Fortune Teller

Chapter 317: Secret solution

"Tao talismans and spiritual treasures can be used as items to suppress the clan. There is no need to take them out for the time being."

Gu Hanfeng looked at everyone, "As for the elixir crystal, please discuss how to use it!"

"Great Elder, I think we should first select a group of talented disciples of the Pulse Cleansing Realm and let them quickly break through to the Pulse Opening Realm to fill the vacancies in the family."

"In addition, the strength of the clan elders must be further improved. We were all disciples of the elders, and possess the secret to break through the barrier. As long as there are enough crystals, it is not difficult to open the heavenly barrier."

"If there are more fifth-level heavens in the clan, not only can the family's power be consolidated, but also manpower can be allocated to collect some elixirs outside the city to train more descendants."

The clan elders in the palace spoke one after another and put forward their own suggestions.

In the past, they were timid because the elixir treasures in the clan were limited and needed a steady flow of water. Now that Patriarch Gu Zhen has sent back so many elixir crystals, their minds are naturally much more active.

In a small courtyard.

Gu Xiuyun sat on the futon, opposite Priest Fuyin and Hanhua.

"Fellow Taoist Xi Ming, I heard that after joining the Weak Water Sect, you must complete ten sect tasks before you can leave the sect and regain your freedom," Priest Fuyin said with a smile, "I thought I wouldn't see you again for ten years. "I never thought that just after the month, fellow Taoist would return to Youning City."

"When Pindao came back this time, he did it in secret without telling the sect." Gu Xiuyun took out a Sumeru bag from his arms and placed it in front of Priest Fuyin. "Please help me keep it, fellow Taoist."

"It's Xumi Bag again. Fellow Taoist killed another Douxiao realm?"

Fuyin and the four others looked surprised.

When did Sumeru bags become a popular commodity? In just a short time, Gu Xiuyun got two of them back. If a year and a half had passed, Fu Yin and the others would really have to have a Sumeru bag!

"By chance, I killed a prince's son and made a small fortune." Gu Xiuyun explained.

The priest Fuyin blinked.

"Fellow Taoists, you can use the elixirs in the Xumi bag, but those Zihua Dan and Lingbao must not be exposed in front of outsiders, otherwise they will definitely attract the attention of the Weak Water Sect."

Priest Fuyin shook his head and smiled, "How can we take what fellow Taoists have earned through hard work? I will hide this Sumeru bag in the dark abyss, where the inside and outside are isolated. Even in the Douxiao realm, I can't even think of using my soul to detect what's going on inside." "

Gu Xiuyun nodded slightly.

"By the way, fellow Taoist I'm afraid you don't know what happened in the city recently." Priest Fuyin flicked his sleeves and released his spiritual realm, completely isolating the area. "Since the Fenglin Association, Nancheng Many practitioners with strange faces appeared. Those people... have the aura of demon blood in their bodies, and their cultivation levels are quite high."

"The breath of demon blood!"

Gu Xiuyun narrowed his eyes slightly, "Did the people from Dark Moon Mountain come so quickly?"

"I didn't expect that Dark Moon Mountain would cease to exist after the Pei family, but in just a few months, they appeared in Youning City..." Priest Fuyin looked solemn, "Fellow Taoist, although I don't know Dark Moon Mountain, Yueshan’s reasons are obvious, but they can’t wait any longer!”

Gu Xiuyun frowned.

He originally wanted to take advantage of this sect's mission to go to Chonghua County to explore the secrets of the Ten Thousand Years Agarwood, and then return to the sect to concentrate on cultivation.

But Dark Moon Mountain disciples actually appeared in Youning City again, and there were quite a lot of them, which was a bit troublesome!

"Those Dark Moon Mountain disciples are so well hidden that if you were an ordinary practitioner, you really wouldn't be able to see anything abnormal in their body. But we are all descendants of the divine sect, and we are most familiar with this half-human, half-demon technique. Fellow Taoist, Do you want to tell the Gu Yu family about this?"


Gu Xiuyun immediately shook his head.

If the elders of the Gu Yu family knew that a large number of Dark Moon Mountain disciples had sneaked into the city, they would definitely panic and ask for help from the Ruoshui Sect.

By then, the crisis in Youning City will be resolved, but the troubles of the Divine Religion will also come!

"I will handle this matter. Fellow Taoist, please tell me where are those Dark Moon Mountain disciples?"


Priest Fuyin told Gu Xiuyun all the news.

That night, an illusory figure crossed the street and landed in Nancheng.

"According to Fellow Taoist Fuyin, most of the disciples from Dark Moon Mountain who sneaked into the city are from the Pulse Opening realm, and there are also a few who are suspected to be from the sixth level of Pulse Opening. It seems that they want to quietly deal with Gu Yu Two families, and then secretly control the city."

Sixth Heavenly Powerhouses are rare among human families, but in Dark Moon Mountain, such existences abound.

Dark Moon Mountain can compete with the four great sects, and its own strength is definitely extraordinary.

Gu Xiuyun swayed and walked through the corridor into the courtyard.

There is a thick osmanthus tree in the courtyard, which exudes a faint fragrance, but there is also a faint smell of blood in the fragrance.

The soul thought dispersed, and Gu Xiuyun quickly found the disciples of Dark Moon Mountain.

In the quiet room at the deepest part of the courtyard, a thick wild boar was hitting the iron wall crazily. Although it did not use any spiritual power, it still blasted countless holes into the iron wall.

"Kaimai Sixth Heaven can actually transform into a beast." Gu Xiuyun's face showed surprise.

Then he discovered that the wild boar's eyes were cloudy and he seemed to be about to lose his mind.

"I've long heard that the deeper you cultivate in the demon path, the easier it is to lose your mind. It's true." Gu Xiuyun shook his head slightly. "Peerless techniques such as the Divine Tong Jue, which do not affect the mind at all and can be integrated with the blood of alien beasts, How many copies are there in the world?"

In the orthodox spiritual path, both men and monsters go their own way.

It is extremely difficult to break this shackles. Just because Tongshen Jue has been able to do it, it does not mean that other techniques can also do it.


With a flash of light, Gu Xiuyun tore open the wall of the quiet room, passed through the protective formation, and came to the wild boar.


The wild boar almost completely lost its consciousness and rushed towards Gu Xiuyun.

But before he could get close, a yellow light shrouded him, and at the same time, the Heavenly Star Realm blocked his body.

The wild boar roared crazily, but could not break free.

Gu Xiuyun tapped his fingertips lightly and penetrated the wild boar's body with spiritual power to observe its body structure.

After a while, the surprise on his face became even more intense.

This wild boar is almost exactly the same as the demon clan. It can be seen that the Dark Moon Mountain technique can indeed change the essence of life, but this change is so violent that even the mind is affected.

"Who can create such a mysterious technique? Who is behind Dark Moon Mountain? Master Shangmiao? Or is he the real power of artistic conception?"

Gu Xiuyun was full of curiosity.

Zhenxuan Zhenren definitely cannot do it. He can completely change the essence of life. This kind of existence has touched the edge of the rules.


Gu Xiuyun struck down a palm and killed the wild boar.

There was no sound outside the quiet room, and no one noticed that a strong man from the sixth level fell into the quiet room.

"Besides this person, there are four other people from the Sixth Level, all of whom need to be dealt with."

Gu Xiuyun had murderous intent in his eyes.

The figure disappeared and came to another place a moment later.

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