Fortune Teller

Chapter 365 Golden Dragon Palace

Deep underground, the magma was tumbling, and the entire space was wrapped in a hot breath.

The tyrannosaurus monster shrank down and hid aside obediently.

Above the lava river, a spiritual palm print hung in the air, trapping the black pig. No matter how hard it struggled, it could never break the shackles of the spiritual palm print.

"Xiao Hei, don't waste your efforts," Gu Xiuyun said with a calm expression, "Although the Black-striped Golden Dolphin is an ancient beast, it is notoriously weak. What's more, you don't practice the secret arts. No matter how hard you struggle, it's impossible. Break open the cloud hand."

"Bah, you are Xiaohei, your whole family is Xiaohei, bah! Bah! Bah!"

The black pig scolded and spat at the same time.

This unique skill is used to its fullest potential.

"Xiao Hei, this is the name you gave yourself, doesn't it sound good?" Gu Xiuyun's lips curled up slightly, "Hei servant sounds too harsh, but Xiao Hei is much more approachable, right, Xiao Bei!"

"What you said makes sense, sir," the Tyrannosaurus monster responded obediently. "The little monster also thinks that the word "Ni'ao" is too difficult to pronounce. Xiaobei is very kind."

"Bah, bah, bah," the black pig turned around and glared at the tyrannosaurus monster, "Ni Ao, you are still in the Douxiao realm, and you have no backbone at all. Where has the spirit of the demon king gone?"

The Tyrannosaurus monster shrank its neck, not daring to answer.

Gu Xiuyun could tolerate the black pig's wantonness because he wanted something from it. There was nothing about the tyrannosaurus monster that could attract Gu Xiuyun's attention. If he didn't behave well, he would be chopped into pieces in minutes.

"Where have you been in the past two years? Why can't I find any trace after several calculations?" Gu Xiuyun asked quietly.

In just two or three years, Black Little Pig's cultivation has advanced by leaps and bounds. He has broken through from the second level of Kaimai to the sixth level in one fell swoop, which is simply incredible.

It takes a long time to open the Heaven Pass. Even Gu Xiuyun spent thirty-seven years in the palace owner's secret space before reaching the fifth heaven. How did the black pig do it?

Gu Xiuyun had always been curious, but he was delayed by the matter between Gu Hanfeng and Yu Qianhu, so he didn't rush to ask.

"I won't tell you, bah! Bah! Bah!"

The little black pig was pinched by Ben Yun's hands, its limbs were kicking in the air, and it kept spitting in its mouth.

Before the saliva fell in front of Gu Xiuyun, it was evaporated by the magma and disappeared.

Gu Xiuyun smiled faintly, ignored the black pig, and turned to look to one side.

The tyrannosaurus monster understood and said respectfully: "Reporting to your lord, the little demon and Wu Jin have been staying in the Golden Dragon Palace for the past two years."

"Golden Dragon Palace??"

Gu Xiuyun looked surprised, "Is it the Golden Dragon Palace that hides the inheritance of the Eight-Eyed True Master?"

It is rumored that there is a Golden Dragon Palace in the world of monsters, but throughout the ages, no one has actually seen it. Even the four great sects have been unable to find the whereabouts of the Golden Dragon Palace.

There are only legends passed down from generation to generation in the world of monsters.

Gu Xiuyun even suspected that the Golden Dragon Palace had disappeared long ago. Otherwise, with the methods of the four great sects, how could there be no discovery?

"It's the Golden Dragon Palace. I don't know whether the little demon has the inheritance of the Eight-Eyed True Master," the Tyrannosaurus Monster continued, "The Golden Dragon Palace appears once every thousand years, and the location is different every time, so the world's It’s hard to find, and Wu Jin has a talent for treasure hunting to find the entrance to the palace.”

"After we entered the palace, we saw the remains of a golden dragon. The golden dragon is an ancient divine beast. The golden dragon energy contained in its corpse is of great benefit to the monster clan. The little demon and Wu Jin refined some of the dragon energy and cultivated it. Ability to advance by leaps and bounds.”

"As for the inheritance of the Eight-Eyed True Master that your Excellency mentioned, we have not discovered it. Perhaps it is a rumor."

Gu Xiuyun smiled lightly and was noncommittal.

The Golden Dragon Palace contains the inheritance of the Eight-Eyed True Master, of which he is sure.

Because this statement is clearly recorded in the secret book of the divine religion, and it was written by the Yaoritai priest himself, there is no way it can be wrong.

The black pig and the tyrannosaurus monster were not found, which only shows that the Eight-Eyed True Lord's methods are unpredictable, so they found nothing.

"The Golden Dragon Qi is indeed a rare spiritual creature in the world. No wonder the two of you were able to reach such a state in just two years. If so, why are you in such a hurry to leave the Golden Dragon Palace?"

"It's the little demon's fault," the Tyrannosaurus Monster said with a sullen expression. "The little demon couldn't hold it back for a moment, and his cultivation level broke through the threshold of the Douxiao Realm. As a result, it triggered a ban in the Golden Dragon Palace and was driven out."

"So as soon as you come out, you are eager to cause trouble for Pindao?" Gu Xiuyun smiled half-heartedly, "Let's get back to the topic. You two have caused such a big trouble for me. Tell me, how should we solve it?"

The tyrannosaurus monster shrank its head so much that it almost sunk into its neck, and did not dare to say a word.

"Kill if you want and give me a happy life!!"

The black pig was confident that Gu Xiuyun wanted something from it, so it didn't dare to act rashly.

"I don't have to kill you," Gu Xiuyun sneered. "With the innate magical power of the Black Patterned Golden Dolphin, it will definitely be worth a good price if sold to the four great sects. Of course, the four great sects are not as easy to talk to as me. You can only be at the mercy of others in this life, without any freedom, until you die of old age."

The black pig's eyes widened, and the determination on his face faded a bit.

Its courage was about the same as that of the tyrannosaurus monster, and it was only because Gu Xiuyun had scruples that it dared to be unscrupulous. Now that it heard that the other party was going to sell itself, the little heart of the black-striped golden dolphin couldn't help but beat.

If it really falls into the hands of the four great sects, it will not be Gu Xiuyun who takes action against it, but the True Illusion Power. In the face of such beings, whether the Black Pattern Golden Dolphin can retain its mind and consciousness is a matter of two opinions. Not to mention freedom.

In the face of the rules, what about the ancient beasts? It can be easily rounded and flattened, and it is also easy to erase the mind and turn it into a puppet.

"Xiao Hei, I will give you three breaths of time to consider whether you should sacrifice your treasures in exchange for freedom, or wait to be sold to the four great sects and become a powerful spiritual beast with true artistic conception?" Gu Xiuyun said leisurely, "After three breaths, , it’s me who makes the decision for you.”


The black pig's limbs were stiff and his body was trembling slightly, as if he was thinking very fast.

Is treasure more important, or life?

If it were an ordinary monster, the decision would have been made long ago, but the Black-striped Golden Dolphin is a born miser and will risk his life for treasures, so he has not yet made a decision.


The Tyrannosaurus Monster took a deep breath and persuaded, "Wujin, promise him, a few treasures are nothing. As long as you have life, you can get more in the future. Those sixth- and seventh-grade spiritual treasures, even if you take them It’s not useful in your hand, so why bother?”

The black pig puffed out its mouth and showed reluctance on its face.


Gu Xiuyun shook his head and sighed, "It seems that you really want money rather than your life, so let's just ask the four great sects to deal with you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the black pig opened his mouth with difficulty, gritted his teeth, and shouted word by word: ""

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