Fortune Teller

Chapter 659 The only way

"Twelve Taoist Talisman of the Reverend, the Four Sects of Changli are determined to suppress fellow Taoist Xi Ming, but he did not bring the nine clones with him."

Chu Weijun frowned, "If the nine clones help each other and form a battle formation, they can still resist some of the talismans. With just one true body, I'm afraid it will really fall unless the regular talismans are used."

While speaking, everyone saw the cyan figure in the depths of the clouds and mist take a few steps back. At the same time, the surrounding space was almost distorted. The forbidden spirit domain spread over a hundred feet, and combined with defensive secret techniques, it blocked the thunder spear.

The seventh-level space mystery, the Five Elements Formation Forbidden Spirit Realm, and the top defense secret techniques, no matter which method is used, it has amazing power.

With the cooperation, even the Thunder Spear's speed was weakened a bit.

"Fellow Taoist Xi Ming's strength is indeed amazing. If there are only two or three Taoist talismans, he may be able to block it, but with twelve seventh-grade venerable Taoist talismans, even if he has the power to recover, he cannot resist." Lei Chidao People shook their heads.

Everyone stared at the Guanghua Mirror intently.

I saw Gu Xiuyun stepping continuously, his physical body maintaining his normal height, the space within a hundred feet around him distorting, and accompanied by the fluctuations of the forbidden spirit realm. No matter how the thunder spear struck, he was always separated from Gu Xiuyun by a certain distance.

And the hammer light in his hand kept flashing, and the endless power cooperated with the Forbidden Spirit Realm to use the Black Cloud Hammer to an incredible level. In just half a breath, he fired more than 20 hammers in succession, destroying most of the thunder spears.

There were only four thunder spears left that penetrated Gu Xiuyun's body, constantly annihilating flesh and blood. However, endless white light surged, and the recovery speed of flesh and blood was no less than the speed of destruction. After the killing Taoist talisman completely dissipated, Gu Xiuyun was still safe and sound.

"How can it be?"

Master Lei Shan's eyes widened with disbelief flashing in his eyes.

In just nine years, the opponent has become so strong. The twelve seventh-grade venerable Taoist talismans could not even touch the opponent's body, and most of them collapsed. The remaining four thunder spears penetrated Gu Xiuyun's body. But even the opponent's aura couldn't be weakened at all.

This kind of life-saving ability is almost incredible.

Deep in the void, the pupils of the four great patriarchs shrank slightly, and the sight before them surprised them.

"This junior's strength is more terrifying than we expected. It seems that not only has he understood the true meaning of the rules, but his physical body and even the forbidden spiritual realm have reached the top level. How did he do it?"

"Perhaps this person has been practicing for tens of thousands of years. Since he is a disciple of the Venerable, it is not impossible to obtain some longevity magic medicine."

"It can be seen that we were the ones who misunderstood in the past. If he had understood the true meaning of the rules more than ten years ago, how could Leishan and the others have escaped unscathed."

Outside the clouds, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, their eyes filled with wonder.

"Twelve seventh-grade venerable Taoist talismans were blocked by force?"

"This is a Taoist talisman refined by the Venerable, and its power is close to the rule level!"

"If it is a special Taoist talisman, it is not so easy to block, but the killing Taoist talisman focuses on destroying life. It is not very fast, and it is blocked by the Taoist Taoist Master Ximing using many methods, so it can be defeated one by one."

Everyone talked.

The corners of Gu Yue's mouth moved slightly, and her heart dropped.

"If the top Miao can be divided into three, six or nine levels, Daoist Taoist Xi Ming should be ranked first," Chu Weijun said repeatedly, "Like us, even if we understand the true meaning of the rules, we can only improve the level of the secret technique. To the extreme of Douxiao Realm. However, Daoist Fellow Ximing possesses the Forbidden Spirit Realm and the top physical body. Both methods are at the top level. When combined with the three, he can forcibly block even the seventh-grade Taoist Talisman. "

Saying that, Chu Weijun glanced at Gu Yue.

