Fortune Teller

Chapter 455 Hidden Cultivation

The wind and thunder abyss is extremely deep.

The watery spiritual realm covers a hundred feet in radius.

The black-striped golden dolphin and the tyrannosaurus monster stood in one place, silently resisting the attack of the wind and soul sound.

The soul impact is not terrible to the two monsters. What is really unbearable is the will of the Venerable.

The Venerable's will merged with the sound of the wind, and every breeze was extremely violent, like a sword piercing the depths of his consciousness.

After an unknown amount of time, the tyrannosaurus monster gradually regained consciousness, rested for just a moment, and then took another step outside.

Not long after, the black-striped golden dolphin also regained consciousness, glanced at the Tyrannosaurus monster, gestured the distance between the two, and muttered, "Ni Ao is really crazy, he has been enduring the sound of wind and soul at his limit. , I can’t stand this kind of life!”

Before he finished speaking, a huge force came from behind, blasting it half a foot away.


Endless wind sounds poured into the depths of the mind, and every trace of soul sound was like a sword, striking the depths of the black-patterned golden dolphin's mind. Before the consciousness collapsed, there was a faint voice, "If you don't want to die, improve as soon as possible." will!"

"Gu Xiuyun, you bastard!"

Before the black-striped golden dolphin had time to shout, his consciousness collapsed.

In the center of the Shuihun Spiritual Realm, Gu Xiuyun was sitting cross-legged, with one hundred and eight spirit turtle black armor sticks flying around him.

Unknowingly, he had been in the mirror space for five years.

In the past five years, Gu Xiuyun's will has strengthened a lot. He has to bear the bombardment of the sound of wind and soul every moment. It is difficult not to improve.

Of course, compared with other aspects, the progress of will is the smallest.

Five years is only the training years of the human body. In fact, Bai Kongze has been practicing at ten times the speed of the human body. His lifespan has already passed fifty years.

For such a long period of time, he has been studying the secret techniques and deducing space formations. Both his Taoist realm and formation attainments have been greatly improved.

Now Gu Xiuyun has understood the seven mysteries.

However... three of the mysteries are the Black Cloud Hammer secret technique, and the other two mysteries belong to the Taiyue Spiritual Domain.

As for the three types of Formation Taboos: Metal Element, Wood Element, and Fire Element, only Fire Element Spirit Realm has broken through to the sixth level, while Thousand Sword Code and Mu Yuan Qi still stay at the Dao Yun level.

In the Forbidden Spirit Realm of the Five Elements Formation, one must understand the five attributes before the five elements can be harmonized and the power can be greatly increased.

But there are no such coincidences in this world. The path of cultivation is all about understanding. Maybe you can achieve a breakthrough in an instant with a flash of inspiration, or you may have to wait hundreds or even thousands of years before you can take that step.

"The Thousand Sword Code emphasizes endless sharpness, and the energy of Muyuan emphasizes endless vitality. I have studied these two secret techniques for a long time, but I still cannot understand the artistic conception. What is missing?"

Gu Xiuyun was at a loss.

Whether it is the Thousand Sword Code or the Qi of Muyuan, his foundation is extremely solid, and he has understood most of the 42 corresponding Tao rhymes. Logically speaking, he should have understood the artistic conception and entered the sixth level.

But in fact, after fifty years of hard training, Gu Xiuyun was always stuck outside the threshold, unable to go any further.

In contrast, the cultivation of formation techniques has progressed rapidly, and there has never been any shackles.

After comprehending the mysteries of the sixth level, Gu Xiuyun completely entered the level of the divine formation. After that, he deduced the mysteries he had comprehended one by one and evolved the fusion divine formation.

Compared with the upper-level formations, the fusion divine formation is more complicated and more special. Each divine formation contains infinite mysteries. The more divine formations he comprehends, the deeper Gu Xiuyun's understanding of the Immortal Dao Restrictions becomes. The formations and the Immortal Dao Restrictions are the yin and yang sides of the rules of heaven and earth. They have different forms but the same essence.

