Fortune Teller

Chapter 497 Suppression

"That's offensive!"

Gu Xiuyun stepped forward, and the turtle's black armor around him was secretly calculating.

A strange color flashed in the mist figure's eyes, and he looked at Gu Xiuyun, seeming to be thinking about something.

"This mist figure is exactly like me. There is also a five-color array of forbidden spirit realms surrounding it. In all likelihood, it has imitated my methods," Gu Xiuyun whispered in his heart. "Every time he is defeated, his strength increases by 30%, which is a bit interesting."

Obviously, the test in the divine pillar space is far more difficult than that in the desert.

It is easy to defeat oneself once, but it is difficult to defeat two or three times.

At the same time, this is also an opportunity to understand where your own shortcomings are and learn from the mist figure.

Spiritual power surged, and the Five Elements Formation Forbidden Spirit Domain filled a radius of a hundred feet. At the same time, the Baixiang Body continued to grow, and soon reached a height of a hundred feet, perfectly fitting the Formation Forbidden Spirit Domain.

"Since you are imitating my methods, you must have no shortage of spiritual treasures and external items," Gu Xiuyun said with a smile, "In that case, let's fight with our own methods."


The mist figure nodded slightly.

At this moment, Gu Xiuyun rushed forward quickly and punched his opponent. He did not activate the hammer, and the power was greatly weakened. However, for him, fists alone were more enjoyable.

The seventh-grade spiritual treasure rock hammer was extremely destructive. Facing the mist figure's methods, Gu Xiuyun was not confident enough to resist it.

Most importantly, his spiritual power is limited.

The opponent's spiritual power is uncertain.


Fist to fist, both sides take a step back.

At the same time, Gu Xiuyun's fist suddenly broke off, and part of his palm turned into a sharp sword, stabbing the mist figure.

Under the coverage of the Forbidden Spirit Domain of the Baizhang Formation, the strength of both sides has exploded to the extreme. It depends more on skills than cultivation.

Close combat is extremely dangerous. One step is stronger and the other step is stronger. It seems that the mist figure did not expect that Gu Xiuyun was so decisive and would fight for his life.

He wanted to retreat, but was trapped by the Tianmao Lock.

Around him, one hundred and eight spirit turtle black armor sticks were flying in circles, and a smile appeared on Gu Xiuyun's lips.

Imitate him?

Even the venerable master has difficulty understanding the secret technique of divine deduction. How can he imitate it?

What the Lord Jinque couldn't do, it was even more impossible for the Silver Palace to do. With the secret technique of deducing the secrets, Gu Xiuyun had already calculated the opponent's moves clearly. With the same strength, he could kill the opponent at will.

"It's not difficult to defeat you once. Unfortunately, I need too many divine tree trunks. I'm afraid I have to defeat you ten times." Gu Xiuyun said lightly.

For a physical body to enter the late stage of Douxiao Realm, one foot of Five Divine Trees is needed.

Gu Xiuyun still has a second soul, and he needs two copies.

Now the physical body of the second soul has been condensed and formed, and is being warmed deep in the flesh and blood. It will take up to five or six years to reach the Nascent Level. At that time, the divine tree trunk will be refined and enter the late stage of Douxiao Realm.

Gu Xiuyun then had two superior bodies.

Peng! ! Peng! Peng!

The spiritual power poured out, constantly destroying the vitality in the mist figure's body. Each punch did not destroy much vitality. The opponent still had the energy of Mu Yuan, so there was almost no damage.

But Gu Xiuyun knew that the other party was not far from death.

Because the mist figure did not absorb spiritual power to replenish itself, it can be seen that as long as Gu Xiuyun did not take the initiative to absorb spiritual power to heal his injuries, the mist figure would not do so.

Absolutely fair to both parties.

Peng! Peng! Peng! !

It took half a month of fighting.

Hundreds of millions of punches were struck, finally completely killing the mist figure.

This battle... is effortless, but takes time.