When it comes to offensive methods, Gu Yue is the best in the Douxiao Realm. When it comes to defense and life-saving, Gu Xiuyun is even better. In particular, the true form of the human race has opened five seventh-grade heavenly gates and has already brought the Five Elements Formation Ban to its extreme.

What Gu Xiuyun lacked was offensive means.

The forbidden spirit realm of the Five Elements Formation is ever-changing, but it cannot cooperate with the physical body or secret techniques. Once it encounters an eighth-grade defensive spirit treasure, there is no other way to deal with it except the nine-color dragon-patterned nails.

But if you are simply dealing with the killing Taoist talisman, the Five Elements Forbidden Formation, Space Mystery, and Baixiang Shen can all exert their ultimate power, and you have the energy of Mu Yuan to protect your life. If you want to kill him... it is too difficult!

"No wonder this person dares to go to the meeting alone, without even carrying nine clones," Ji Qiu's real person said with a gloomy expression. "It is impossible to kill him by force. It seems that the only way is the last way."

For this battle, the four Changli sects formulated three plans.

The first one is if Gu Xiuyun brings nine clones, first use heavy water beads to suppress this person, and then use the soul-sealing talisman to destroy the clones one by one.

This method can only be used once. The soul-sealing talisman is specifically targeted at soul clones and can be easily cracked. Just like the soul-sealing talisman, as long as you make preparations in advance and find a practitioner to stand in front of you, it will lose its effectiveness.

This type of special talisman has fatal flaws.

Second, if Gu Xiuyun goes to the meeting alone, directly activates the eighth-grade spiritual treasure, and then cooperates with the thunder spear to kill him, it is obvious that he has failed.

Twelve killing talismans did not even weaken the opponent's aura, so how could they talk about killing him?

They can only rely on the last resort.

Deep in the clouds, Gu Xiuyun's eyes were as cold as ice. After destroying the twelve thunder spears, he did not wait where he was. Instead, he kept swinging his giant hammer to bombard the surrounding clouds.

"Ten years ago, if I faced twelve seventh-grade venerable Taoist talismans, I would have been seriously injured even if I didn't die. But now, unless the four sects of Changli can throw out hundreds of venerable Taoist talismans in one go, Don’t even think about killing the real body by force.”

Gu Xiuyun said to himself.

In the past nine years, in addition to the Five Elements Heaven-shaking Hand, other secret techniques have also improved a lot, especially the Five Elements Formation and the Baixiang Shen.

Through the secret technique of the broken tablet, Gu Xiuyun discovered that he had many flaws, whether it was Taoism or his physical body. He seemed to be unparalleled, but in fact he was full of loopholes.

No matter how powerful the secret technique of the Hundred Phase Body is, it is always someone else's method. When used on Gu Xiuyun, there are many problems. The essence of the Five Elements Formation is still the five heavenly gates, and the formed spiritual realm can only be initially combined, and it is far from being able to bring the Formation to its extreme.

Even if he comprehended the Five Elements Heaven-shaking Hand, he could only combine 30% of the Forbidden Spirit Realm, but even so, the power was still more than doubled.

"I wanted to wait for the sacrifice at Beishan before wiping out all of you, but I didn't expect you to come to me in advance. It's a good idea to deal with this group, and then go to the first-class cave to kill the remaining few." Gu Xiuyun A cold light flashed in his eyes.

He has been waiting for this day to practice the Five Elements Heaven-shaking Hand and kill all the great masters of the Four Sects of Changli.

The four sects of Changli thought that Gu Xiuyun's strength had already reached the extreme and could no longer be improved. However, they did not know that there was another layer above the top level, which was a method that completely surpassed the seventh level... fusion of mystery.

The day of success is when the four sects of Changli are swept out of the Wuxiang Heaven.

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