Fortune Teller

Chapter 650 Auction

Gu Xiuyun is in such a state that he has already understood the rules of escape in the void, and is truly powerful in his true state of mind.

Yan Suqing was only at the early stage of the Douxiao Realm, but she was actually on par with him in terms of formation techniques, which showed how astonishing her attainments in formations were.

In contrast, Yan Suqing's perception of Tao rhyme is extremely crude, and he has only comprehended thirteen kinds of Tao rhyme so far.

A practitioner of Tianji who has practiced hard for three hundred years and only comprehended thirteen kinds of Taoist rhymes is simply a joke.

"Miss Yan, time is not forgiving. Do you know that it is extremely difficult to practice the body training lineage. If you want to step into the true realm, you must understand the point formation method and use it to create a body training method that suits you," Gu Xiuyun He said in a deep voice, "In just a few thousand years, it is almost unbelievably difficult to understand the point formation method and create a mid-level micro formation."

"Mr. Gu, I understand what you mean," Yan Suqing nodded, "but I hate the restriction of immortality from the bottom of my heart. This path is not suitable for me."

"That's it, that's all!"

Gu Xiuyun sighed helplessly, thinking that he would find more longevity elixirs in the future to help Yan Suqing extend his longevity.

How many true artistic conceptions have been born in the history of divine religions? Over the past hundreds of thousands of years, only a handful of them have understood the lattice method, and Yan Suqing is in the early stage of the Douxiao Realm... almost hopeless.

After the Yan sisters came back, Wuxiangtian became calmer and calmer.

All the sects in the sky are immersed in cultivation. Master Shangmiao hardly leaves home. Instead, he is walking around in the early stage of Douxiao Realm, fighting for small caves.

The battle in Wuxiangtian gradually turned into a fight between the younger generations.

"Unknowingly, nine years have passed, and there is only half a month left before the Void City Auction opens."

In the country of Hengjiang, the true form of the human race is walking among the towns.

In just nine years, his aura was completely different from before. His hands and palms were as white as jade, but there was a faint black light.

"Nine years have passed, and there are more and more practitioners in the human kingdom. There are students everywhere, and the Monument Mountain is about to be built!"

Gu Xiuyun raised his head and looked into the distance.

A huge mountain covered with humanoid sculptures stands in the middle of the Hengjiang River. Each sculpture represents a fallen human elite.

These sculptures were carved by the practitioners' hands and were very time-consuming, so they are not nearly completed until today.

"The day the Monument Mountain is completed is when the plan begins. Changli Four Sects...are you ready?"

Gu Xiuyun's eyes sparkled deep in his eyes.

He is completely different today than he was nine years ago.

Bai Kongze read a large number of classics in Zuodaoxing. Although he did not find any records of the horoscope, it made Gu Xiuyun's accumulation deeper and deeper. As the saying goes, the omniscient person is fearless. The more he knows, the stronger his mind will be.

In addition, his understanding of the mysteries of the Five Elements has also reached a higher level.

Nine years ago, he could only condense a glimmer of dark light, but now his hands have completely transformed. Even the best ones cannot withstand the power of a palm.

The Five Elements Heaven-shaking Hand is different from the Five Elements Formation Forbidden Technique. It is a pure secret technique. After it is fully understood, it can be used by either the original body or the soul clone. Mastering this secret technique means that Gu Xiuyun's strength has exceeded the level of Douxiao Realm. Even if he does not use the true meaning of the rules, he can still erupt with terrifying power that is no less than the eighth-level true meaning.

In the town, students came and went, and many of them had a book in their hands, flipping through it as they walked.

This scene stems from external oppression.

Today's human country implements a three-city system, with a city of three thousand miles and a city wall built every one thousand miles. The least talented students can only live in the outer city, those with medium talents can enter the inner city, and the most elite juniors can enter the main city.

Demon kings often wreak havoc in the outer city areas, and at least half of the Pulse Cleansing Realm living there die every year.

The fighting between the four sects of Changli and the human kingdom has never stopped. In order to suppress the human race, they even gave the Demon King rules and talismans to protect his life, just to kill more elite students.

Compared with the outer city, the inner city and the main city are much more stable. The inner city is protected by the divine formation and puppet beasts, and the main city has Gu Xiuyun's soul clone sitting there. Even the peerless demon king does not dare to get even half a step closer.