"Unknowingly, five years have passed, and the time flow rate in normal space is only about one and a half years." Gu Xiuyun looked at the empty land in the distance and sighed, "The time and space deep in Feng Lei Abyss is much more stable than the Yin and Yang vortex. I have only seen one space collapse in these years, and it was so slow that I had no time to avoid it.”

The extremely twisted space may collapse at any time, so every secret realm of time and space is in danger.

The more stable the secret realms of time and space are, the more they will be coveted by major forces. Those stable secret realms of time and space have long been occupied by sectarian forces, and others cannot enter at all.

In contrast, although the time flow of Yin and Yang Xuan is fast, it is extremely dangerous. It is impossible to practice in it. Naturally, there will be no sect forces fighting for it.

At this moment, Gu Xiuyun frowned slightly, and a huge figure appeared on the edge of the mirror space.

The figure was nearly ten feet tall. As soon as he appeared, his aura filled the area for hundreds of miles. He puffed out clouds and even made a faint whistling sound.

"Shangmiao-level peerless demon king?" Gu Xiuyun's heart tightened. Those who can reach this point are naturally Shangmiao Zhenren.

He quickly restrained his breath and put the black-striped golden dolphin and the tyrannosaurus monster into his Sumeru bag. At the same time, his whole body became extremely weak, as if it was like a breeze and could dissipate at any time.

"Did Master Shangmiao show up again?"

In the Xumi bag, the black-striped golden dolphin regained consciousness and asked.

The Tyrannosaurus monster raised its head, looking a little worried.

The mirror space here is extremely vast, covering a thousand miles in radius. Generally speaking, Master Shangmiao would not have discovered the three of them without observing carefully.

But I am afraid of accidents.

"We haven't been found yet."

Gu Xiuyun's face looked a little solemn.

Hundreds of miles away, the Demon King seemed to be looking for something. He wandered in the void for a moment and then fled to the other side of the space.

Seeing this, Gu Xiuyun breathed a sigh of relief.

But at this moment, the Demon King suddenly turned around and rushed towards where Gu Xiuyun was.

"Has it been discovered?"

Gu Xiuyun quickly activated his spiritual power, and a black giant hammer emerged from his palm.

In just a short moment, the Shizhang Demon King arrived not far away. This was an extremely strong demon king that looked somewhat similar to a tyrannosaurus monster.

The demon king's body was covered with scales and emitted purple light. The layers of apertures not only blocked the power of thunder in the void, but also blocked the sound of wind and soul.

"Another demon king with dragon blood. Judging from his appearance, he seems to be from the crocodile dragon clan."

Gu Xiuyun took a deep breath, his heart full of vigilance.

Compared with other divine beasts, dragons are inherently evil and have left countless bloodlines in the endless void.

The most famous among them is the Jiaolong clan.

When dragons practice to the extreme, they can shed their shells and transform into real dragons, so they are known as descendants of real dragons.

As for other dragon bloodlines, even if they enter the true realm, they cannot transform and can only maintain their original appearance, and their talent potential is also weaker than that of the dragon.

For example, the Tyrannosaurus monster, no matter how it practices, its final form will always be a Tyrannosaurus and cannot transform into a true dragon. But a weak bloodline does not mean a weak individual. If one can understand the true meaning of the rules and even the original rules, any living being can reach the pinnacle of the endless void.

In terms of origin, the human race is far inferior to the alien beasts, but they can still step into the realm of venerables and be above the heavens.

Looking at the Demon King not far away, Gu Xiuyun took a deep breath, and the hammer emitted a faint light.


The Crocodile Dragon Demon King suddenly turned around, his eyes focused on the Shuihunyu Realm, "Come out, I already know you are here. You can hide it from me, but you can't hide the Tianji Talisman!"


Gu Xiuyun sighed softly. He had already guessed what the other party had been looking for after entering the mirror space. He had already guessed that the other party was probably one of the strong men behind the human-faced dragon.

Although he was hiding at the bottom of the abyss, he knew that as long as the Ice Toad Demon King's fellow disciples did not give up, they would find this place sooner or later.

This day has finally come!

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