Fortune Teller

Chapter 605: Old Mirage’s Plan

At the same time, the heavenly treasure in the hall shook rapidly, and the bronze mirror also emitted a dazzling light.

Finally, the fog in the bronze mirror dissipated, revealing a palace.

"That is……"

Master Tiangu's eyes widened. There was a statue deep in the palace. It had eight eyes, emitting golden light, and looked straight at Master Tiangu outside the mirror.

Peng! Peng! Peng! Peng!

All the heavenly magic treasures were shattered, and the bronze mirror was torn into huge cracks. Master Tiangu's appearance quickly aged. In just a few moments, he changed from a forty-year-old middle-aged woman to a ninety-year-old old woman, with vitality and blood. It smells of decay.

"The Eight-Eyed True Lord! The Eight-Eyed True Lord!"

Master Tiangu's face was full of shock.

With just one calculation, not only did she lose a lot of energy and blood in her body, but she also lost four thousand years of life. Master Tiangu suffered a huge loss in this transaction!

Gu Xiuyun couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

"What a powerful Nine-Yuan Calculation, such a terrifying secret technique. The Holy Land is covered by the power of the True Master, and Master Tiangu can actually find traces of it. But the backlash is a bit serious. It seems that I can't easily use the Nine-Yuan Calculation in the future."

After all, his secret technique of divination is a wild way. It is good for calculating Tao Yun restrictions. Once it touches the practitioner, his eyes will basically be blackened. If he didn't have an epiphany later and understand the mystery of the fate line, he even opened the pulse realm to practice. Neither can be calculated.

Master Tiangu, on the other hand, can find the whereabouts of the Thunder Sword with just a jade platform, and can even break through the cover of the true master's divine power.

This is another system of algorithm. It does not need to rely on the fate of secular creatures, nor does it need to rely on the divine power of destiny. It can find the Thunder Sword by relying entirely on the calculation of heaven.

It can be seen from this that the Nine Yuan Calculation is the real secret technique of heaven.

But Gu Xiuyun's Six Deduction Techniques were only half-assed.

In the hall, Master Tiangu took three sticks of incense to breathe before finally regaining his composure. He only heard her yell angrily, "Get in here."

Master Shangmiao of the Dugu clan quickly walked into the palace.

Looking at the broken Tianji Lingbao and the cracked bronze mirror, Master Shangmiao's face turned pale and pale, and there was a faint flash of fear in the depths of his eyes.

What happened to the ancestor that he was so seriously injured?

"You go and reply to the Li Kong Sect. The Thunder Sword is at the main altar of the Eight-Eyed Sect. I don't know the specific location. In addition, I have incurred great losses in trying to calculate this matter. The Li Kong Sect must compensate me——"

Having said this, Master Tian Gu looked thoughtful, and after a moment, she shook her head again, "Wait a minute, tell them that the place where the Thunder Sword is located is isolated from the Heavenly Secret Cause and Effect, and is probably hidden in Feng Lei Yuan, or other places. "Special Secret Realm."

"Ancestor, is the Thunder Sword really in the Eight-Eyed Sect's main altar?" Master Shangmiao couldn't help but ask.

"Other than the Eight-Eyed True Master, who could cause me to be so seriously injured?"

Master Tiangu snorted, his eyes full of evil spirit, "When the sect was destroyed, the Eight-Eyed True Master took away most of the inheritance of Tianji Pavilion, and the magical medicine left by the ancestor was also plundered. If not, why should I be cautious? I don’t even dare to use the secret calculation easily.”

As she said that, she looked at Dugu Clan Shangmiao, "The news about the Eight-Eyed Divine Sect must be sealed. Once the Li Kong Sect knows that Gu Xiuyun, the junior, has inherited the Divine Sect, Lord Li Kong will definitely take action personally. By then, we will No benefit at all."

Master Shangmiao bowed and nodded.

In the fourth layer of space, Bai Kongze looked at this scene with a calm expression.

He had already guessed that Master Tiangu would not tell Li Kongmen the secrets of the divine religion. If not, the Dugu clan would not secretly sneak into Youning City and try to find out where the secret realm of the divine religion was.

No one wants to monopolize this golden mountain of the Eight-Eyed God Sect.

After a while.

Bai Kongze followed Master Shangmiao and quietly left the secret world.

In more than half a month, he had memorized all the classics he could read, and even transcribed many of them.

The more precious classics have been hidden somewhere by Master Tiangu. There is no point in staying here anymore. It is better to return to the Wuxiang Heaven.

call out!

The colorful light passed through the fourth layer of void and arrived at Chu County in an instant.

Compared with half a month ago, Chu County is now peaceful. The entire land of three thousand miles is covered by formations, and those alien beasts and demon kings have long disappeared.

In the town, the mortals returned to their respective residences, practicing martial arts or studying classics.

"After this battle, no one will dare to offend the human nation again." Bai Kongze glanced around and focused on the Dark Moon Mountain in the distance. "That old mirage dragon is a little troublesome. We need to find a chance to solve it. "

Old Mirage thought he was hiding behind the scenes and no one could detect his plot.

Little did he know that during the days when Bai Kongze was stationed at Wuxiangtian, he observed it countless times.

How could Gu Xiuyun let go of a strong man who knew the secrets of the divine religion so easily?

Previously, he had not yet understood the rules of space, so he could only endure it as much as possible. Now that his strength has greatly increased, and he has Gu Yue's help, it is time to deal with the old mirage dragon!

After walking around the human kingdom, Bai Kongze came to Dark Moon Mountain.

The four masters of Yuxuan Mountain are busy preparing Void Spirit Crystal and other treasures to prepare for the reversal of the teleportation array.

In addition, there are five peerless demon kings practicing in the mountain. On the surface, they borrowed the second-class cave to practice, but in fact they are to protect Dark Moon Mountain.

"Hey, if the old mirage dragon is not staying in the secret world, where has he gone?"

Bai Kongze looked around, "It knows that the four sects of Changli have been staring at me, and it dares to leave the secret realm. It must have some big intentions."

While he was thinking, three figures emerged from the ground. One of them was the old mirage dragon, and the other two were the old dragon whale and the ice spirit beast.

Seeing this scene, Gu Xiuyun narrowed his eyes slightly.

No wonder the old mirage dragon wanted to take the risk and leave Darkmoon Mountain to find help!

The Ice Spirit Giant Beast and the Old Dragon Whale are void creatures without any backers, and they are so powerful that no more than ten people in the entire Wuxiang Heaven can compete with them.

When the three demon kings join forces, Chu County may not be able to stop them.

"Everyone, I have invited Daoist Fellows Longjing and Bingling. The combined strength of the three of us is enough to suppress Master Ximing." Old Mirage looked at the demon kings, "But this battle must be done secretly. We cannot Let outsiders notice any movement.”

"Sir, just give me your orders." A peerless demon king said.

The demon kings in the mountain are all idle practitioners. If not for this, the old mirage dragon would not dare to invite him back to Dark Moon Mountain. Long ago, it had made a heavy promise and even made a blood contract oath.

Nowadays, these demon kings all follow the lead of the old mirage dragon. Let alone attacking Chu County, they will attack and kill the four great sects without any hesitation.

"Okay, Qingqian and Yue Che, you two are in charge of the Yuhua Mirror to cover up the spiritual energy fluctuations in Chu County within a radius of three thousand miles."

"Ju Han, Fu Zhen, the divine formation is handed over to you."

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