Fortune Teller

Chapter 450 Wild Dog Demon King

Seven days later.

In the depths of Feng Lei Abyss, Gu Xiuyun was as fast as lightning. While urging the Black Armored Turtle to deduce the laws of space operation, he escaped towards the bottom of the abyss.

Since the true artistic conception power behind the human-faced dragon sent the Ice Toad Demon King, he must have also sent two other Shang Miao.

Now that Gu Xiuyun's cards have been used up, he will definitely die when facing any Master Shangmiao. How dare he stay on the outside of Fengleiyuan, he can only escape deeper.

"Fengleiyuan is divided into two layers. The outer layer is covered with space debris. The sound of wind, soul sound and thunder tribulation are quite rare, but it is also relatively safe. Most people in the early stage of Douxiao Realm walk here. The inner layer is extremely huge. The power of wind and thunder is also much stronger, and only those who are powerful enough to enter the Xuan Dynasty dare to walk in the inner space."

Looking at the broken mirror space, Gu Xiuyun whispered to himself.

According to the sacred scriptures, the Feng Lei Yuan is divided into two layers. The outer space is small and the power of the wind and thunder is thin. There is almost 90% of the mirror space without the sound of wind and soul, so you can move forward safely.

As for the inner space, the sound of wind and soul is extremely terrifying, and one must have at least a profound level of cultivation to enter, and one must also resort to soul defense secret techniques, otherwise the soul will collapse under the invasion of the wind in a matter of seconds.

Previously, Gu Xiuyun was unwilling to enter the inner space because the will of the black-striped golden dolphin and the tyrannosaurus monster were too weak to withstand the soul impact of the inner space.

After half a month of practice, the willpower of the two monster beasts has improved a lot, and they are more confident in resisting the sound of wind and soul.

What's more important is...Fighting with the Ice Toad Demon King for most of the day, Gu Xiuyun constantly mobilized the Water Mist Spirit Realm to resist the phantom sound. Unknowingly, he realized the impermanent artistic conception of the illusion, and used the Sixth Grade Mysticism to perform the Water Mist Illusion Technique, which was powerful. It can increase dramatically, enough to withstand most soul sounds.

"It's a pity that I only understand the mystery of Shuihun Illusion, and the other three forms are still a little behind."

The Taiyue Spiritual Realm and the Shuihun Spiritual Realm are in conflict with each other, which does not increase Gu Xiuyun's strength much. If he comprehends the Thousand Swords Spiritual Realm, where earth and metal complement each other, the power will at least double, and he will be able to deal with Master Shangmiao. Have more confidence.

"Tai Yue is thick and the water is impermanent. The two spiritual realms are in conflict with each other. If they are used at the same time, the spiritual power will be consumed too much. Now there are not many pills left in the Sumeru bag. It is better to be more economical and usually only activate the Tai Yue spirit. Just the domain.”

In seven days, he had successfully opened up the Shuihun Spirit Realm, but he had also used up the last of the elixir crystals. Now the Sumeru Bag was empty, except for a few bottles of high-quality elixirs, and nothing else.

Gu Xiuyun passed through thousands of mirror spaces one after another. The power of wind and thunder became stronger and stronger, and the spaces became larger and larger. The smallest ones were three hundred feet in diameter, and the widest ones were nearly a thousand feet.


The space barrier was torn open, and the cyan figure stepped in.

Not far away, a wild dog demon king with a height of more than ten feet turned his head and looked over, "Early stage of Douxiao Realm?"

The moment he sensed the aura around Gu Xiuyun, the Wild Dog Demon King looked happy and quickly used his innate magical power to completely seal off an area of ​​several hundred feet.

In the blink of an eye, the entire mirror space was covered with wild dog hair, and black hairs were wrapped around the edge of the space. "In the early stage of Douxiao Realm, I actually dared to walk in the depths of Fengleiyuan. I haven't had a meal for a long time, so today Make some snacks out of you.”


