Fortune Teller

Chapter 625: Thanking guests behind closed doors

Thinking of this, Master Lei Shan stood up, gave a few instructions to the disciples outside the formation, and then hurried to the Falling Star Sea.

At the same time, in the cave of Hanshiling, Master Ji He also opened his eyes.

"The death of the old mirage dragon? The destruction of Dark Moon Mountain?"

"The four mountain masters have escaped without a trace. I'm afraid they know something!"

Master Ji He's eyes flickered, "This matter is related to the inheritance of the divine religion. We must ask Master Tiangu to take action. By the way, let her calculate the situation in the secret territory of the snowfield."

Not long after, Wuhen Sect and Master Shangmiao from Yuecheng also left one after another.

The four sects of Changli have controlled the Wuxiang Heaven for tens of thousands of years and are deeply rooted. There are also many spies in Dark Moon Mountain. If they were not afraid of the old mirage dragon, this mountain would have been leveled long ago!

The old mirage dragon completely controls the secret space. With the means left by the Eight-Eyed Divine Sect, even the Venerable can't do anything about it unless the demon takes the initiative to leave the secret space.

But even so, it is still invincible in the Wuxiang Heaven.

Having angered the old mirage dragon, the four sects of Changli couldn't bear to go around, unless there was a ninth-grade powerful man waiting outside Wuxiang Tianwai at any time.

Within the meteorite sea.

Master Lei Shan dispersed the light all over his body and landed in a void land.

I saw him using his ten fingers together, waving his hands repeatedly, the sword light swept through the void, and made a sharp whistling sound.

Not long after, a door appeared thousands of feet away, and two disciples of the Dugu clan stepped out, "Please forgive me, Master, my ancestor has been unwell recently and encountered changes, so he is unable to perform the calculations of heaven. Master, please come back in thirty years!"

"Thirty years?"

Master Lei Shan's eyes widened, "Absolutely not. What I want is so important that I can't even wait for three months, not to mention thirty years."

"Please, Master, please don't embarrass us. Our ancestor has closed the gate of death. Even the underwater palace has been completely sealed. There is really nothing we can do."

Just as he was talking, a figure came galloping from a distance.

When Master Lei Shan saw the figure in the distance, he narrowed his eyes slightly and then revealed a sneer.

Both the weak water sect and the Li Kong sect have the fastest information and are the earliest to come. Unfortunately, Master Tiangu has closed the door to death. Even if she has the magic medicine of longevity, it is difficult to ask her to take action.

Thinking that everyone's trip was in vain, the anger in Master Lei Shan's heart dissipated a lot.

"Junior Brother Leishan's movements are really fast. He must have gained something," Master Ji He said loudly, "I also want to ask Master Tiangu to tell the fortune, so I can trouble you two friends to pass it on."

"Please forgive me, Master. Our ancestor closed his door to death more than half a month ago. Not to mention us, even the best in the clan cannot enter the ancestor's bedroom." Two Dugu disciples said respectfully.

"Have you closed the gate of death?" Master Ji He frowned, "What's going on? The last time Pindao came here, it was just a simple retreat to practice. Why has he closed the gate of death now?"

"Reporting to the real person, more than half a month ago, the powerful Li Kongmen asked the ancestor to take action to deduce the whereabouts of the Thunder Sword. I never thought that this sword was actually related to the ninth-grade powerful. The ancestor was not aware of it for a moment, and was backlashed by the heavenly secret. He was seriously injured and could not recover. "

"I see. So, Master Tiangu will have to wait at least thirty years before he can leave seclusion?"

"Please forgive me, real person."

The two disciples bowed and returned to the secret world.

Looking at the disappeared portal, the corners of Master Lei Shan's mouth tilted slightly, "Senior Brother Ji He has also come to see Master Tiangu. I wonder why?"

"The sect has lost a divine sword, and the master is very worried, so he specially ordered this poor Taoist to come here," Master Ji He said in a nonchalant manner, with a hint of ridicule in his words, "Although it is a fifth-grade Taoist charm A spiritual treasure, but quite precious.”

