Fortune Teller

Chapter 298 Demonic Insect Cave

"Junior brother, that's right!"

Taoist Jingde patted Gu Xiuyun on the shoulder, "You are still young. Even if you are hiding in the secret realm of the spiritual cave, you can still understand the secrets of the skills. It is just that your cultivation is a little slow, but it is better than losing your life. "

"That's what senior brother said."

Gu Xiuyun smiled shyly.

No one noticed that there was a hint of murderous intent hidden in his smile.

Find a secret cave to hide in for decades?

If Wu Yun'e was a master of the Xuan Dynasty, then he would definitely choose this way.

But an old ghost who was in the early stage of Douxiao Realm and was not yet qualified, really made Gu Xiuyun anxious, so he found an opportunity to kill Wu Yun'e.

So what if he was in the Douxiao realm? If he was caught off guard, he would never be able to block the heavy blow from the Black Cloud Hammer.

"By the way, Taoist Master Jingtu gave me a sect task that needs to be completed within two months." Gu Xiuyun took out the task talisman from his arms, "Where is the Demonic Insect Cave mentioned above?"

"Devil's Nest?!"

Everyone's eyes widened.

Taoist Jingde couldn't help but take a breath, "Is this Jingtu forcing you to die?"

"Junior brother, don't hesitate, leave the sect quickly and find a secret place to hide in the spiritual cave," a Gu clan member repeatedly persuaded, "You are now an elder's disciple, you can take the initiative to receive the sect's mission, and you can leave as soon as you have the mission talisman. Sect, and then choose a secluded and desolate secret place to hide in for thirty years.”

"Is the Demonic Insect Cave scary?" Gu Xiuyun looked at everyone.


"Very scary."

"Junior brother, if you enter that devil's cave, you won't be able to survive for even half a day." Taoist Jingde had a serious look on his face.

"Is it so difficult? Aren't the tasks assigned to the elders within the sect easier?"

"That's for a fourth-level disciple of Kaimai. You are only a second-level disciple, and you still relied on elixirs to bring you up. How many secret techniques can you have? You haven't even started to learn the middle-level secret techniques!"

Taoist Jingde opened the mission scroll, glanced at it twice, and his face became more and more purple, "We actually have to collect a hundred insect corpses in the Demonic Insect Cave. Even the disciples of the Fifth Heaven would not dare to kill a hundred insect corpses in the Demonic Cave alone." Demonic insect."

"Junior brother, listen to my advice and run away quickly!"

Gu Xiuyun looked helpless. These elders of the Gu family had been nagging for a long time but did not answer his questions. It seemed that they did not want him to go to the Demonic Insect Cave!

"Junior brother, if you really want to stay in the sect, senior brother will accompany you to the Demonic Insect Cave." Taoist Jingde pondered for a long time before continuing, "The sect in the Demonic Insect Cave has many tasks, so every half month , there will be practitioners organizing a team to go together, and when the time comes, I will take you to join the team."

"Senior Brother Jingde..."

Gu Xiuyun looked at the middle-aged man in front of him, feeling a little moved in his heart.

The danger of the Demonic Insect Cave can be seen just from the faces of everyone, but Taoist Jingde wants to go with him. This kindness is enough to move his face.

"It's a pity that due to the sect's rules, the task must be completed by myself. Otherwise, I will hand over the talisman to Senior Brother Jingde directly. Junior brother, you don't have to take the risk!" The Gu clan member on one side sighed.

There are clear rules in the Weak Water Sect. Those who accept the task can ask fellow disciples and even elders of the clan for help, but they must not rely on others.

After all, this is training for disciples. If the Fu Zhao can be handed over to others, what other training effect will there be?

No matter how difficult the sect's task of opening a pulse in the first heaven is, it becomes easy in the hands of a strong man in the sixth heaven.

After everyone chatted for a long time, Taoist Jingde brought Gu Xiuyun into the attic.