Gu Xiuyun looked around. The black hair was quite tough. In the early stage of the Ordinary Douxiao Realm, it could not be broken open for a while. With the strength of the Wild Dog Demon King entering the Xuan level, it was easy to suppress the Ordinary Douxiao Realm.

However, what it met was Gu Xiuyun.

"Your Excellency's words reminded me of a past event," Gu Xiuyun's eyes flashed with memories, "When I was in China, I once ate half a bowl of fragrant meat at a little-known road stall. The taste... I still have endless memories.”

"Fragrant meat? What the hell?"

The wild dog demon king had a strange look on his face, and the human cultivator in front of him looked indifferent, as if he was not the one who was trapped, but himself.

"Spicy dog ​​meat, commonly known as fragrant meat," Gu Xiuyun explained with a smile, "Since you are the Demon King of Xuanxuan, the meat must be more delicious."

"Human race, you are looking for death!"

The Wild Dog Demon King was furious, and just as he was about to take action, a trace of doubt suddenly flashed through his heart.

The human cultivator in front of me is only in the early stage of Douxiao Realm, but he dares to tease the Xuan Demon King to his face. Where does he have the courage?

Could it be that this person has hidden his cultivation and is also a profound master?

Thinking of this, the Wild Dog Demon King once again used his magical power to observe the aura around Gu Xiuyun. After a long time, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Gu Xiuyun was indeed in the early stage of Douxiao Realm, there was no way he could lie about it. Although the Wild Dog Demon King was average in strength, his ability to sense aura was extremely powerful, almost as good as its banning method.

"Human race, don't think that this king will be afraid of you if you show off. In the early stage of Douxiao Realm, even if you understand the secrets of the sixth level, you will never be my opponent." Wild Dog Demon King sneered.

In the Douxiao realm of the human race, there are indeed many strong people who have understood the secrets of the sixth level, but have never made a breakthrough in cultivation. In terms of strength, they are much stronger than those in the early Douxiao realm, but they are far behind when facing Zhenxuan Zhenren.

After condensing the Five Elements Yuan Veins, the True Mysterious Spiritual Power merges with the Five Elements, and the power surges. The gap cannot be made up by the Sixth Grade Mystery.

Unless... the opponent understands the top secrets of the sixth level, he can ignore the gap in spiritual power and fight across levels. But this possibility is close to zero. Being able to understand the top secrets of the sixth level shows that one has extremely high talent and understanding, so how can one stay at the early stage of Douxiao Realm?

Thinking of this, the Wild Dog Demon King snorted and rushed towards Gu Xiuyun.

The strongest method of the demon clan is the physical strength.

The Wild Dog Demon King is physically powerful and always fights head-on. Even Master Ruxuan cannot withstand the frontal bombardment of the Wild Dog Demon King.

However, facing the demonic beast that was more than ten feet tall, Gu Xiuyun didn't dodge even half a step, and directly swung a giant hammer and smashed it.


The hammer's surface was nearly ten feet in diameter, and it instantly knocked the wild dog demon king several tens of feet away. Then, Gu Xiuyun took a few steps, walked up to the demon king as if teleporting, and struck down with the hammer again.

The power of the second hammer was nearly three times stronger than the first hammer.


The void trembled faintly, and the hammer suddenly fell. The wild dog demon king looked desperate, and his huge body had begun to collapse.

With this strike, Gu Xiuyun used the Taiyue Spiritual Domain.

The Mountain Shaking Hammer is originally a seventh-grade spiritual treasure. The power of Baixiang Shen alone is far beyond what the Wild Dog Demon King can withstand. Coupled with the Taiyue Spiritual Domain, its power can be imagined.

Before the hammer shadow arrived, the spiritual power of the wind caused the Wild Dog Demon King to tremble and his physical body almost collapsed.


The giant hammer smashed down, and the demon king's body was shattered inch by inch, and most of his majestic vitality was wiped out in an instant.

When there is an absolute gap in strength, any secret technique can exert a destructive power no less than that of Zhen Gang Sword Qi. Just like a true master of the realm, he can easily kill the peerless demon king of the upper level with a single finger.

Immortal body? It is meaningless in the face of the power of rules.

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