"Junior human race, you win," the mist figure regrouped, its aura much stronger than before, "Do you want to challenge again?"

"Of course," Gu Xiuyun nodded, "Your boxing skills are average. I don't know how you are with hammering. Let's try it with the Mountain Shaker."

The misty figure nodded indifferently, and a huge black hammer appeared in his hand.

All means originated from Gu Xiuyun.

Gu Xiuyun doesn't use foreign objects, and the mist figure can't use it either. Gu Xiuyun doesn't swallow spiritual power, and the mist figure can't swallow spiritual power either.


The hammer light streaked through the void and hit the opponent. The mist figure arrived first, a full 30% faster than Gu Xiuyun.

The strength is also increased by 30%.

"Is this a 30% increase in strength?" Gu Xiuyun was speechless.

The speed and strength increased by 30%, how could the real strength only increase by 30%, it was at least 50%.


The hammer hit the right shoulder of the mist figure, and a large amount of mist dissipated, and a lot of flesh and blood was wiped out.

But the hammer light of the mist figure streaked across the void, but it didn't even touch any flesh and blood.

The Bai Xiang Shen... can change in an ever-changing manner. As long as it avoids the trajectory of the giant hammer, there will be no damage.

Gu Xiuyun had already mastered the movements of the mist figure in advance with the help of divine deduction, so he could easily avoid them.

"You can't fight at close range!"

The mist figure understood and quickly retreated.

Fighting Gu Xiuyun at close quarters is seeking death. The best way to deal with him is to activate the mountain-shaking hammer to form a giant hammer covering a hundred feet. No matter where you run, you will never be able to escape when the hammer falls.

At this moment, the strength of the mist figure has increased by 30%, and the vitality of flesh and blood has also increased by 30%. It is fully capable of competing with Gu Xiuyun.

Injuring the enemy eight hundred and losing one thousand to yourself, the mist figure can still win.

“Response very quickly!!”

Gu Xiuyun smiled lightly and didn't care.

The opponent's speed is fast, but there are some methods that cannot be done just by being fast, such as... relying on formations.

One hundred and eight spirit turtle black armor sticks were flying in the air, forming a strong binding force and covering the surrounding area. Seeing this scene, the mist figure followed suit.

However, it soon realized something was wrong.

Gu Xiuyun's formation is constantly changing, and not only that, he also uses the mist figure's hexagram formation to increase his power to a higher level.


The giant hammer smashed down, destroying part of the flesh and blood of the mist figure again.

The hexagram signs danced wildly, and every step was calculated by Gu Xiuyun. He had the secret to deduce the secret technique. He had all the opponent's techniques under his control. So what if his strength increased by 30%? ?

It can still be beaten with pressure.

If you want to deal with Gu Xiuyun, you must rely on absolute strength. For example, the Ice Toad Demon King and the Crocodile Dragon Demon King are many times stronger than Gu Xiuyun. Only when they are completely suppressed can they ignore the role of the secret deduction.

Obviously, the mist figure couldn't do it.

The test set by Lord Jinque was extremely difficult for other practitioners, but in front of Gu Xiuyun, it was like a joke.

The secret technique of Tianji Deduction is an extremely heaven-defying method. Even Venerable Gengyang praised it repeatedly but could not understand it at all, let alone the Silver Palace.

Even the Venerable Jinque, the Venerable Sannan who survived three human tribulations, did not understand the methods of heaven.

Deep in the silver palace, a ray of remnant soul gradually awakened, looking through thousands of miles of void and landing on the space of the divine pillar.

"The secret technique of divine deduction?"

"In the early stage of Douxiao Realm, he actually possesses the Heavenly Secret Deduction Technique. He also has two venerable marks in his body. One of them is... the Eight-Eyed True Master?"

Remnant Soul couldn't help but take a breath.

In the era of his death, the Eight-Eyed True Lord was at the top of the sky, sitting at the top of the heavens. Who is not afraid of the three points?

Even Daodao Pavilion and Tianxing Palace did not dare to go against it.

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