In addition to a long and slender corridor, there are quiet rooms in the attic. At a rough glance, there are about a dozen.

There are formations for gathering spiritual power in these quiet rooms. If you practice in them, the effect will be better.

"Junior brother, there are not many children of the Gu family in the sect now. You can just choose a room to live in." Taoist Jingde pointed to the open quiet room. "After the ancestor left, all major forces took the opportunity to suppress them. The Yan clan even Forced into a secret realm of snow, we don’t know whether we will live or die. The members of Gu Yu’s family have also left the sect, and now we are the only ones left!”

"Yes," another person sighed, "before, there were more than forty tribesmen living in the attic, and the quiet rooms had to be used in turn. Others could only sit in the corridor to practice. Junior Brother Xiuyun also got a little bit. benefit."

"It's better not to have this benefit." Taoist Jingde said coldly.

Quiet room.

Gu Xiuyun opened the mission talisman and read it carefully.

According to the Fu Zhao, he had to collect one hundred demonic insect corpses before the deadline and then hand them over.

Each of those demonic insects has the strength to open the meridians, and the slightly stronger ones have reached the fourth level of meridians. Moreover, the demonic insects like to live in groups. As long as one is killed, it will cause a siege by the insect swarm, so even if it is Even the strong men from the fifth heaven dare not enter the Demonic Insect Cave alone.

After all, two fists are no match for four hands. No matter how strong you are, facing the siege of the insect swarm, your spiritual power will be exhausted and you will fall.

Of course, the demonic insects can only threaten the fifth level of Kaimai at most, and their impact on the strong ones of the sixth level will be very small!

Almost everyone in the sixth level of Kaimai has mastered more than three kinds of Tao Yun secret techniques. Whether it is killing or saving lives, they are very good at it. Even if they are surrounded by a swarm of insects, they can easily rush out.

"The Demonic Insect Cave is nothing. Wu Yun'e and Pei are the ones I need to be careful about the most." Gu Xiuyun's eyes were deep and he began to make calculations in his mind.

Mrs. Pei tried her best to send him to Wu Yun'e. If there was no conspiracy, it would be absolutely impossible.

He couldn't think of the reason before, but now Gu Xiuyun understands.

This matter may be related to the soul-splitting Qiansi Nian. Perhaps, that evil method can not only parasitize the soul thought in Gu Xiuyun's sea of ​​consciousness, but also peek into Gu Xiuyun's secrets.

But with Wu Yun'e's selfishness and indifference, how could Mr. Pei persuade this person?

"Senior Brother Jingde said that Wuyun's end is approaching..."

"Of course what a dying person wants most is longevity."

A flash of light flashed in Gu Xiuyun's heart. It was an extraordinary creature that could extend life in the Douxiao Realm.

Ordinary mortals can extend their lifespan simply by swallowing spiritual treasures. For example, if you cut the millennium golden ginseng into pieces and decoct it every day, you can live for another twenty or thirty years without any problem.

As for those who are strong in the Douxiao Realm, their bodies and souls have transcended the worldly level, and their longevity has also reached the limit that the rules of heaven and earth can bear.

If you want to extend your life, you can only break the shackles and advance your cultivation further.

Extending life without improving cultivation? It's almost impossible, because it goes against heaven's will.

Just like the destiny star chart, it is always watched by the rules of heaven and earth. As long as Gu Xiuyun repairs the destiny star bead, the rules of heaven and earth will immediately come to review his past experience.

"If there is really a magical elixir in this world that can extend Wu Yun'e's life span, it would definitely be at a heaven-defying level."

At this moment, Gu Xiuyun thought of the Spiritual Medicine Hall of the Eight-Eyed God Sect.

In the elixir palace, there is a volume of medicine scriptures, which divides the elixirs in the world into three grades. The lowest grade is spiritual grade, the second grade is immortal grade, and the highest grade is divine grade.

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