Master Lei Shan's face suddenly turned black, "Humph, Tian Gu has closed the door of death, and none of us can do anything about it. If you want to find the divine sword, you'd better wait for thirty years!"

As he spoke, he waved his sleeves and turned to leave.

Master Ji He sneered twice and whispered: "The attack on Chu County was led by the Li Kong Clan. As a result, Junior Brother Ji Fang died, but you survived. How unfair!"

Half an hour later, the real people from Wuhen Sect and Yuecheng also came here, but also returned without success.

The four great sects conveyed the news of the old mirage dragon's death to the powerful people behind it.

Not long after, Patriarch Li Jing came to Wuxiang Heaven, and his soul thoughts swept the entire world, looking for news about the four mountain masters, but found nothing.

"The clues of the Eight-Eyed Divine Sect...are just cut off?" Patriarch Li Jing stood outside Wuxiang Tianwai, frowning slightly, "When the Divine Sect was destroyed, we searched for a long time and found more than a dozen secret locations, but none of them were found. There is no news about the core place. Most of the treasures of the divine religion are in the core place. If you can’t get thirteen stars, what’s the use of ordinary inheritance?”

"Li Jing, what's the gain?" An old figure appeared thousands of miles away.

"As I expected, you old ghost is the farthest away but the fastest to come." Patriarch Li Jing glanced at the figure in the distance, "The Wuhen Sect is best at spatial methods. You have understood the six spatial rules. , I must be longing for that space origin star!”

"Li Jing, let's not laugh at the fifty steps and the hundred steps. The origin of the five elements rules. You have mastered the two elements of fire and earth. The origin of the metal element has not been understood for a long time. The hope of entering the realm of the venerable is not much higher than mine." Patriarch Baozheng said.

Patriarch Li Jing smiled lightly and said, "If you don't understand clearly in this life, there will be another life, and the next life, Master will soon step into the realm of the true master. By then, I will have the opportunity to achieve enlightenment."

Patriarch Baozheng's face darkened.

Lord Li Kong has understood the origin of wind and thunder, and is about to transform wind and thunder into yin and yang. It has been known to the world for a long time.

This kind of strength is considered to be the top among the Three Difficulties Venerables, while the Wuhen Sect Venerable is only in the Second Dilemma Realm, and the gap between them is as big as clouds and mud.

Among the four Changli sects, Venerable Li Kong is the strongest and the only Venerable Sannan.

Venerable Ruoshui and Venerable Wuhen are slightly weaker, and they only have two dilemmas.

The Venerable behind Moon City is the weakest. He has just overcome the first difficulty and has not even created a Venerable-level secret skill. He is also in the Venerable realm. If the Venerable in Moon City encounters Venerable Li Kong, he will not be able to defeat Venerable Li Kong with any move. Unstoppable.

Of course, venerables rarely fight each other, because each venerable possesses tremendous power. The battles between them affect hundreds of millions of miles in radius, and the cause and effect are extremely involved.

"The Yin and Yang tribulations are not so easy to survive," Patriarch Baozheng said coldly, "Throughout the ages, how many venerables have comprehended the Five Elements of Wind and Thunder, and how many of them have been able to successfully survive the Yin and Yang tribulations and become true sages? What about Daodao Pavilion and Those two from the Tianxing Palace and the one behind the Time and Space Palace are not following the path of Five Elements Wind and Thunder."

The three avenues of the Venerable Realm are the five elements, wind and thunder, and time and space.

Theoretically, by mastering the five elements of wind and thunder, one can survive the yin and yang tribulations and become a true master in disaster situations.

However, in history, there are only a few people who can actually achieve this with Five Elements Wind and Thunder.

The true masters of Dao Dao Pavilion and Tianxing Palace are both based on wind, thunder and space. The master of Time and Space Palace uses space to achieve the great way. After that, he practiced the rules of time. It is said that the way of time and space is almost perfect.

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