Fortune Teller

Chapter 2673 Well-deserved

The edge of Taiyuan ancient world.

Several figures stood in the sky, with Qiongqi, Chenxuan and other ancestor-level figures in the front, and behind them were the second true bodies condensed by Zhu Xi, Ning Yuan and Ye Xingang.

The black-striped golden dolphin hangs in the sky, sleeping soundly with its head drooped.

"Counting the time, Master Qingyi should be here soon."

Ancestor Qiongqi looked at the sky, and then glanced at Ancestor Emperor Chenxuan, "Brother Chenxuan, you are really reckless. How could you say that Ye Xin is the Holy Disciple in front of so many people? It's okay now. The celebration has been messed up, and the Holy Spirit has lost his face. Let’s see how you explain it later.”

"You can't blame me for this."

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Chenxuan shook his head slightly.

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