Fortune Teller

Chapter 427: Tracking

Inside Gu Xiuyun's body, the tyrannosaurus monster and the black-striped golden dolphin sat cross-legged, looking a little dignified.

Since the killing of the human-faced dragon, the number of practitioners outside Xuanjia City has increased several times, and there are also a few Shangmiao Masters probing around, seemingly looking for something.

"Gu Xiuyun, within a radius of 300,000 miles, there are a total of 276 profound masters, and the closest one is only 3,000 miles away..."

The black-striped golden dolphin stretched out its fat forelimbs and waved it in the air, marking its whereabouts within hundreds of thousands of miles.

"That human-faced dragon has a really big background. He actually provoked three masters of Shangmiao. Judging from the situation, the looting teams near Xuanjia City are looking for us."

Gu Xiuyun smiled lightly and fled towards Xuanjia City.

At this moment, his speed was only half of what it used to be. It would take at least more than three months to reach the city. Facing Master Shangmiao, Gu Xiuyun did not dare to bet. The other party had a high level of cultivation and the treasure in his hand would not be weak. If it was too If you are impatient, if something goes wrong, you will be in big trouble.

Day by day passed.

The patrol team near Xuanjia City has not decreased, but many powerful people have lost their patience. Even the three masters of Shangmiao stopped searching.

A strong person who can kill a human-faced dragon must have at least the top level of Xuanxuan level. It will take at most five days to completely disappear without a trace. But now that more than half a month has passed, it is almost certain that the murderer has escaped.

The place where the human-faced dragon fell.

The three masters of Shanmiao looked at the remnants in the void with gloomy eyes, while the nine demon kings of the Mysterious Demon King stood aside tremblingly, their expressions full of fear.

"According to what you said, Wuhan Jiao and the human cultivators suddenly disappeared and then appeared hundreds of thousands of miles away. They should have used the seventh-grade Escape Talisman," Master Shangmiao said in a deep voice, "Where did the seventh-grade Escape Talisman go? Maybe, how did that person keep up?"

"Real person, the human cultivator is good at soul-type secret arts. Perhaps he planted some unknown mark on Lord Wu Han, and then used a seventh-grade escape talisman to catch up." The selected demon king guessed.

"This is the only possibility!"

The three great masters shook their heads and sighed.

The seventh-grade escape talisman is quite precious. Wuhan Jiao only has one in his hand. If he had a few more, he might be able to save his life.

But how can there be so many ifs in the world?

Now that Wu Hanjiao has fallen and the master is about to be released from seclusion, the three of them will inevitably be punished.

While thinking.

Invisible pressure came from the void, and deep in the evil air flow, a majestic figure that was ten thousand feet tall appeared above the head.

"Wuhan Jiao died? Who did it?"

"Reporting to Master, the three disciples have tried their best to search for a long time, but no trace of the murderer has been found. They can only confirm that this is the work of a human cultivator. Moreover, that person is only in the early stage of Douxiao Realm, but he possesses a seventh-grade spiritual treasure and a top secret. His strength is No less than a top-notch expert at the Xuanxuan level.”

"Early stage of Douxiao realm? Wuhan Jiao was actually killed by someone who was in the early stage of Douxiao realm?" The majestic figure looked thoughtful.

If Master Ruxuan kills Wuhan Jiao, it will definitely take revenge.

But at the early stage of Douxiao Realm... it was a bit troublesome.

To be able to kill the Wu Han Jiao at the early stage of Douxiao Realm, one must not only have peerless talent, but also have the support of a major sect. Behind him, there is probably a true master of artistic conception.

As for the disciples of the Venerable... the possibility is extremely slim, and the majestic figure has never thought about it.

"You failed to protect your junior brother, so you returned to the city and faced the wall for nine hundred years. The revenge of Wuhan Jiao will be dealt with personally by my master."

"I will obey my master's order." The three masters of Shangmiao breathed a sigh of relief.

A mere nine hundred years is not a long time for an upper level demon king.

When everyone raised their heads again, the majestic figure in the Gangsha airflow had disappeared. Even Master Shangmiao did not feel any fluctuations in spiritual power.

"The true artistic conception is powerful and controls the true meaning of the rules. The power is endless and far beyond what we can imagine." The three of them looked amazed.

There is only one step between the true artistic realm and the late stage of Douxiao realm.

But the difference between one step and one step is the difference between cloud and mud.

Master Ruxuan has mastered several top secrets and can still compete with Master Miaozhen, but Master Miaozhen... no matter what secret techniques he has learned, he can't fight against the power of true artistic conception unless he also masters a rule.

There are all ants under the rules, but this is the eternal truth.

The difference between the seventh and eighth grades is by no means a difference in grade, but a difference between heaven and earth. The power of rules is far beyond what the mysterious can match.

"Junior Brother Wu Hanjiao has been dead for many days. I wonder how Master can find the murderer?" one of the demon kings asked curiously.

"Brother, I know something about this." The oldest demon king glanced at the two junior brothers beside him and whispered, "I heard that there is a world of space 30 million miles away from Xuanjia City. There is a group of Tianji Pavilion survivors who are best at tracking down secrets and deducing cause and effect. If Master wants to find the murderer, he will definitely go there. "

"The legacy of Tianji Pavilion? The legacy of Tianji Pavilion that was destroyed over 200,000 years ago?"

"Yes, the whereabouts of this clan are secretive and difficult for ordinary people to know. Only true artistic conception can find their cave."

Deep in the void.

The meteorite is still moving forward unhurriedly, sometimes rapidly, sometimes slowly, relying entirely on the evil air flow.

The Baixiang Body can cover up the physical aura, but it cannot cover up the soul thoughts, so Gu Xiuyun did not dare to use the Heavenly Star Domain, and was careful when activating the spiritual power, trying not to cause any fluctuations.

After walking like this for a month and a half, the patrol team in the void finally disappeared without a trace.

Gu Xiuyun's speed increased dramatically, and he arrived outside Xuanjia City in just two days.

The huge city in the void with a radius of one hundred thousand miles is like a huge boundary stretching in front of you. The city gate alone is ten thousand feet high.

There were a large number of guards stationed at the city gate. Looking up, almost all of them were Ruxuan Zhenren and two Shangmiao Zhenren.

"It is indeed one of the seven giant cities in the boundless void. The spirit of sending Miao Zhenren to guard the city gate... tsk tsk."

Gu Xiuyun was full of emotion.

Master Shangmiao has a very high status, and is as powerful as the four great sects, and there are only a few of them.

But Xuanjia City is different. This is a neutral city. A large number of powerful people in the boundless void come here to take refuge every year. After all, the largest number in the void is the Demon King.

In terms of the number of people in the Douxiao realm, the human race cannot compare to one ten thousandth of the demon race.

But when it comes to being stronger than those at the top, the human race has a firm advantage.

Because after entering the true realm, practitioners can only follow the path of rules, and this path has great advantages for the human race.

The human race that can step into the true realm from the humble stage is almost always in peerless condition, and the path of cultivation is naturally much smoother.

As for the demon clan... they relied entirely on devouring each other and refining to reach the late stage of the Douxiao Realm.

Since then, relying on their cultivation realm, they have learned the rules by force, but their talents are far inferior to those of their human peers. Therefore, countless demon kings are stuck in the early stage of the True Intention Realm and cannot go further.

In the ninth level of true artistic conception, the number of demon kings is equivalent to that of human cultivators.

However, those who have stepped into the realm of venerables, the demon race is only 10% of the human race.

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