Fortune Teller

Chapter 270 Earth Vein Qi


The bone-shattering seal tore open Taiyue's spiritual domain, penetrated nearly a hundred feet, and finally dispersed completely.

"It seems to be a little weaker than the Zhen Gang Sword Qi," Gu Xiuyun secretly breathed a sigh of relief and said loudly, "Pei Duanrong, you can play with the Sixth Heavenly Demon for a while longer, so you don't have to send me off!"


The escaping light penetrated into the depths of the mist and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"How can it be?"

Pei Duanrong's face was full of shock. The bone-shattering mark was completely wiped out by the yellow light without even touching the opponent's body. This is the first time he has seen a master who has such a powerful way to save his life.


A big demon roared angrily and gave chase.

The other big demon fighting with Pei Duanrong stayed on the spot, waving its huge claws, as if to tear Pei Duanrong into pieces.

In just a short moment, it was hit by more than a dozen bone-shattering marks. As a sixth-level celestial monster, it had never suffered such serious injuries. At this moment, it had already forgotten the golden dolphin and only wanted to cultivate the human race in front of it. They eat them alive to satisfy their hatred.


The beast's claw was the size of a millstone, and it slammed down hard, knocking Pei Duanrong into the ground. Immediately afterwards, a pillar of red flames erupted from the monster's mouth, filling the pit instantly and spreading around the valley.

"Run away!"

The cultivators in the valley were full of fear and hurriedly ran towards higher ground, but after taking a few steps, they were stopped by the fog formation.

"Sir, please activate the fog formation and let us out!"

"Sir, open a formation path!"

The Pulse Cleansing Realm practitioners begged hard, but Qi's second uncle and others looked indifferent and didn't care about their life or death at all.

In the eyes of the three of them, these Pulse Cleansing Realm slaves will die sooner or later, there is no difference between them dying sooner or later.

Soon, the red magma spread, and the hot breath filled the valley, turning it into a large steamer.

In the valley, the magma continues to rise, like a lake. From a distance, it looks like hell.

The second uncle of the Qi family and others stood in the magma, surrounded by body-protecting spiritual shields and spiritual weapons and treasured clothes, with calm expressions. However, those slaves in the Pulse Cleansing Realm neither knew the secret method of body protection nor had the spiritual weapons to protect their lives, so they could only continue Climb up and lean on the rock walls on all sides.

Suddenly, the ground exploded.

Large pieces of magma sputtered out, and a lot of it fell on the slaves in the Vein Cleansing Realm. The temperature of the magma was so high that it instantly ignited the cultivator's body, even burning his flesh and blood.


Amid the miserable howls, one cultivator fell into the depths of the magma.

And the source of all this is Pei Duanrong.

He was surrounded by flames and rushed out from the ground.

Almost 90% of the red flame pillars of the sixth-level demon fell on him. As for the magma, it was just the residual power of the flames.

"Ever since I mastered the Bone Shattering Seal, no one in the Douxiao Realm has dared to be presumptuous in front of me. You are the first and the last!"

Pei Duanrong jumped up, his whole body turned pale white, like a skeleton, and hit the monster's head.

"If you use your body to form a seal, this big demon is dead!"

When Qi's second uncle saw this scene, his eyes flashed.

After Pei Duanrong mastered the Broken Bone Seal, he only used it twice to transform himself into the Seal. In the first two times, a sixth-level sky fell under the Broken Bone Seal. Now this is the third time.


Pei Duanrong's body emitted a pale white light, and when he waved his palms, he had endless destructive power. Although the sixth-level demon was powerful, it was unable to resist it.

I saw streaks of white light imprinted on the body of the monster beast. Gradually, the muscles, bones, flesh and blood began to rot, and the huge vitality began to dissipate.

Although the Broken Bone Seal is not the true Gang Qi, it still has the power to destroy life, but it is not as violent as the Gang Qi.


The sixth-level demon finally felt afraid and turned around and fled out of the valley.

"Want to leave? It depends on whether I agree or not."

Pei Duanrong followed closely behind, blasting out palm prints one after another.

After using his body to form the seal, he no longer had to condense the restraints. The white light surged in his body, and he waved his hand with a broken bone palm. Although the power of the palm seal was not improved, his combat power was invisibly improved a lot.


After a full two hundred palms, the sixth-level demon finally fell. Although its huge body was still intact, it had completely lost its vitality.

"What a powerful monster, it actually withstood more than two hundred bone-crushing palms from me." Pei Duanrong looked at the huge monster corpse and was secretly shocked.

He has killed several sixth-level monsters, but they can only withstand more than a hundred palm prints at most. However, this big monster is extremely energetic, nearly twice as powerful as ordinary monsters, a full two hundred and thirty It took eight bone-crushing palms to completely wipe out the vitality in his body.

"The other sixth-level demonic beast is comparable to it, and the vitality in its body must not be weak. If these two demonic beasts join forces, I really am no match for them."

A trace of joy flashed in Pei Duanrong's eyes.

Fortunately, the monster went after Gu Xiuyun, otherwise the two sixth-level monsters would have joined forces to attack him, and Pei Duanrong would have had no choice but to flee.

After all, his bone-crushing palm is not without limitations.

The bone-shattering palm is far more powerful than ordinary secret techniques, because the palm prints contain earth energy, which allows it to explode with terrifying power.

As for the Earth Vein Qi, he only has 360 channels in his body.

In other words, Pei Duanrong can only use the Bone Shattering Seal a maximum of 360 times.

Of course, this number is already very terrifying. The power of the Broken Bone Seal is close to that of Zhen Gang Sword Qi. Ordinary sixth-level practitioners cannot survive even ten moves in front of him.

Even the sixth-level demon with a strong physical body and extremely strong life-saving ability cannot withstand the bombardment of three hundred bone-shattering seals.

Thousands of miles away.

Gu Xiuyun transformed into an escape light and used his speed to the extreme. Not far behind, there was always a sixth-level demon chasing after him.

Gu Xiuyun didn't care about this, he was focused on the white air in front of him.

"This aura is a bit like evil aura, but it's completely different. It seems to be related to the earth's veins?" Gu Xiuyun escaped while observing the weak white aura between his fingers.

This trace of white energy was intercepted from his broken bone mark.

Through divine deduction, he could conclude that the white energy was the source of power of the Bone Broken Seal. Without this white energy, the Bone Broken Seal would be an ordinary Tao Yun secret technique and would not be able to break through the defense of Taiyue's spiritual realm.

"White Qi..."

Gu Xiuyun frowned slightly, recalling the scene deep in the dark abyss.

The dark abyss was so deep that even the earth's veins were penetrated. When he traveled through it, he had seen a lot of turbid auras, and the evil aura was just one of them.

There is endless evil energy in the earth veins, but it does not mean that there is only evil energy in the earth veins.

Suddenly, an idea flashed in Gu Xiuyun's heart, and he thought of another kind of turbid Qi, Earth Vein Qi.

In the earth veins, the most powerful thing is not the evil energy, but the earth vein energy.

Compared with evil energy, earth energy energy is heavier and more concentrated, and its destructive power on the vitality of the physical body is also much weaker.

Therefore, almost no one tries to refine this turbid air because it is of little use.

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