Fortune Teller

Chapter 290 The Demon King’s Anger

"How could this be my fault?" Gu Xiuyun looked stunned.

He just didn't want to get entangled with Zhang Yuankong, so he simply showed some strength to make the other party retreat.

As a result, in the mouths of these children of aristocratic families, they became cruel and deliberately slapped in the face.

"That's all, no matter what you do, the children of these aristocratic families will not have anything good to say, so let them talk!"

Gu Xiuyun shook his head, turned around and walked out of the platform.

The first day is the preliminary battle. Only by killing all the monsters can you participate in the competition in the next two days.

After Gu Xiuyun, several other children from aristocratic families completed the pre-selection and walked off the platform, including Zhang Yuankong.

It's just that this proud man of heaven seems very depressed at this moment.

"Yuankong, don't be discouraged," a tribesman persuaded, "Gu Xiuyun is just one step ahead of you. The path of cultivation is long and endless. There is no telling who will have the last laugh."

"Your cousin is right, temporary success or failure is nothing," the Zhang clan elder said solemnly, "In the Ruoshui Sect, there are tens of thousands of disciples who are stronger than you. Compared with those Changlitian disciples, You and Gu Xiuyun are both too immature. Only by defeating those Changlitian disciples and breaking into the top 100 of the Weak Water Ranking can we become truly strong."

"Top 100 on the weak water list!" Zhang Yuankong raised his head, his eyes shining again, "Elder of the clan, I understand, I will definitely engrave my name on the weak water list. The three words Zhang Yuankong will be passed down in the weak water sect for thousands of years. Ten thousand years.”

"This is the Zhang clan." The clan elder smiled and nodded.

In the next two days of competition, Gu Xiuyun almost didn't make a move.

Whenever he met his opponent, he would immediately admit defeat, until the final showdown between Gu Xiuyun and Zhang Yuankong.

"Gu Xiuyun, I will do my best in this battle."

Zhang Yuankong's eyes flashed with fierce fighting spirit.

He has regarded Gu Xiuyun as his biggest opponent. It is his belief to defeat the person in front of him and then compete for the weak water ranking.

"Then just go for it with all your strength!"

Gu Xiuyun shook his head slightly.

Some things cannot be accomplished with just one thought. Zhang Yuankong in front of him is obviously too immature!

How can the resources of the human family be compared with those of the four great sects, and how can the cultivation treasures of the four great sects be compared to the Holy Land of the Eight-Eyed Divine Sect?

On the road of spiritual practice, the wealth and law couple are indispensable. Only in this way can we go faster and higher.

Gu Xiuyun's cultivation skills were far superior to Zhang Yuankong's, and there was no comparison between them.

The unruliness in Zhang Yuankong's heart was his obsession with practice. Gu Xiuyun admired this very much, but unruliness could not be transformed into strength.

"Take the move!"

Zhang Yuankong roared angrily and charged forward like a ferocious leopard.

"Little brother, we are competing in the ring, not singing."

Gu Xiuyun waved his hand and patted it gently. Ben Yun's hand condensed into a palm print and knocked Zhang Yuangkong away.

"Cultivation is achieved by practicing, not by yelling. I never believed that someone who yelled, 'I am invincible' will really become invincible."

"That's bullshit."

Gu Xiuyun waved his palm again and pressed Zhang Yuankong firmly to the bluestone ground.

"The Taoist mind is the foundation of spiritual practice, but external things are also indispensable."

"There is a saying you should remember clearly, money is not everything, but without money, nothing is possible."

"If you want to achieve greatness, practicing hard is just a waste of time. It's better to think carefully and take a look at what the truly strong people do."

As soon as he finished speaking, another palm print flew out and knocked Zhang Yuankong out of the ring.

The Fenglin Club has come to an end!

A flying boat took off into the sky.

The flying boat is a hundred feet wide, and there are thousands of disciples of the aristocratic families sitting in it. They are about to go to the Weak Water Sect. The eyes of every disciple of the aristocratic family are full of expectations.

Within the Weak Water Sect, there are countless treasures of heaven, material and earth.

There are awakening jade that can make people fall into enlightenment, immortal elixir that greatly improves cultivation without any troubles, flashy formations that sharpen one's Taoist heart... and various cultivation treasures.

All this was already informed by the elders of each family before going to Fenglin Association.

The disciples of those aristocratic families were extremely excited when they thought that after entering the Weak Water Sect, they would be able to obtain various resources and their strength would increase by leaps and bounds.

"If I can swallow the Immortality Pill and practice with the Awakening Jade, it will be easy to surpass Gu Xiuyun." A disciple from a noble family murmured in a low voice.

Gu Xiuyun's power shocked all the children of the aristocratic family.

Zhang Yuankong, who had opened the second level of pulse, could not even catch his palm.

What's even more frightening is that what Gu Xiuyun performs is not the mid-level method, but the low-level method Ben Yun Shou. Being able to use Ben Yun Shou to such an extent means that Gu Xiuyun's secret method is extremely high, and he can innovate low-level methods to reach the level of Incredible levels.

After the Fenglin meeting, the Shangzong envoy once commented, "Gu Xiuyun's Taoist realm has surpassed that of his peers, and is almost as good as the elders of the family."

The strength of the above sect envoys to be able to say this shows that there is a huge gap between Gu Xiuyun and his peers, and they are not in the same realm at all.


The flying boat suddenly stopped, and the children of the aristocratic families in the cabin looked toward the exit.

I saw a palm like a dark cloud hanging in front of the deck, and the suppressed breath made everyone almost breathless.

"Douxiao Realm Demon King?"

The children of the aristocratic family looked at each other with fear in their expressions.

"You are so brave, you dare to stop even the weak water sect's flying boat?"

The weak water sect envoy stepped out, spiritual power surged around him. At that moment, the whole world lost color, and all the light seemed to be gathered on the weak water sect envoy.

This envoy is also a strong person in the Douxiao realm.

"I am here to ask you for someone."

A rough voice came from outside the cabin, and then, a wisp of evil spirit blended into the cabin, hanging above the head of one of the noble family members.

The young man from an aristocratic family was shaking all over, his eyes filled with fear.

Everyone in the cabin, including Gu Xiuyun, turned to look.

This person is also one of the top ten disciples of the Fenglin Society, and ranks third. Although he is only at the early stage of opening the pulse, his secret methods are quite mysterious. If it were not for Zhang Yuankong and Gu Xiuyun, he should be the leader of the Fenglin Society this time. of.

"You are so outrageous. The people in the flying boat are all disciples of the Weak Water Sect. How can you get it just by asking for it?" The envoy of the Shang Sect was furious.

"This man killed my youngest son, ripped out the bones and skin, and refined the inner elixir. How can I not avenge such a bloody feud?"

There was a rumble outside the airship, and murderous aura filled the entire cabin.

"Hmph, so what?"

The weak water sect envoy sneered, "If he is just an ordinary member of the aristocratic family, you can kill him if you want, and I will never stop him. But now that this person has joined the weak water sect and is in my flying boat, how can I If you can succeed? If word spreads about it in the future, how will the weak water sect lose its reputation?"

There was silence outside the cabin, and neither the Demon King nor the Shangzong envoy spoke again, but the spiritual power was surging, and it was obvious that these two were transmitting spiritual power.

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