Fortune Teller

Chapter 268 Enemies meet on a narrow road

Not far ahead, the fog was rolling, and there was a faint surge of spiritual power. The fog only covered the surroundings of the valley and did not spread further. It was clearly a fog formation.

"The top-grade maze formation, the Pei family is indeed a top-notch family, and can even arrange top-grade formations," Gu Xiuyun raised the corner of his mouth slightly, "Unfortunately, in front of me, an formation without Taoist charm is just an empty shell. "

The high-grade maze is enough to stop most aristocratic families in their tracks.

Even Gu Hanfeng, Yu Qianhu and others cannot sneak into the formation silently.

But Gu Xiuyun can. His formation skills have reached an incredible level. What is the concept of the thirty-sixth floor of the Forbidden Tower?

According to Puppetmon, if you reach the fiftieth floor, you will definitely be able to master the Fusion God Formation.

In other words, those who master the fusion divine formation may not be able to reach the fiftieth level.

How could a mere incomplete high-grade maze array stop him?

Gu Xiuyun swayed and dived into the depths of the mist. A moment later, when he walked out again, he had passed through the maze and entered the valley.

There are two potholes in the valley, surrounded by a large number of practitioners. These practitioners are wearing short clothes and holding shovels. They are tired and panting. However, under the scolding of the Pei clan, they have to dig deep.

The rocks in the Lingyu veins are extremely hard and cannot be broken open by ordinary mortals. Only practitioners can dig them.

But the spiritual jade itself is very fragile. If the sixth level of Kaimai is invited to take action, all the jade can indeed be dug out in a short time, but a large amount of jade will also be blasted into pieces by the fluctuations of spiritual power.

Therefore, jade veins are mined by practitioners in the Vein Cleansing Realm.

"Hurry up, hurry up. Your spiritual power is not exhausted and you are not allowed to stop." The Pei clan members scolded.

A cultivator walked numbly in the mine, occasionally raising his head, his eyes full of death.

"I'm afraid the families behind these practitioners are all gone," Gu Xiuyun shook his head and sighed, "The Pei family goes out on conquests every year, destroying countless families. Those cultivators in the pulse-opening realm are all killed, and there are no practitioners in the pulse-cleansing realm. The threat was sent into the vein."

To mine mineral veins, you can only rely on practitioners in the Vein Cleansing Realm.

Most aristocratic families would recruit idle cultivators in exchange for the secret method of elixirs and dig into the mines. However, the Pei family directly raided various families, not only plundering treasures, but also capturing cultivators as their slaves.

This kind of behavior has long aroused the resentment of various aristocratic families, but in the face of the powerful Pei family, all major aristocratic families can only swallow their anger.

Whether it is the five elders of the Pei family or the two Douxiao realms, they are like a big mountain, pressing on the hearts of the world.

For thousands of years, wealthy families have secretly joined forces to try to overthrow the violent Pei family.

But the result, without exception, failed!

Therefore, some people speculate that in addition to being a strong person on the surface, the Pei family also has many hidden forces. If all those forces are exposed, I am afraid that they will not only be among the top three in the family, but even be ranked first.

Gu Xiuyun glanced around.

In addition to two potholes in the valley, there is also a small palace. The candles in the palace are brightly lit, and spiritual energy fluctuations are faintly heard.

Suddenly, a figure walked out of the pothole on the left.

Seeing this person, Gu Xiuyun narrowed his eyes slightly, his heart filled with murderous intent.

"Old ghost of the Qi family, I saw you here. We are really enemies of each other!" Gu Xiuyun clenched his fists.

The Qi family and the Gu family were related by marriage and had an alliance with each other.

But two years ago, the Qi family suddenly tore up the alliance, not only massacred Gu's informants hidden in Anning City, but also almost poisoned Gu Xiu Shu.

If Gu Xiuyun hadn't happened to get the Yellow Sheep Stone and awakened the divine power of destiny, I'm afraid Gu Xiu Shu would have turned into a pile of withered bones.

After that, the old ghost of the Qi family went to hunt him down in person. With his cultivation of the fourth level of Kai Mai, he took action against a junior, which showed that he had the intention of killing him.

Gu Xiuyun has never forgotten this grudge.

"Old ghost, let you live a little longer. When I find the ancient fairy jade, I will settle the score with you."

Gu Xiuyun's body gradually faded away, and he clung to the back of a pulse-cleansing slave before sneaking into the mine.

The mine is very shallow, which shows that it was recently excavated.

Gu Xiuyun calculated repeatedly with his fingertips and gradually determined the specific location of the ancient fairy jade. His whole body turned into a sharp sword and pierced deep into the veins.

call out!

A half-foot-wide black tunnel appeared in the stone wall. Before the Vein Cleansing Realm slaves noticed, a pile of rocks fell down, blocking the mine tunnel.

"Damn it, why did it collapse again!"

Several cultivators who were buried under rocks came out cursing. Although their cultivation was low, they had already entered the immortal path. As long as there was a supply of spiritual power in their bodies, it would not be a problem even if they did not breathe for a long time.


The earthy yellow light condensed into a long sword, cutting open the veins of minerals, and led Gu Xiuyun deeper into the ground.

Just a moment later, he came to a huge jade stone.

The jade is moist and smooth all over, completely separated from the surrounding rock formations, exuding a rich aura.

"What a piece of spiritual jade, it's half a foot in size."

Gu Xiuyun looked at the jade in front of him and was a little surprised. Deep in the spiritual jade was the ancient jade of the immortal spirit. There was a faint trace of silk patterns in the jade, as if the blood of the human body was connected to the ancient jade of the immortal spirit.

"This should be the legendary beauty!"

Gu Xiuyun remembered a legend.

Spiritual jade is originally created by Zhong Tiandi. If it is nourished by spiritual energy all year round, the jade itself will continue to grow until it gradually turns into a human form.

The half-foot-long jade stone in front of me has bloodshot veins in its body, and it can be seen that it is beginning to take shape.

If it were given another billions of years, it would really be possible for it to turn into a beautiful woman and take full shape.

These creatures, as soon as they are born, are no less powerful than those in the Douxiao Realm, and their innate magical powers are far beyond those of ordinary monsters, and can rival those of divine beasts.

Of course, such heaven-defying creatures are also feared by heaven and earth. The road to their conception is extremely bumpy. Unless they are protected by a super strong person, it is almost impossible to succeed.

For example, the piece of jade in front of me was discovered just as it was beginning to take shape.

"It would be a waste to split such a huge spiritual jade directly. It's better to put it away first and worry about it later."

Gu Xiuyun opened his hand and put the jade into the spirit bag.

At this moment, a low whirring sound came, and then, a chubby black piglet was seen crawling out of the mineral vein.


When the black pig saw Gu Xiuyun, it quickly backed away, with a look of fear. But then, it seemed to have thought of something, and the fear disappeared, and instead it showed a trace of pride.

"Black-striped golden pig..." Gu Xiuyun looked at the black pig in front of him, a little surprised, "What a coincidence, but you came a step too late, and I took away the spiritual jade!"


The black-striped golden dolphin stretched out its short whirring front hooves, raised its head, and looked arrogant, as if to say, 'You are dead! ’

At the same time, two huge demonic beasts emerged from the depths of the ground. They were the two companions of the Black-striped Golden Dolphin, and they were both sixth-level demonic beasts with open veins.


The monster's eyes are full of murderous intent, and even if its huge body does not move, it makes people feel deeply stressed.

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