Fortune Teller

Chapter 645: The Intention of Tianxing Palace

"Weak Water Sect and Wuhen Sect actually withdrew just like that?"

Master Yingshu's face was full of astonishment.

"I'm afraid I was frightened by the thirteen top masters. Instead of struggling to my death, it is better to give up earlier," Chu Weijun said, "If it were me, I would also feel despair when facing the nine top master clones of Brother Ximing. "

"I thought they would use the rules and Taoist talismans, but I didn't expect they didn't even have the courage to fight." Gu Xiuyun shook his head slightly, "This formation is extremely powerful and can be called the top three-attribute divine formation. There are many spiritual treasures to cooperate with it. In addition, With three eighth-grade spiritual treasures and regular Taoist talismans, it will last for half an hour without any problem."

"In a game that is bound to lose, why waste the rules and talismans and contaminate the cause and effect?" Chu Weijun looked indifferent.

This battle was easily won, but it was also expected by them. If he really wanted to fight to the death, Gu Xiuyun would not directly expose the nine great clones.

"Brother Ximing, there is still a lack of a spot in the cave here. Why don't you practice here?" Chu Weijun said.

The other three looked at Gu Xiuyun with expectant expressions on their faces.

Gu Xiuyun's strength is considered to be the best in the entire Wuxiang Heaven. Coupled with the nine great clones, if he can sit here, who would dare to cause trouble for them?

"No," Gu Xiuyun shook his head, "After this battle, I plan to build several more human kingdoms. Each place will need to be guarded by clones. I'm afraid it will be difficult to have the opportunity to see you again in the future."

"The human kingdom..."

Chu Weijun frowned slightly, and after thinking for a moment, he said: "Others are afraid of the Four Sects of Changli, but I, the Tianxing Palace, are not afraid of them at all. Fellow Taoist, you might as well build a divine formation near Hanshiling. As a new human kingdom, Chu How about being a bit cheeky and wanting to use this country to establish a sect headquarters?”

Gu Xiuyun's eyes suddenly lit up, "Brother Chu, if you do this, the powerful people in the sect may have objections!"

Other sects just choose an island or town in the country to establish their base.

Chu Weijun directly wanted to leave an entire country, which had a completely different meaning. He wanted to openly oppose the four sects of Changli.

Although Tianxing Palace is not afraid of the four sects of Changli, it may not be willing to compete head-on. After all, there are four sages outside Changli. The strongest among them has overcome three difficulties and is only half a step away from the true master.

"Brother Xi Ming, don't worry. During this trip, Master specifically told me that if you find an opportunity to intervene in Wuxiang Tian, ​​do it directly without hesitation," Chu Weijun said in a deep voice, "The sect has long been eyeing Fang Jie Kong. It’s just that the teacher was unknown in the past, but now that Brother Ximing has taken the lead, how can we just stand by and watch?”

"I see."

Gu Xiuyun suddenly felt enlightened.

Tianxing Palace has already targeted Wu Xiangtian. Chu Weijun and Gu Xiuyun have a good friendship, so it is normal for them to help. Although the excuse is poor, it is still a clever move.

As long as a branch sect is successfully established, the Taoist tradition is passed down, and the inheritance of the Eight-Eyed Sect is born in the future, the Tianxing Palace will have a reason to intervene. As for the four Changli sects, unless they can send juniors from the Douxiao Realm to destroy the human kingdom and put this matter to rest, they can only watch as the Tianxing Palace establishes branch sects and leaves behind the Taoist lineage.

To the four sects of Changli, Tianxing Palace was completely different from Gu Xiuyun. It was a behemoth. Now that it was here, sending them away would be as difficult as climbing to the sky.

And this matter is limited to the battle in the Douxiao Realm. If Changli Tian dares to send an eighth-grade powerful man, it will inevitably arouse the anger of Tianxing Palace. By then, the trouble will be even greater.

"This matter is not urgent. I can see that Brother Ximing has already made a complete plan," Chu Weijun said with a smile. "It's just that in recent days, Brother Tao must leave a clone here, otherwise he may not be able to stop it." The attacks from all the heavenly sects.”

"I can leave two clones here." Gu Xiuyun nodded.

"Thank you, fellow Taoist!" The other three people clasped their fists quickly.

There are two top master clones sitting here, their strength has almost doubled. Even if the sects of the heavens gather three or four sects, they may not be able to attack them.

Compared with Chu Weijun and another top master, Gu Xiuyun's clone is good at various secret arts and has almost no weaknesses. He fights without fear and is much more intimidating.

Even if he died in battle, he would only lose a demon king clone, which would have little impact.

After the battle at Hanshiling.

Gu Xiuyun's two true bodies returned to Chu County.

Among them, the real body of the human race is located in Hengjiang Kingdom, and the second clone comes to Youning City.

There is a cave in the city.

Gu Yue was practicing with her eyes closed. The sword energy crisscrossed in front of her, and there was a vague sound of roaring wind and thunder. She also held a turbid bead in her palm, which was filled with the power of wind and thunder. It was extremely high-level, but it did not harm the world. , seems particularly weird.

This bead is the Wind and Thunder Dzi Bead.

Gu Yue practiced the rules of wind and thunder, and Dzi beads had miraculous effects on her, so Gu Xiuyun gave all the remaining beads to Gu Yue to help her practice.

For those who are strong in the Fenglei lineage, the more Fenglei Dzi Beads, the better. Every time they are enlightened, part of the power of Fenglei will be consumed. From the eighth to the ninth grade, even hundreds of Fengling Dzi Beads are not enough to consume.

"Girl, the three major kingdoms are no longer in trouble, let's go to the Divine Sect!" Gu Xiuyun said in a deep voice.

Gu Yue opened her eyes and looked at the cyan figure with a pair of delicate almond eyes.

Only when facing Gu Xiuyun, Gu Yue's eyes would change. They were usually extremely cold, like a puppet without emotions.

Because of this, Gu Xiuyun even doubted whether the reason for the sudden change in mood was the secret technique of Tianji Deduction. Later, he discovered that Gu Yue did not have a mental problem.

It's just that when facing outsiders, he will appear particularly indifferent.

Gu Yue didn't have any explanation for this. Gu Xiuyun guessed that maybe she encountered some changes during hundreds of years of practice, which made her become like this.

"Girl, let's go!"


The two quietly entered the space of annihilation. After some movement, they came to the secret world and then headed to the main altar of the divine religion.

"Girl, I went to the core place before and found that there is a great opportunity hidden there. With your strength, you are expected to become the Protector of the Dharma King. Maybe you can get an opportunity through this."

"Dharma Protector?"

Gu Yue blinked her eyes.

"The opportunities in the core place are no less than those of the direct disciples of Lord Jinque, or even better." Gu Xiuyun did not dare to go into too much detail. He had sworn an oath not to reveal even a single bit about the thirteen stars. " When you enter the main altar, I will first let you become a guest minister, and then find an opportunity to help you ascend to the position of Protector of the Dharma."

"It's just that the divine religion has not encountered any crisis now, and there is no Yaoritai priest yet. It will be very difficult for another Dharma King to appear. You will have to wait for a while!"

"Brother Xi Ming makes the decision." Gu Yue said.

Following Gu Xiuyun, she felt an inexplicable sense of security, just like when she had not yet entered the path of spiritual practice, even though she was poisoned and a young girl with low martial arts skills, she did not have the slightest fear in her heart because there was someone protecting her. Cherish your life, brother.

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