Fortune Teller

Chapter 616 The real plan

"You want to give the human kingdom to the All-Heaven Sect?" King Black Bear Bear was shocked, "No, you want to use the name of the human family to let the All-Heaven Sect leave their orthodoxy here and carve up the Wuxiang Heaven?"

"Not bad." Gu Xiuyun nodded.

"What's in it for you?"

The Black Bear King couldn't understand.

Gu Xiuyun worked hard to establish the human nation, and spent a lot of money to cultivate the human family. In the next few years, he will even have to sweep away hundreds of thousands of miles of land to seize the blessed land of Cave Heaven.

Doing this will definitely offend a large number of sects and demon kings.

In the end, he gave the fruit to the heavenly sects and let others harvest it. The Black Bear King could not understand. What did Gu Xiuyun want?

Even the four sects of Changli would not have thought that Gu Xiuyun had done so much just to let the Zhutian sect leave its orthodoxy in Wuxiangtian. They always thought that after a thousand years, they would be able to wipe out the human kingdom and regain control of Wuxiangtian.

It is absolutely unimaginable that we will have to fight against hundreds of sects in the realm of heaven in the future.

"I have my own reasons."

Gu Xiuyun did not explain.

Is he really no good? not necessarily.

The sects of the heavens joined forces to carve up the Wuxiang Heaven. The Li Kong Sect could no longer suppress the development of the human race. The Wuxiang Heaven was destined to be controlled by the human race. In the realm of space, the human race always had an advantage over the demon race.

As for which sect those human beings worship under?

Gu Xiuyun didn't care at all. What he wanted to help was the entire world of Wuxiangtian and let countless mortals come to the sun again. This was an obsession and a great cause and effect.

In addition, if this can be accomplished, the control of the Four Changli Sects over Wuxiangtian will be reduced to the extreme, and the Eight-Eyed Sect can also take advantage of this opportunity to develop at its fullest.

All the sects from all the heavens gathered in the Wuxiang Heaven, fish and dragons mixed together, who can tell where the other party comes from?

With the secret world as its foundation, coupled with the power of the human kingdom, there will be an endless stream of geniuses born in the Eight-Eyed Sect, and the hope of rising will be even greater.

In this way, the cause and effect between Gu Xiuyun and the Eight-Eyed Sect has been settled!

Looking at the Black Bear King, Gu Xiuyun's eyes were particularly deep, and he whispered in his heart, "Black Bear, Black Bear, you only know the benefits in front of you, but you don't know that the cause and effect is also a great opportunity."

If he succeeds, Wuxiangtian will be controlled by the human race again in the future. No matter what kind of strong man is born in the human race, he will owe him a favor.

Of course, when the human race is strong, the monster race is bound to be weak. This is also a cause and effect.

But you must know that almost all the powerful monsters in the realm of the heavens come from the void outside the realm. It is difficult for the beasts in the small realm of Qiankun to grow, and they may not be able to reach a true state of mind in hundreds of millions of years.

The demon clan relies on blood to grow, and talent is far more important than understanding.

As for the human race, they practice the secret method of immortality and follow the path of rules. Jie Kong belongs to the human race. Over hundreds of millions of years, many true realms have been born in the Formless Heaven, and there are even a few sages.

There is still endless debate in Youning City.

Gu Xiuyun stretched out his hand and pressed it down, and everyone in Douxiao immediately stopped talking.

"I already understand what you all mean. Although the major aristocratic families have small thoughts, they are also part of the human race. The stronger they are, the stronger the human race will be."

"Send a message to the major families in the world of monsters and beasts. As long as they are elite descendants, they can be sent to the human country for training. Of course, this is conditional. The major families must open academies and martial arts schools to train secular mortals."

"Every time a blue belt student is provided, it will be counted as one point of credit; every time a purple belt student is provided, it will be counted as ten points of credit; for ten thousand points of credit, one can get a Tianqiong Purple Flower Pill."

"In addition, with 100,000 points of merit, they can get a fairy fate pill, and with 300,000 points of merit, I can use all my strength to help them understand the secrets of the sixth level and become a real person in the Xuan Dynasty..."

"The same goes for you."

Gu Xiuyun's voice echoed across the land.

At this moment, the Douxiao people in the city were almost crazy.

"What senior just said was talking about all the major families in the world of monsters? Not just Chu County?"

"Tianqiong Zihua Pill, Immortal Fate Pill, Master Ruxuan... My God, how much money will this cost? Master Shangmiao can't afford it, right?"

Gu Hanfeng's mouth trembled.

High Priest Tu Mang and High Priest Zhenhuang were also frightened.

Looking at the entire monster world, how many aristocratic families are there? How many humans?

Even if each family only sends a hundred elite descendants, there are still millions of them, and they are all practitioners.

Counting blue belt students and purple belt students, the land of three thousand miles will probably be filled with practitioners.

In addition, one hundred thousand miles of land must be swept away and a large number of Cave Heaven Paradises must be occupied. Each Cave Heaven Paradise must be protected by the Fusion God Formation.

Another huge expense.

The two high priests felt their scalps numb, but the few words in Gu Xiuyun's mouth were a terrifyingly huge number.

Soon after, the news spread throughout Wuxiang Heaven.

All the major aristocratic families went completely crazy. Master Xi Ming made the promise in front of everyone, and of course it would not be false.

The strong men of the Zhutian Sect were also shocked. As long as they did a little calculation, they would know what a terrifying number this was.

One million Xuanjia coins? ? Ten million Xuanjia coins?

Far from enough.

When several real people from the Four Sects of Changli heard this, they were so frightened that they almost wanted to go to Chu County directly, but in the end they held back forcefully!

"Crazy, so crazy," Jade Fairy repeatedly exclaimed, "Fellow Taoist Xi Ming has harvested hundreds of rare treasures in the Siji Palace, worth hundreds of millions of Xuanjia coins, and now I'm afraid they will all be scattered."

"What a big deal!"

The Huguan Demon King looked up to the sky and sighed, "In the past, I only admired the talent and understanding of fellow Taoist Xi Ming. Now I have another one. Although there are many strong people in the world, there are only a few who can spend all their wealth like him just to cultivate the human race." Family?"

"I can't understand how he will deal with the four sects of Changli after a thousand years?" Scarlet Kite Demon King said.

"The little lady thought of some possibility," Fairy Jade smiled slightly, "but this idea is too crazy, I can't believe it."

"tell me the story!"

Everyone looked at the Jade Fairy.

"It can't be said, it can't be said," Fairy Jade shook her head, "If this is really the case, it will take at least three hundred years for there to be results!!"

The residence of the Kongmen sect.

Several masters gathered here, followed by more than a dozen masters of the Xuan Dynasty.

"Everyone knows it, right?"

"Master Ximing is simply crazy. No wonder Master Tiangu said that the human kingdom would destroy the tens of thousands of years of planning of the Four Sects of Changli."

"In my opinion, Master Ximing's plan is much more than that. Hundreds of billions of Xuanjia coins are just to cultivate a group of Douxiao Realm?? In just a thousand years, those descendants of the human race have reached their peak in the early stages of Douxiao Realm. In front of us and others Even ants, how can they resist the four great sects?”

"Pindao doesn't understand either, why should he fight against the four sects of Changli?"

"Everyone, please tell me, what should we do now?" Master Lei Shan looked at the long-browed Taoist on one side, "Junior Brother Ji Qiu, after the death of fellow Taoist Ji Fang, you will be in charge of the Weak Water Sect. This matter is related to the foundation of the Weak Water Sect. You must not main idea."

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