Fortune Teller

Chapter 345 The Source of Disaster

The two knelt down, kowtowed three times, and then walked out of the library with red faces.

The middle-aged man glanced around and saw that everyone in the building was silent, with a rather proud face. He walked up to Gu Xiuyun with his head held high, "Junior brother, don't worry, as long as I am here, no one will dare to bully you!"

"Senior brother, the deacon skin is really useful. Those two people wear elder tokens on their waists, which shows that they are from the elders. Except for the sect deacons, no one can make them surrender." Gu Xiuyun nodded slightly, "But senior brother forced them Is it inappropriate to kneel down and kowtow?”

As the saying goes, looking at the Buddha's face without looking at the monk's face, forcing the elders and disciples to kneel down and kowtow is also disrespectful to the elders.

There is no need to care about the two disciples, but the elder's face is very precious.

"Those two juniors who dared to kick my junior brother are obviously impatient. Kowtow three times is already a favor. Even if the elder behind them starts to criticize, our master will still come forward, so don't worry." The middle-aged man laughed, with a look on his face. Not caring at all.

The big man clearly remembered that the elder Han had carefully warned that Gu Xiuyun must not be blamed in any way, and any provocateur would be severely punished.

If the matter really gets too big, the elders will have to deal with it.

"This junior brother is probably Master's illegitimate son outside. After all, I am also a practitioner of the fifth heaven, and I am a deacon of the sect, but I have to be his bodyguard." The middle-aged man secretly cursed in his heart.

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly noticed a pair of deep eyes of Gu Xiuyun staring at him, with a faint coldness in his eyes.

"Junior brother, do you have anything to give me?" the middle-aged man said with a smile.

"It's just a small matter, don't bother senior brother."

Gu Xiuyun lowered his head and continued to read the classics, but various thoughts flashed through his mind.

After returning to the Weak Water Sect, he has been staying on the fifth floor. He occasionally goes to the Forbidden Mountain for a walk or goes to Zihua Pond to practice. The rest of the time he stays in the library.

Unknowingly, two years have passed.

In the past two years, there have been constant fights within the Weak Water Sect, especially within the aristocratic family line. The major aristocratic families are at odds with each other, and even the disciples dislike each other. They often fight with fists and kicks, which can be described as a mess and a mess.

Just like what happened just now, the two people obviously didn't know each other, but they wanted to step on each other. If it were the Wuhen Sect, this kind of thing would never happen.

Even if there was really a feud, it would still be a walk on the forum, and it would definitely be a fight between peers. It would be impossible for the fourth heaven to bully the second heaven, because the sect's rules do not allow it.

It can be seen that this kind of thing is caused by the weak water sect's deliberate connivance, and even secretly promotes it behind the scenes.

The children of the aristocratic families fight against each other, which may seem like a small thing, but it affects the entire pattern of the monster world.

"Senior Brother, have you ever thought about why within the Ruoshui Sect, 90% of the disciples are from aristocratic families and 70% are Douxiao Realm elders, but Changlitian is still the main one?" Gu Xiuyun asked softly.

"The weak water sect is originally Changli Tian above, and the aristocratic family is below, what is there to think about?" The middle-aged man was a little confused.

"No, that's not right," Gu Xiuyun shook his head slightly, "Since ancient times, the law of the jungle has been preying on the strong. Although the human family does not have a peerless powerful person in charge, it still accounts for most of the sect's power. However, there are constant grievances within the family, and it is impossible to unite. So Never have the right to speak."

"And the source of all this is that the disciples of the aristocratic families are fighting each other."

Gu Xiuyun said softly, "Senior Brother, haven't you noticed that the Weak Water Sect is always happy to see the outcome of the struggle between the family lineage. For example, with the death of Elder Fu not long ago, the major families have added insult to injury, either framed or plotted, In just a few months, the Fu clan was forced into the secret realm of the spiritual cave, and there has been no news since. "

"Those calculations will be false to anyone with a discerning eye, but the Ruoshui Sect didn't even do any verification and directly laid the blame. If the one being framed was a disciple of Chang Litian, would the Ruoshui Sect still do this?"

When the middle-aged man heard these words, his expression suddenly changed, "Junior brother, be careful, there are some things that we just need to understand in our hearts, and never declare them to our mouths."

"Senior Brother, don't worry. You know these words and I know them, and no one else can hear them." Gu Xiuyun smiled, "I just say this, I just hope that Senior Brother will be merciful and merciful, and don't make the grudge too deep. In case One day something happens to Elder Han, and senior brother will be in trouble! "

"Thank you, junior brother, for reminding me."

The middle-aged man took a deep breath and looked much more humble.

At this moment, Gu Xiuyun frowned slightly and looked into the distance, which was the direction of Youning City.

"Dark Moon Mountain is making moves again. It's only been a few years and they've made several moves in succession. Aren't you afraid that the four great sects will notice?"

Gu Xiuyun stepped out of the library and left quickly along Liangxing Road. After a while, he arrived at the reef island outside the city.

"Head to the Sea of ​​Fallen Stars."

The disciple guarding the formation glanced at the elder's command talisman and nodded slightly.

After a moment, the aura flickered and the cyan figure disappeared.

Not long after, Pei Min floated down and said, "I want to go to the Falling Star Sea, let's start the formation!"

"Yes, elder."

The disciples guarding the formation quickly opened the teleportation formation.

Deep in the Meteoric Sea.

Here is a ruin-like void. There is no gravity in the void, only the remains of free land.

Compared with the void land where Sumeru Space is located, this space is wider, and it was also the foundation of the Eight-Eyed Divine Sect. After the destruction of the Divine Sect, the Meteor Star Sea was completely turned into ruins.

However, as the main altar of the Divine Religion, it is affected by invisible divine power and cannot release soul thoughts, nor can it use the Heavenly Star Domain.

Therefore, there are many treasures hidden deep in the ruins that have never been discovered so far.

Disciples of the Weak Water Sect and the Li Kong Sect often go to the Falling Star Sea to look for opportunities.

There is a black cave deep in a remote land. Gu Xiuyun sat cross-legged with a look of deep thought on his face, "What big move is there in Dark Moon Mountain? It makes Pei Min so anxious that he has to come to the Sea of ​​Fallen Stars to discuss it!"

After returning to the Weak Water Sect, Gu Xiuyun took back the Soul-Splitting Mind and no longer monitored Pei Min and Han Zhang. Maintaining the Soul-Splitting Mind at all times was also an extremely energy-consuming thing for him.

As for Pei Min and Han Zhang, they have already made an oath, and the Dou Xiao Realm heavenly beings will never dare to break their oath easily, otherwise they will be entangled in cause and effect, and their cultivation path will be cut off!

Moreover, the two of them were counting on the high priest to repair the Five Elements Heaven Pass for them, making it even less likely for them to betray the divine religion.

After a while, Pei Min walked into the cave, bowed and saluted, "I have met the Dharma King."

"What on earth is going on that you have to come to the Sea of ​​Fallen Stars to discuss it?" Gu Xiuyun frowned slightly and asked in a deep voice.

Soul thoughts cannot be emitted in the Meteor Star Sea, and the void land can hinder the exploration of the secret techniques of spiritual treasures, so there is no need to worry about being eavesdropped when talking here.

Since returning to the Weak Water Sect, Gu Xiuyun, Pei Min, and Han Zhang have only entered the Falling Star Sea twice, and this is the third time.

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