The rules of the three-city system are almost cruel, and at the same time, they also make the humans practice hard without daring to slack off in the slightest.

"If the human race wants to rise, they must experience the price of blood. If they want to live in the sun and not be treated as pigs and dogs, they can only practice crazily to make themselves stronger!"

The teachers in the academy shout this sentence almost every day.

In just a few decades, many people still remember the scene at the bottom of the city. It was like a walking corpse, a life inferior to pigs and dogs. Only when they came to the sun and grasslands did they realize how beautiful life was.

In order not to be suppressed by the four Changli sects and to walk freely between heaven and earth, the descendants of the human race did not resent the three-city system, but instead practiced harder.

They understand that only by giving birth to more Zhenxuan Zhenren and Shangmiao Zhenren can they compete with the four sects of Changli.

"The potential of the human race is indeed great," Gu Xiuyun sighed in his heart. "Although they are naturally weak, their understanding is amazing. As long as they are given a chance, their future achievements will far exceed that of the demon race."

The strength of monster beasts comes from their bloodline and relies more on their talent. While bloodline gives magical powers to monsters, it also affects their character. Therefore, many monster beasts are extremely bloodthirsty. This is a sign that the will cannot control bloodline.

Most demon clans cannot cross this threshold, and only a handful can fully control their own bloodline and enter the Douxiao realm, or even higher levels.

Gu Xiuyun walked in the town for a long time. During the day... night... day... he was feeling the breath of human beings to maintain his state of mind. The higher the realm of Taoism, the greater the influence of the horoscope, and even gradually... an out-of-control trend.

"The auction is about to begin, it's time to head to Xuanjia City!"

The human true form stopped and turned back.

In the dark abyss under Youning City, two figures appeared out of thin air, namely the second clone and Gu Yue.

"Girl, nothing else matters in this trip. I need to buy a few more true soul stones," Gu Xiuyun said. "If there is a magic medicine for the soul, you have to buy a few. It's difficult to condense the true soul with just star power." Golden elixir, we need at least three."

"Just buy one," Gu Yue said, "Now that I am cultivating in the divine sect, I don't need to use the soul clone, but I regret my life to guard the human country. If I can condense the true soul golden elixir, I will have nine more top-level magics. The clones can also build more kingdoms!”

The two of them escaped into the space of silence and rushed to Xuanjia City.

The large-scale auction held once in a century is jointly held by seven giant cities in the void. The cities are connected by formations. Even those who are tens of billions of miles away can see the scene of the auction and bid.

Such a grand event attracts countless practitioners, and at least 30% of the great masters of true artistic conception will come, as well as some wealthy masters of Shangmiao, such as Gu Xiuyun and Gu Yue.

Gu Yue's net worth is no less than that of Gu Xiuyun. During her trip to the Siji Palace, she gained a lot of starlight, and Feng Leihou's real body has already entered the true realm, and her strength is no less than that of the eighth-level peak. Such a strong person can acquire wealth at a very fast speed. It's amazing.

Thousands of miles outside Xuanjia City.


The void was torn open.

The two people walked out of the storm space, surrounded by a spiritual treasure light curtain, completely covering their own auras, and their appearance completely changed.

After taking a few steps, a demon king flew over.

"Are you two seniors going to the auction? The little demon has a reserved cave space in his hand. You can get it with only three thousand Xuanjia coins."

"You have the cave space of the auction house in your hands?" Gu Xiuyun was surprised.

The cave space is similar to a box. You can participate in bidding by staying in it without going to the auction house.

If it is a small auction, there is no shortage of cave space, and the true artistic conception can occupy one.

However, at least Sancheng Zhenyijing will participate in the large-scale auction held once in a century. For such a grand event, the amount of space in the cave is limited, and it is almost impossible for others to occupy it except for the ninth-grade ancestor.

The little demon in front of me is just a local snake in Xuanjia City, how could he have the cave space?

"Senior, don't you believe me?" The Demon King's eyes widened, "Young demon, you can swear to God, for three thousand Xuanjia coins, there will be a cave space for senior to rest."

"Okay, I believe you!"

Gu Xiuyun took out three thousand black armor coins and handed them to the 'Snakehead' Demon King.

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