Fortune Teller

Chapter 393 Return to the main forum

In the meeting hall.

Gu Xiuyun and the two elders sat at the end of the hall, with more than twenty clan elders standing on both sides, looking respectful.

"After this battle, the Pei family and other families should not take any large-scale actions, at least for ten or twenty years," Gu Xiuyun said lightly, "During this period, you should practice hard and cultivate more "My descendants, the future will be turbulent, and the stronger you are, the more likely you are to survive."

"Twenty years?" Yu Qianhu's face condensed slightly, "Brother Taoist, do you mean that they will come back in twenty years?"

Gu Xiuyun nodded slightly.

Twenty years later, powerful men from the heavenly realms appeared one after another, and the Great Demon of the Void descended. By then, the demons were dancing wildly, and the four great sects were too busy to take care of themselves. How could they have the time to pay attention to Dark Moon Mountain?

As for the sky light mirror, it is also likely to be knocked down.

The strong men in the realm of the heavens would never want to be constantly monitored by Li Kongmen.

Without the Sky Light Mirror, the big demon behind Dark Moon Mountain will no longer have any scruples. When the time comes, You Ning City will have to face not only the four mountain masters, but also a peerless demon king who may have reached a superior level.

"It won't be long before Fellow Daoist Fuyin and others will return. By then, you all will be guarding Youning City together. There should be no problems in a short time."

Everyone in the hall nodded slightly.

They thought that their only opponents were the Pei family and other families, but they had no idea that twenty years later they would face four masters of the Xuan Dynasty, and even a peerless demon king who could rival the masters of Shangmiao.

As for the true artistic conception, Gu Xiuyun directly denied this possibility.

If it was true, we could just break in from the northern snowfield, why bother with so much effort?

After the battle of Youning City, Gu Xiuyun returned to the lake outside the city and continued his practice.

On this day, a letter talisman suddenly flew in front of him.

"Sir, there has been a change in the Weak Water Sect. All the masters of the Xuan Dynasty have returned to the sect. They seem to be planning something. There is no one to guard the northern snowfield..."

After reading the message in the letter, Gu Xiuyun showed a smile.

He had already guessed that the four great sects would rush to occupy all the Cave Heaven Blessed Land before the arrival of the Heaven Realm. Even if some of them were taken away by then, it would not matter.

Pei Min's letter confirmed this.

"How can such a good thing come from occupying all the blessed places in the world?"

Gu Xiuyun sneered, "Go back to the Divine Sect to read the classics first. After you finish clearing out the demon kings in the Cave Heaven Paradise, I will come to cause some trouble."

Within the Weak Water Sect.

Four or five masters of the Xuan Dynasty sat cross-legged and looked at each other.

"According to the Sky Light Mirror of Li Kongmen, in recent months, dozens of Xuanxuan level demon kings have come to the world of demon beasts, including two peerless demon kings who are suspected to be at the wonderful level." said a real person.

"So many?" Master Xingxuan frowned.

"It's just the aliens near the void outside the world, and the demon king further away has not yet received the news. If they also know about this, the world of demon beasts will really be in big trouble!"

"The alien beasts and demon kings in the void are all determined to achieve true artistic conception, and will not take action against mortals. They will be harmful to the overall situation of the sect," Master Xingxuan said coldly, "These demon kings will definitely attack Dongtianfu when they enter the world of demon beasts. , I’m afraid that in the next ten years, the sects will continue to fight.”

"There are just a few demon kings, what are there to be afraid of?" Another person said disdainfully, "Soon, all the real people in the sect will arrive. By then, not to mention the Xuanxuan level demon king, even the peerless demon king , there is only one way to die.”

Master Xingxuan nodded slightly.

Indeed, whether they are the top demon kings or the peerless demon kings, they are just stragglers, unable to resist the general trend of the sect.

The four great sects are not only powerful, they also have the power of true artistic conception.

When the time comes, just take out a few eighth-grade rule spirit treasures, and you can suppress the demon king.

Of course, the eighth-grade rule spirit treasure should not be used if it can be used. After all, the power of rules will do too much harm to Jie Kong. If it is used too many times, the world of monsters and beasts may completely collapse.

Destroying an area of ​​space will cause countless creatures to perish, and it will have a great impact on the world. The cause and effect involved behind it will make even the Venerable afraid.

"Now the top leaders of the sect are discussing how to allocate the Cave Heaven Paradise. Once a conclusion is reached, all the real people will be sent. By then, we can fight to our heart's content."

Half a day later, Gu Xiuyun took Bai Kongze back to the secret world.

The secret territory is lush and lush. A few years have passed, and the wasteland left behind by the town has completely disappeared, and weeds are growing everywhere.

Even the lake at the entrance of the main altar looks very inconspicuous, it seems to be an ordinary lake.

Of course, these sights cannot stop Shangmiao Zhenren.

As long as the real person uses his secret technique and sweeps the earth, he will be able to find anomalies at the entrance to the main altar. Therefore, if the Eight-Eyed God Sect wants to survive in the world, the only way is to create a true artistic conception to block all external enemies.

Gu Xiuyun walked through the air, and Bai Kongze turned into nothingness and followed him until he reached the lake outside the main altar.

"Although Bai Kongze is my second true form, the lake may not be able to sense it. It's best to ask the high priest for a talisman first to avoid any accidents."

Gu Xiuyun's human body walked into the lake, leaving only Bai Kongze waiting outside.

A moment later, a letter talisman flew out of the sky. After Bai Kongze refined it, it finally entered the main altar.

Compared to a few years ago, the scene in the main altar has changed a lot. The human race has multiplied rapidly, and the number of creatures has increased by nearly 30%.

Bluestone roads have long been built between towns, and there are many horses escorting goods on the road.

In the past, the human race lived in a secret world. Although the space was wider, the three major countries fought against each other, the labor force was insufficient, and food, clothing and housing were extremely troublesome. The number of humans could only be maintained at 20 to 30 million.

Now that the main altar has arrived, the divine religion is unified, and the population has skyrocketed. Depending on the situation, the main altar will be overcrowded in at most a hundred years.

Gu Xiuyun stepped into the inner layer of the divine sect and arrived at the side halls on both sides of the Daofa Hall.

The Taoist Hall is full of secret techniques and handbooks of the ancestors of the divine sect, while the side halls on both sides contain the cultivation experiences and miscellaneous history left by the ancestors.

These classics are quite precious. Although the people of the Divine Sect can read them, they cannot touch them, so they can be preserved.

As for the peripheral classics and books, they had all been destroyed by the ancient demon.

After his soul thoughts dispersed, Gu Xiuyun glanced twice and quickly found a few books about the cultivation experience of Zhenxuan Master and started to read them.

There are no books on the Nascent Level in the Weak Water Sect. Even on the fifth level, there are only the cultivation experiences at the early stage of Douxiao Realm. There is no record of how to get to a higher level.

"...When I was eight hundred and seventy-six years old, I finally understood all the changes of the six Taoist rhymes. One day, a flash of inspiration occurred, and the six Taoist rhymes merged with each other, and finally formed the sixth level of mystery..."

Gu Xiuyun frowned slightly.

Judging from what this person said, it seems that after understanding all the changes of the six Taoist rhymes, he became a real person in the Xuan Dynasty.

But why hasn't he made a breakthrough yet?

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