Fortune Teller

Chapter 506: Poison


The giant hammer fell, killing the mist figure.

"A starburst would take eight months at the fastest to complete," Gu Xiuyun gasped secretly, "Fortunately, I didn't break through my physical body to the highest level, otherwise it would be more difficult to kill and the time it would take would increase at least ten times."

He has always maintained his Xuanxuan-level physical body, and the Hongze Divine Tree remains in the Sumeru bag and has never been used.

In this way, the body of the mist figure has also entered the mysterious realm, making it much easier to kill.

If it were a superior physical body, combined with the Five Elements Formation and the Forbidden Spirit Realm, its defensive power would be so strong that even Gu Xiuyun himself could not defeat it.

You can only rely on the hammering method to wear it away slowly. A star will last at least ten years.

"No, it's still too time-consuming," Gu Xiuyun thought in his mind, "There are 126 stars in the hands of the disciples of the Zhutian Sect, which means that I will fight here for a hundred years."

"We must find a way to save as much time as possible."

Continuing to fight for hundreds of years is very taxing on the mind. In addition, it also affects the practice.

In the past ten years, he could still understand the artistic conception through the mist figure, but now he has reached a bottleneck. There is no point in continuing to fight. Staying here is a waste of life.

"Brother Chu, please ask the disciples of the Zhutian Sect if there are any powerful killing weapons or poisons that can quickly end the battle." Gu Xiuyun said.

His fights with the mist figure were almost all close combat. If he had a killing weapon in hand, it would be much easier to kill the mist figure.

"Killing weapon or poison?" Chu Weijun pondered for a moment, "Only the demon clan can collect these kinds of strange objects. I'll ask Fairy Jade and Sha Sha first."

Human practitioners mainly focus on the secret arts of immortality, and are good at long-range attacks. Rare objects such as sharp weapons and poisons suitable for close combat are rarely left by their side.

Chu Weijun's body swayed and disappeared from the spot.

After a while, when they reappeared, the Jade Fairy and the Demon King Qinsha also came outside the light curtain.

"I do have a very lethal poison in my hand," said the Demon King Qinsha, "but this thing only lasts for a short time and will disintegrate in half a month at most. If you want to use it in the divine pillar test, you will , I’m afraid it won’t have much effect.”

The poison mentioned by the Demon King Qinsha is actually its poisonous magical power.

The evil poison condensed by the magical power, combined with some kind of elixir powder, the refined venom is so powerful that even the body of the Miao Demon King cannot bear it, let alone the Xuan level.

The destructive power to life is no less than that of Jiusha Xuangang.

"Half a month... is enough," Gu Xiuyun nodded, "Fellow Taoist, you might as well make a price. I need to borrow this thing for the next period of time."

"I have no other request. How about giving me five more portions of Qihua Dew and Yue Qiong Xingsha?" Demon King Qin Sha glanced at the Jade Fairy beside him.

Before coming here, the two demon kings had already made some guesses in their minds and discussed secretly for a while.

Gu Xiuyun needed poison and a sharp weapon, and he definitely wanted to complete the divine pillar test as soon as possible. With more than a hundred stars, anyone would feel exhausted.

But they dare not raise too high demands.

Qi Hua Lu and Yue Qiong Xing Sha are extremely important to the Demon King Qin Sha. They are related to his future practice and have only average effect on others. Gu Xiuyun will most likely agree.

If you put forward higher requirements and are rejected by the other party, you will be self-defeating and miss the opportunity in vain.

"Five parts of Qihua Dew and Yue Qiong Xingsha, Taoist Xi Ming probably won't care," Demon King Qinsha clenched his fists, filled with anxiety, "If it doesn't work, I will take a step back. I only need three parts. Three parts is the bottom line. !”

"Okay, I promise you." Gu Xiuyun nodded without any hesitation.

The eyes of Demon King Qinsha flashed with joy, and Fairy Jade couldn't help but smile.

Five portions of the exotic flower dew and Yue Qiong Xingsha add up to ten portions of rare treasures, each of which is priceless. In exchange for a few magical powers and poison, they made a lot of money in exchange for ten portions of the rare treasures.

Chu Weijun stood aside and said nothing.

This deal was between Gu Xiuyun and the Demon King Qinsha. One was willing to fight and the other was willing to suffer. It had nothing to do with him.

Chu Weijun gained a lot from his trip to the Siji Palace, but he didn't care about that.

In the light curtain.

Gu Xiuyun held a sharp weapon and fought closely with the mist figure.

The sharp weapon is evenly coated with venom and emits a faint blue light. The eight arms are eight sharp weapons. Almost every moment, the blue light will pass through the bodies of both parties, only a few centimeters away from the physical body.

"Fellow Taoist Xi Ming's close combat skills are so powerful," Demon King Qinsha couldn't help but exclaimed repeatedly, "The skills of the mist figure are extremely wonderful. Every move is extremely weird, but Taoist Xi Ming can stabilize the situation." It’s incredible to control the opponent steadily.”

Standing outside the light curtain, Demon King Qesha could only marvel.

"Is it very powerful?" Chu Weijun looked at the battle situation in the light curtain.

Most human cultivators are good at long-range attacks, and close combat is the exclusive domain of the Demon King, so he can't see at all how powerful Gu Xiuyun and the mist figure's techniques are.

"It's more than powerful, it's completely natural," Demon King Qin Sha said continuously, "Since I have been practicing, I have experienced countless fights, and I have never seen such powerful skills as those of fellow Taoist Xi Ming."

Chu Weijun curled his lips and didn't care.

Fights between practitioners almost all rely on secret techniques, a palm print, or a sword tearing out, close-quarters skills?

No matter how powerful the technique is, what's the use if it can't get close to you.

As he spoke, the mist figure dissipated.

Gu Xiuyun exhaled a breath and ended the battle.

"With the poison in hand, we can complete five tests within two months." Gu Xiuyun whispered.

In the face of evil poison, the Xuanxuan level body is extremely fragile.

The first four tests took less than ten days in total.

In the fifth test, the amount of poison in Gu Xiuyun's hand was limited and it was close to melting. Its power was greatly weakened. It could only severely damage the opponent but could not kill the mist figure, so it took more time.

But even so, two months is enough!

The poison of the Demon King Qinsha, combined with the Baixiangshen and the Five Elements Formation Forbidden Spirit Realm, is truly astonishing in its lethality.

Of course, this is because Gu Xiuyun is good at close combat and can stab the dagger into the opponent's body every time and tear apart the flesh and blood.

If the poison spreads outside the body, across the forbidden spirit realm, the effect will be much worse.

Time passes slowly.

Before I knew it, twelve years had passed.

There are a large number of cultivators in the Siji Hall, and Chu Weijun has already left. The disciples of the sect who stayed in the Divine Pillar Space are all waiting for Gu Xiuyun to complete the five tests.


The mist figure fell.

Gu Xiuyun, slightly tired, walked out of the light curtain with five golden lotus flowers in his hand.

"Friend Sancai, your broken golden lotus."

"Thank you Taoist Taoist Xi Ming," Taoist Sancai looked at the lotus with emotion in his eyes, "I thought this mission failed and I would be imprisoned for at least three thousand years after I returned. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a bright future. There were so many offences in my previous words. , please forgive me, fellow Taoist."

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