Fortune Teller

Chapter 662: Three Cities and Five Levels

The top of the cloud sky.

The green figure looked down at the vast world, his eyes sparkling, "We have been planning for so long, and we have finally waited for this day."

"The four sects of Changli will not dare to enter the Wuxiang Heaven for at least a thousand years. At most, they will send some demon kings to harass them everywhere. However, this is also a good thing. Without the encouragement of strong enemies, the descendants of the human race will lose their support, which will be even more detrimental to their growth. "

Gu Xiuyun took a deep breath, feeling more relaxed than ever before.

There are two ways to save the human race. One is to send them to the small world of Qiankun, and the other is to continue to stay in Wuxiangtian.

Gu Xiuyun rejected the first item.

The small world of Qiankun has very little spiritual power. Once there, the human race will continue to decline, let alone resist the pursuit of the four Changli sects.

In addition, without the help of the heavenly sects, Gu Xiuyun alone would be far from being a match for the powerful master of True Inspiration and even the ninth-grade Patriarch. In that case, no one would help him. Once the ninth-grade patriarch comes in person, the human family will only fall.

As for Wuxiang Tian, ​​the power of the origin gathers, attracting all the sects of the heavens, and it also contains countless secret worlds and the inheritance of divine religions, and the major sects have been coveting it for a long time.

As long as Gu Xiuyun lets the various sects see his value, those sages will take the initiative to protect him, making the four Changli sects fearful and unable to kill him.

"It's time to go back!"

Gu Xiuyun stepped forward and returned to Hengjiang Kingdom in just a short moment.

Not long after, all the major sects arrived one after another.

Curiosity, fear, and a hint of expectation flashed in everyone's eyes. With Douxiao Realm cultivation level integrating the five elements, it can be seen that they have entered the threshold of fusion rules. If such powerful people can tell their own cultivation insights, it will be of great benefit to them. benefit.

"Fellow Taoist Xi Ming, I wonder if that black and white palm is...?"

Lei Chidao asked tentatively.

"This technique is called Five Elements Heaven-shaking Hand. There is a relic in the Five Elements Holy Land that records this technique." Gu Xiuyun explained, "If you want to practice it, you might as well go to the Five Elements Holy Land for a walk."

"The ruins of the Five Elements Holy Land!"

Everyone's faces were full of shock.

There are more than 700,000 relics in the Five Elements Holy Land, all of which were left behind when the Venerables of the Chessboard Realm attained enlightenment. The recorded Dharma Doors are also the ultimate Dharma Doors that are the source of the Five Elements.

Those methods are open to people to watch and read, but how many of them have actually practiced them? If you can integrate the origin of the five elements, you will have entered the realm of the venerable. How can you practice other people's methods?

Therefore, in the eyes of the world, those relics are not the inheritance of Taoism, but the way for the Venerable to demonstrate his power.

"Fellow Taoist Xi Ming, the mysteries of the five elements are difficult and unfathomable, and integrating the five mysteries is even more difficult than climbing to the sky. Can you give me some pointers?" Taoist Lei Chi hesitated for a moment and then asked.

Gu Xiuyun looked at everyone.

Thousands of powerful men from the sect, including Chu Weijun and Yu Xianzi, all had longing in their eyes.

"As the world often says, the Tao should not be taught lightly, but there is no harm in telling you some insights from practice." Gu Xiuyun nodded slightly.

Everyone looked happy and quickly held their breath and concentrated for fear of missing any words.

Almost all the practitioners present are following the path of the Five Elements. Even a few who have understood the mysteries of wind and thunder want to switch to the Five Elements.

For no other reason, it is much easier to step into the true artistic realm with the Five Elements than with Feng Lei.

With Gu Yue's talent, he had already integrated the mysteries of wind and thunder and mastered the third form, but he was still unable to understand the rules of wind and thunder, which shows how difficult it is.

People in the world don't dare to pursue the realm of the Venerable. It is enough if they can understand the rules of the Five Elements and step into the true realm!

"You all already know the way of creating and restraining the five elements. Today I will start from here..."

Gu Xiuyun talked eloquently, starting from the fifth-grade Tao Yun, to the sixth-grade Mysterious, and the seventh-grade Mysterious. He told it in detail, with almost no reservations.

This sincerity made the disciples of various sects grateful, and at the same time they admired his broadmindedness even more.

The Tao should not be taught lightly. Even within the sect, the elders of the masters would not easily teach the Tao, let alone instruct outsiders.

However, Gu Xiuyun did not hesitate at all.

"Everyone, practicing the Mysteries of the Five Elements as early as possible can indeed save a lot of effort, but you should not forget that the talent and understanding of the Douxiao Realm are far inferior to those of great ability. Instead of wasting time integrating the Mysteries of the Five Elements, it is better to concentrate on understanding the rules."

Gu Xiuyun said in a deep voice, "Having half-heartedness is a taboo on the path of cultivation. Don't be greedy for too much."

"Thank you, fellow Taoist."

Everyone nodded slightly.

In fact, even if most practitioners want to spend time integrating the mysteries of the Five Elements, they are unable to do so.

The five seven-grade mysteries are the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. It will take a long time to comprehend them all, unless they can step into the true realm and absorb the power of the massive source to increase their understanding tenfold or even a hundredfold.

"Fellow Taoist, the four sects of Changli have escaped from Wuxiangtian. Do the previous agreements still stand?" Taoist Lei Chi then asked, "Leiyun Pavilion wants to establish a station in Hengjiang Kingdom. As for the pills and other things, If it should be consumed, we are willing to bear it independently.”

"Leiyun Pavilion is a top sect. It is willing to accept the juniors of the human race as disciples. I am very happy."

Gu Xiuyun said with a smile, "In the next few years, I will build more human kingdoms in the Wuxiang Heaven. Pindao can supply formation materials and elixir books, but those low-level cave heavens need your help."

"Fellow Daoist Xi Ming is serious. Don't say it's a low-level cave, it's a second-class cave. If you want it, feel free to take it."

Everyone was smiling.

As of now, no one can see that Gu Xiuyun has paved the way for Zhutian Sect. No matter how the major sects establish branch sects in the future, the four Changli Sects will not be able to stop them.

In addition, Gu Xiuyun's strength has reached an incredible level. Who in the entire Wuxiang Heaven dares to go against him? Coupled with the grace of the evangelist's guidance, even the sect that had a grudge against Gu Xiuyun would not refuse this matter.

ten years after that.

The entire Wuxiangtian was full of vitality. Countless sects took action and wiped out all the monsters. A large number of mortals walked out of the city and spread all over the place.

Several major demon clan forces are also taking action. Although they are demon clans, the minimum threshold for accepting disciples is the Xuanxuan level demon king. In the eyes of the major forces, the low-level demon beasts in the world are no different from livestock. Of course I won't care.

The Qiankun Realm is originally the territory of the human race.

The place where demons thrive is in the endless void and special secret realms.

Over the past ten years, powerful human beings have emerged in large numbers, and a group of geniuses have gradually understood the secret technique of Tao Yun. To this end, the entire human kingdom has re-established national laws, split all aristocratic families, and divided practitioners into three cities and five levels.

Those at the lowest level can serve as teachers or martial arts instructors. Most of them are pulse-cleansing realm practitioners who have understood the three forbidden secrets.

Above it are the town order and the patrol, which can be held by those who understand the secrets of the four prohibitions. The town order is in charge of a small town, and the patrol is responsible for the safety near the town. One is in charge of the inside, and the other is in charge of the outside.

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