptures, countless fellow disciples discuss it together. Naturally, the speed of progress cannot be compared with that of working behind closed doors.

Of course, the outer space is an opportunity, and the treasures bestowed by the Holy Saint Qingyi are also opportunities.

Especially the Double Source Flower. With that divine flower, he can separate a true body and go to the Hunyuan Void, fight and hone in the endless void, and his future achievements may be much higher than those of Emperor Huang Duan and others. .


At this time, Ancestor Qiongqi also made a voice, "After screening, there are a total of sixteen Taoist friends in the Taiyuan Ancient World who have evolved the correct secret technique and received the Ghost Pill reward. We will also let you choose based on the ranking of each Taoist friend. The most precious treasure, other Taoist friends don’t have to be disappointed, the Holy Sage has already issued an order, and all the powerful people participating in the celebration can choose a secret book. "

"But the Holy Sage also has requirements. Your secret books are not allowed to be taught to others. If you dare to violate them, the Supreme Sect will turn you into flying smoke."


The faces of the strong men in Shanmen Square showed excitement.

Although they failed to obtain the Soul Pill and the most precious treasures, the secret art books in the void outside the world are enough for them to practice. After all, they are from the hands of the Holy Saint. No matter how bad they are, they will not be lower than the emperor level. An emperor-level secret art. It's definitely a great opportunity.

"Our guess is correct. If no one can evolve all the correct secret techniques, the life outside the world will send out Chaos Treasures according to the ranking."

"Of course, with such an identity as the Infinite Saint, how can it be possible to take back the treasures sent out."

"It's a pity that we got the advantage of the Taishang Sect's group. The top five are all Taishang Sect disciples, especially those Qiankun Emperors. As Qiankun Emperors, they actually compete with us for opportunities. It's really shameless."

"The Shuangyuan Flower and the Ice Heart Divine Jade are extremely precious treasures. Of course they can't miss them. If the Holy Saint hadn't spoken, I'm afraid those ancestors would have ended up."

Zi Lei, Jiu Yan, Hong Ze and others were talking quietly.

Now it seems that the most talented practitioners in Taiyuan Ancient World are indeed in Taishang Sect. Eleven of the sixteen successful practitioners are disciples of Taishang Sect, and the other five come from various forces, but they are all These juniors are of extremely low level.

Their level is low and their ranking is low, so none of them are in the top five.

"Ding Dian, Huang Duan, Yan Jue..."

Ancestor Qiongqi spoke loudly, "Come forward and choose your own treasures one by one."


The five people stepped forward in a hurry.

The leader, Taoist Ding Dian, looked at the palm of Ancestor Qiongqi's hand. There were five rare treasures hanging there, the most conspicuous of which was the Shuangyuan Flower, followed by the Bingxin Divine Jade.

Shuangyuanhua and Bingxinshenyu are both suitable for practitioners of the destiny system.

Needless to say, the Double Source Flower can condense the second true body. There is no life in the ancient world that does not desire this treasure. Even the ancestor of gods and demons covets this divine flower. Unfortunately, the ancestor of gods and demons is no longer a god. A super being, even if he refines the divine flower, cannot condense his second true body.

As for the Bingxin Divine Jade, it has the effect of cleansing the will and calming the mind.

Practitioners of the destiny system need to remain calm at all times in order to understand the correct rules amidst the complicated changes in destiny. The value of this treasure is immeasurable.

As for the other three treasures, they are also very precious, but their value to the destiny system is not very high.

Fortunately, the Supreme Sect has the support of the Holy Sage. Those few treasures can be replaced with more useful treasures by asking the Holy Sage for help, so it is not a big thank you.

"Ding Dian, which rare treasure do you want?" Ancestor Qiongqi asked.

"I...I want..."

Ding Dian's voice stuttered, and he was obviously in a state of extreme excitement.

at this time.

A burst of thunder echoed across the sky.

"Wait a minute."

Violent thunder accompanied by a small figure appeared above the square.

"Lord Ugin?"

Seeing the thin figure, Qiongqi, Chanxin, Chenxuan and others quickly clasped their fists and saluted.

"Who is that?"

"Is it the Holy One?"

"It doesn't look like it. The infinite holy aura is so majestic and vast. That monster is even slightly inferior to the ancestor of gods and demons. It should be just an emperor."

The strong men in Shanmen Square also raised their heads.

"Qiongqi, Chenxuan, what are you doing?" Black-patterned Golden Dolphin stretched his body, with a slight dissatisfaction on his face, "You can even make a mistake in ranking, so that I was kicked by Gu Ximing while I was still sleeping. Come down."

"Wrong ranking?"

Qiongqi, Chenxuan and others were shocked.

At the same time, veteran emperors such as Zi Lei, Jiu Yan, and Hong Ze couldn't help but take a breath.

Gu Ximing...isn't he the Holy Saint in Tsing Yi?

"Okay, I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you," the black-striped golden dolphin looked lazily, "Gu Ximing said, your ranking is wrong, Ye Xin should be first."


Emperor Chenxuan blinked his eyes, and then said continuously, "Lord Wu Jin, isn't it right? Yes, Ye Xin is a disciple of the Holy Saint, but there is indeed something wrong with the secret technique she evolved. I can't be wrong about this."

"Are you asking me?" The Black-striped Golden Dolphin pouted slightly, "Anyway, Gu Ximing said that the ranking was wrong. I have already conveyed the message. It's up to you to change it or not."

Emperor Chenxuan frowned, took a deep breath, and finally looked at Shanmen Square.

"Junior Ye Xin, the Holy Sage said you are number one, so you are number one, come up and pick your own treasure."

One sentence immediately stirred up a thousand waves.

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