Fortune Teller

Chapter 654: Descendants of the Human Race

In terms of talent and understanding, the disciples who followed Taoist Lei Chi to the Wuxiang Heaven were all the most elite juniors, but even among them, not every one of them could comprehend the secret technique of the Three Restrictions before the age of twenty.

Cultivation requires both talent and diligence. The human nation is always between life and death. There is no way out except for practicing desperately. This is something that major sects do not have.

Everyone continued to move forward.

Not long after, Taoist Lei Chi's expression changed again. His eyes looked at Gu Xiuyun with surprise and shock, "Fellow Taoist Xi Ming, the descendants of the human race in the main city have actually realized two or more three-restriction secret techniques. ? How did they do it in just fifteen years?

"Uncle Master, are you kidding?"

The Douxiao Realm disciples behind him and even Master Ruxuan were all surprised.

A twenty-year-old practitioner has to be five years old at the earliest to start learning Chinese characters and studying classics. In just fifteen years, it is really incredible to understand two secret techniques of three restrictions.

"As long as you work hard enough, miracles will always happen," Gu Xiuyun said quietly, "Almost every half month, the four Changli sects will send demon kings to attack the human country. The life-and-death crisis always hangs over the heads of the human cultivators, forcing them to do nothing. If you don’t practice, if things go on like this, many people will naturally appear who are the best among their peers.”

The environment has a great influence on practitioners.

The wise Taoist of the Wuhen Sect is extremely talented, but he doesn't even want to put half of his mind into practice.

The Weak Water Sect has collected practitioners from all over the world, and there are many elites, but 90% of them are scheming and scheming against each other, and not even 10% of them are actually on the path of cultivation.

The human kingdom is different from them.

Gu Xiuyun opened academies and martial arts schools based entirely on realm. The students' backgrounds and origins had no meaning, and they would not receive any help. Even if you swallowed a large amount of elixirs, you would not be able to understand the secrets of the Three Restrictions. You could only Live in the outer city.

In addition, the demon kings under the four sects attacked and killed from time to time, which indeed killed a large number of human elites, but also made more practitioners work hard and strive to understand Taoism.

"If the disciples of the sect do not practice, they will live a mediocre life at best. If the students of the human kingdom do not practice, they will only die," Gu Xiuyun said, "Who dares to slack off in the face of a life-and-death crisis?"

"Yeah, who dares to slack off?"

The Lei Chi Taoist exclaimed.

Who doesn't know that there is great terror in life and death, but no sect dares to hone their children in this way, because even if they can cultivate elites, they will most likely betray the sect.

The human kingdom is different. These secular mortals have been trapped at the bottom of the city for too long. Their desire for freedom and sunshine far exceeds that of other living beings. Coupled with the threat of the demon king, cultivation is almost their only hope for survival.

"If these descendants of the human race can grow up, not to mention the four Changli sects, even the All-Heaven sects will be unable to do anything to them," Taoist Lei Chi said repeatedly, "It's a pity that the time left for them is too short. At most In three hundred years, the true artistic conception will be born in the four sects of Changli. At that time, it will be very difficult for Daoist Taoist Xie Ming to stop it!"

Gu Xiuyun smiled.

Everyone headed towards the island.

Not long after, Taoist Lei Chi let out a cry of surprise, "The clothes of the Yaohua Sect? How can there be so many disciples of the Yaohua Sect in the human country?"

"To be honest with you Taoist friends, the Yaohua Sect occupied an island in the Hengjiang Kingdom and established the sect's headquarters on it to pass down the Taoist tradition," Gu Xiuyun explained, "These disciples are both human elites and members of the Yaohua Sect."

Lei Chidao's eyebrows twitched slightly.

The island in the distance doesn't even have a sect-protecting formation, only a group of buildings. Except for a few early-stage Douxiao realms who teach Taoism, Zhenxuan Master can't even see half of the palace. Can it be regarded as the sect's residence?

Lei Equatorians can build a hundred such stations.

"Fellow Taoist Xi Ming, I wonder if Leiyun Pavilion can establish a base in the human country like Yaohua Sect and pass down the Taoist tradition?"

Lei Chidao asked tentatively.

Master Ruxuan on both sides opened his eyes wide and looked at Gu Xiuyun.

There are too many elite geniuses in the human kingdom. If we can recruit a group of them as disciples, it will be a big achievement. In addition, there are many factions within the top sects, and they are fighting openly and secretly with each other. It will be beneficial to their own authority to recruit more talents and become more powerful in the future.

"I dare to ask fellow Daoist Lei Chi, are you establishing a branch in your own name, or are you representing Leiyun Pavilion?"

"The Wuxiangtian is owned by the four Changli sects. All the sects in the sky know that Pindao cannot make decisions for the sects." Taoist Lei Chi said.

Gu Xiuyun smiled and said nothing.

In the next half month, sect disciples arrived from time to time, either juniors in the Douxiao Realm or Master Shangmiao. Almost all the sects that sent out invitations sent disciples.

We can also see their respective attitudes from the envoys sent by the sects. Master Shangmiao obviously came here with great goodwill, while those who sent those who were in the early stage of Douxiao Realm were just going through the motions.

Li Kongmen station.

Master Lei Shan frowned, and there were more than a dozen Master Yuxuan sitting cross-legged on both sides. In front of him were Shangmiao from the other three sects.

"Jiqiu, Junru, Kuhan, the current situation is extremely unfavorable to us. Master Xi Ming is so aggressive in going to war. I'm afraid he wants to use the name of Beishan sacrifice to form an alliance with the sects of the heavens, and even invite the sects of the world to join forces to establish a human nation." Lei Shan The real person said.

"Senior Brother Lei Shan, are you thinking too much? All the sects in the sky know very well that Wuxiangtian is the territory of the four Changli sects."

Master Jun Ru said, "Perhaps within a thousand years, they will use the original power as an excuse to establish branch sects and pass down the Taoism. But after a thousand years, the original power dissipates, what excuse do they have to stay here?"

"It's easy to invite God, but it's hard to send God away!"

Master Lei Shan shook his head, "The Patriarch has given an order to train Master Shangmiao with all his strength, and strive to give birth to more than two True Illusions within a hundred years, and completely destroy the human kingdom. As long as this matter can be calmed down, the sects of the heavens will not be able to find excuses. Stay."

"Besides, we have to go to the Beishan Sacrifice to suppress Master Ximing's arrogance." Master Leishan said solemnly.

"Press him? He is the real spirit, and he has nine top clones. We can't resist any of the clones!" Master Jun Ru looked surprised.

"Since the Patriarch gave the order, we have naturally made complete preparations."

Master Lei Shan was full of confidence, "If he is not strong enough, he can use eighth-grade spiritual treasures and venerable Taoist talismans, plus the peerless demon king as a helping hand. No matter how powerful he is, he will only suffer a dull loss."

"In this battle, we are not trying to destroy the human kingdom, but we are just trying to suppress the arrogance of Master Xi Ming and let the people of the world understand that no matter how strong he is, he is still just an ordinary man. The Four Sects of Changli are the top forces that dominate the heavens."

"It turns out it's knocking the mountain to shake the tiger."

Everyone was stunned.

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